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Solar reflection in the sight of "Baraka" | солнечное отражения в прицеле "Барака".
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


If you look through the "Baraka" in the direction opposite to the sun, it will become too bright from the sun. But it works even when the sun misses the target (video).

Если смотреть через "Барака" в противоположную солнцу сторону, то он станет слишком ярким от солнца. Но это работает даже когда солнце не попадает в прицел (видео).


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 10 Home 64-bit (10.0, build 17763)
Steps To Reproduce


  1. Take the weapon with the "Barak" sight in your hands (or the sight itself).
  2. Go for cover, behind which the sun is not visible.
  3. Look in the direction opposite to the sun through the scope.


  1. Взять оружие с прицелом "Барака" в руки (или сам прицел).
  2. Зайти за укрытие, за которым не видно солнце.
  3. Посмотреть в противоположную солнцу сторону через прицел.
Additional Information

Most of the translation was translated using Google Translator, so it may not be accurate.

Большая часть перевода была переведена с помощью Google Translater'a, поэтому она может быть не точной.

Event Timeline

@Geez Any info on this? It’s a great sight, but this problem makes it almost useless.

Lex added a subscriber: Lex.Aug 26 2019, 4:40 PM

I also saved a video for this problem, I was going to open a ticket on this topic. Need Anti-glare effect on the glass for the sight "Baraka".

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Aug 27 2019, 11:27 AM

@EnterThePug Lol, does this really work? :D

I did not think that if you just throw the admin into the topic, something will change.

Geez changed the task status from Assigned to Acknowledged.Aug 27 2019, 3:05 PM

Hello Robert_Shepard.
The issue has been confirmed and scheduled for a fix.

@Robert_Shepard sometimes it works. Use it sparingly, though ;)

@Geez scheduled for a fix for what is close to an entire year now. Any updates?

Lex added a comment.Nov 2 2020, 11:37 PM

Unfortunately, this is not the whole list of problems for this scope.
This item has been added to the game for over a year now. Why do I throw it away when I find it?