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Add unused coyote brown and khaki carrier rig textures.
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The carrier rig has unused textures in coyote brown and khaki brown (vests_khk_co.paa and vests_cbr_co.paa) which persist in the game files as a hidden texture, despite being useable as colors for the vest (as proven by the texture's use in mods). This could be done as was with the black carryall backpack hidden texture.


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Windows 10 x64
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NikkoJT added a subscriber: NikkoJT.Jan 3 2024, 3:52 PM

I'll always be in favour of making hidden texture variants into real items - especially for vests and helmets where setObjectTexture can't be used.

Agreed. There's really not a reason they shouldn't be added. There's other items too I'd like to see added back - but I don't want to push my luck lol

ModernistTT added a comment.EditedJan 3 2024, 7:25 PM

Yeah, I'm using a lot of those to make a faction pack composition for public Zeus. I don't think adding the hidden textures in-arsenal for stuff like uniforms which we can use SetObjectTexture on is necessary, but for things like headgear and vests, it's definitely necessary.

If I'm not mistaken there may be some combat helmet or ga carrier rig hidden textures as well.

Apparently also the light combat helmet as well;

Is anyone able to do this? Or is it not possible. Would love to see this in-game.

Is anyone able to do this? Or is it not possible. Would love to see this in-game.

Even the newest intern at BI can do it, they just don't want to. Maybe their motto is: The less content the base game has, the more dlc we can sell?

Hopefully not because that mentality is killing far bigger companies. Gamers in their 30s and 40s are just not stupid enough to be milked that way

There's plenty of content not in game that could be added pretty easily. Hopefully more items will get the same treatment as the Black Carryall. Especially since new vests and headgear would be far more useful than a black backpack.

Yep, ditto for the woodland/sage/black combat fatigues and the various guerilla garments. But again, don't wanna push my luck lol. At least those are accessible via setobjecttexture.

Would be open to creating the arsenal icon for this. Really want to see it added.