It would be optimal for gameplay that we get a script command to alter (to a degree, lets say 2 times what it is now and up to 0.5 times for the reduction) the range, intensity and/or focus of the gun's flashlight so that I can reach further for example.
Current values can only be changed via modding and most players consider that the flashlights illumination range is too short in Arma 3 compared to other similar games and also real life footage.
Something like: "_unit setGunLightsRange 1.5;" or a combination of "Intensity" and "Focus" could be added so that mission makers can adapt and use the flashlights on a more varied conditions and scenarios types reliably.
Horror focused mission could benefit from reducing the range and other values too so it really goes both ways.
I understand that this could yield performance degradation but since it would be just for players then the impact would still be minimal and certainly a lot less than using script based mods to achieve the same result.