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- User Since
- Apr 19 2020, 7:57 AM (254 w, 1 d)
Mar 16 2024
Arma 3 as a whole is old technology, but still worth the update ;)
Jan 22 2024
Here is another video of the issue, completely destroying FPS and stuttering when shooting near these large rocks, this time in Gabreta.
Here is another video of the issue, completely destroying FPS and stuttering when shooting near these large rocks, this time in Gabreta.
Jan 9 2024
bis_fnc_unflipVehicle has an undefined variable
Author: reyhard Description: Safely unflips selected vehicle
Dec 24 2023
Hopefully some hero dev can finally expose all the hidden Enoch and vanilla objects for EDEN users to use without having to create mod dependencies for assets already in the game:
Oct 31 2023
Incredibly useful, finally those scripted workarounds can be discarded and performance can improve as a result ;) Gonna be testing this asap
Aug 28 2023
Aug 27 2023
Jan 19 2023
There is another useful use case for an isDirect flag.
Oct 14 2022
Do your playable units groups/units have the "wake dynamically simulated objects" option ticked? Or "player triggerDynamicSimulation true;"
Sep 21 2022
I hear you too! Indeed a lot of things broke at least partially over the years and many things are still unfixed to this day. I jumped to Arma 3 from Arma 2 quite late and so for me the vanilla save system has never worked correctly/reliably in a MP environment.
As most complex and well developed MP missions and scenarios had to develop their own MP saving systems I would deduce that the reason for that is that the default saving system for Arma 3 is not MP compatible/optimized enough for it to be reliable/usable.
Sep 10 2022
Sep 7 2022
This still happens even in Reforger so don't get your hopes up =p
Ok this could to be perhaps related to the Ai not forgetting their old generated path? When teleported around the Ai will still try to device a path that uses their previous path point which is now very far away and that makes the process use a lot more resources. A solution could be that the setPos command always resets the Ai path which after being moved has to generate a completely new one (path) without considering their previous paths.
Sep 5 2022
Aug 29 2022
That would be so useful, to prevent physics bugs and even decreasing the negative performance impact of having many rocks with collision on a composition for example... hopefully it gets considered in the future.
Aug 26 2022
In the video >
It is pretty clear that the FPS drop is quite significant of -20/-40 FPSs...
This issue still happens extensively as of August 2022! Here is a video to clearly illustrate how and when it is happening so there is absolutely no doubt about it: >
Jul 28 2022
Jul 7 2022
Jun 20 2022
Jun 8 2022
This uniforms thing causes so many issues still to this day. I whish we could get the same treatment as Reforger for Arma 3 regarding uniforms (Just unlocked for all factions).
May 26 2022
May 25 2022
I wander if a vehicle touching (driving over) a dead body gets thrown into hyperspace when the awake command is used on that body at that specific time...
May 24 2022
May 22 2022
Having this would be awesome, another one is "[Feature Request] Forcing unit ragdoll despite it is playing an animation". You know when a unit playing a custom animation gets shot and killed but he still plays the animation even thou it is already dead.
May 19 2022
Apr 6 2022
Resolved, or wontResolve?
Mar 20 2022
This is really, trully, a godsend! Thank you KK!
Mar 19 2022
This was supposed to be fixed already!
Would be quite useful considering scripting missions that deal with mines is currently a pain in the "rear". =)
Mar 18 2022
If I remember correctly creating a rope from and to the same object was crashing the game before. Maybe that is why it was changed?
Mar 9 2022
Perhaps a work around could be for example a new "setTowParentStrong" command.
Jan 12 2022
The bug happens if the team leader dies. Then the group goes north and the current task is never completed (Clear Agia Marina).
Nov 10 2021
Oct 22 2021
I can confirm this. Nato Vehicles work, other factions don't.
We also need a disableCollisionWith "ALL" command. For example those complex rock collisions could be disabled for rocks on roofs of caves etc that players are never able to reach anyway and are for cosmetic purposes only.
Oct 13 2021
Having an action menu for opening a parachute is ancient by now. BI should change it to the F key... You are clearly in freefall animation and won't be shooting so the "Cycle Firemodes" key "F" is useless anyway. And once your parachute is open the F key returns to normal. That is called Context Keybinding and is very helpful for not having to bind different actions to different keys. When freefalling a small text should appear "Press F to open your chute".
