Okay. This constant loop of radial menu is great and... Radial menu is shit without any reasons given what so ever is the worst kind of feedback any one could ever give. And it's shitting me off because your a bunch of useless fools-(other, stronger words would like to be said).
Learn how to give proper CONSTRUCTIVE feedback people, or else your just being useless and wasting time. Sure any kind of feedback is still feedback, but can you possibly be any worse at helping BI make the game better?
This is what this tracker is for. It's for US to HELP BI make the game BETTER for US!!!
How much do you fools want to kicks yourself in the testicles more times and be even more useless to yourself. You want a better game? Then help make to game better and stop your complaining and spend the same time you spend being a useless fool on a FEEDBACK tracker and give proper, constructive FEEDBACK!
Rant over. Now on the the constructive stuff
This is my view on the radial menu as a designer, taking into thought of how Arma works. This will be constructive, this is how ALL feedback should be.
The radial menu is bad (for Arma).
This is why.
Since Arma's actions are always changing because not all options are available at all times, this makes is, nigh on impossible to have consistent options (unless the unused ones are blanked out, then I'd ask, what the hell are there doing unusable options taking up precious screen real-estate?), which then make it impossible to build muscle memory, which then make it very difficult to make your choice extremely quickly with confidence. And with a game where every choice matters what you do down to the micro-seconds then why give your players doubt on what choices they know they want to do and what they think they are going to select and I very highly doubt that you'd want to doubt your you are doing with a game that requires such precision.