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[Feature Request] Optional MP Optimized/abbreviated Save System
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In description.ext:
MPsaveFile = 1; // 0: disabled - 1: enabled. Default: 0

Result: When enabled, instead of using the standard saving method the mission will use a shortened, MP compatible version where it only saves:

  • Player's Location, Health, Inventory, Stats.
  • Vehicles the players are currently driving (their damage, ammo, fuel etc).
  • Editor placed and properly named vehicles also have their damage, ammo, fuel etc saved.
  • Global Variables and setVariable values for named units/vehicles/objects.

Otherwise on reload the objects are loaded as if the mission was started fresh.

That way hosted missions would have a method of saving without generating potential issues and even crashes related to the current save system saving every single detail about the mission including damaged buildings, opened doors etc etc.

Benefits: Stability, file size, MP QoL.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Latest as of November 2021
Feature Request
Steps To Reproduce

The current save system is widely regarded as Multiplayer and/or long missions incompatible due to the complexity and the amount of data it stores.

All it takes is for a few players to go around opening doors and damaging buildings to soon cause issues in file size, stability and usability of the current save system.

Specially the stability issues force mission makers to use scripted/modded solutions that often lead to new issues like stutters and/or poor user experience etc.

Additional Information

M3mory by Haleks is a modded attempt to recreate such "optimized" save system but it has several limitations. Still it is a good guideline:

Event Timeline

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.EditedNov 15 2021, 5:56 PM
dedmen claimed this task.
dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.

No, too much work too little gain