Important update:
This is a huge issue and could be responsible for lots of the perceived stutters and sudden slowdowns A3 is so famous for.
Oct 7 2021
Very impressive repro and ticket, fully documented and even with suggestions on how to fix the issue.
This could be a pretty big issue. Does it happen 100% of the time under those conditions?
Sep 1 2021
Nice find Leopard, thank you for your efforts in finding, reproducing and then making tickets out of these issues that while small we all know that Arma needs all the performance improvements it can get no matter how small.
Aug 11 2021
Had this issue in Malden after adding those rocks manually via the EDEN Editor as regular objects (Not simple objects) but all simulations disabled on them.
Aug 7 2021
Wow, nice find Ansible2!
Jul 19 2021
Still an issue as of July 2021
Jul 15 2021
I've just found a mod that does this partially: It removes the useless actions of "EJECT" and "REARM", "LIGHT ON", "LIGHT OFF".
Jul 14 2021
What happens if you use _unit enableGunLights "forceOn"; during the day and later the night falls. (Do they turn the flashlights ON automatically or you have to issue the command again at night for it to work?)
Jul 1 2021
This happened to me as a host with 10 other players yesterday on the Stable branch.
Jun 8 2021
Very Annoying indeed
This would be awesome to have!
Jun 4 2021
Jun 2 2021
Jun 1 2021
May 30 2021
Probably the easiest and most feasible way to implement this feature. Thank you kju-PvPscene and lets hope a brave dev can claim this soon.
This would greatly benefit so many scenarios where the mission maker might require Ai units to revert back to their NON COMBAT behaviors faster or slower than the hardcoded default 5 minutes.
May 29 2021
May 27 2021
May 25 2021
May 19 2021
This still happens as of May 2021. Clearly a problem of the Ai's FSM routines that don't delay the orders enough. Units who where just given the order to dismount should wait until their state is no longer COMBAT for being given the mount order again.
May 10 2021
Confirmed I also still have this issue in Hosted Multiplayer. Usually the mission host is fine but one of the players complains about this issue on every session. Seems to happen to 1 or 2 players for every 10 players on the server.
Apr 28 2021
Must have.
Mar 15 2021
Well done! Thank you!
You are lucky it only fires twice. Just check how many times the HandleDamage EH fires on a single bullet.
Mar 10 2021
Happens on Agents too.
Feb 26 2021
I was part of this :) Thank you R3vo!
Jan 28 2021
This issue frustrated me so much that I just gave up on custom UIs for Arma 3. I hope this gets fixed and the GUI editor improved to usable leveles.
Nov 9 2020
Is this fixable?
Oct 30 2020
This is present in the latest RC as "Suppressed" entity Event Handler.
Oct 8 2020
Thank you Leopard for voicing some of us content creator's needs and requests here and on the Discord Channel. If this gets implemented the new features/gameplay improvements we could bring to Arma 3 are indeed many! And while there are a number of scripted solutions for this, none is both precise and/or performance friendly enough for large scale multiplayer.
+1 for this and +1 for Leopard.
Sep 2 2020
Very detailed and in depth post SuicideKing! There should be indeed a way for the engine to unload no longer used textures to free up memory usage or another method to handle DLC assets without CTDs or performance degradation... Also, 4K textures are the norm now.
This would be optimal, currently we are using performance heavy script just to achieve this... Great suggestion and I hope it gets implemented.
Jul 31 2020
Wow, that is great news @dedmen ! This will enable pretty cool scripts and mods to work better ;)
Jul 27 2020
Jul 23 2020
You forgot about how overwrites the value of setLightBrightness when clearly they are both different things.
Jul 20 2020
By things you mean the vehicle being tracked by the missile? Or the object that the missile is going towards? Because the bad things here are two: That the missile looses track a of target just because you lowered your viewdistance and the fact that if you shoot your rocket towards an object if you reduce your viewdistance the missile just goes randomly anywhere instead of the original direction of said object. If the missile looses an object it just needs to continue going straight towards the last known position of said object or the direction it was fired at and not any random direction or perhaps position [0,0,0].
Jul 19 2020
Thank you KK! This is very useful!
May 16 2020
Reason for some cases of Ai shooting at players they are not supposed to see through buildings?