I just tried and I cannot reproduce it anymore. It might have been a one-time glitch, or an update fixed it, but it is definitely no longer there.
Sorry for the false alarm.
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Can confirm. MFD sources "visionMode" and "flirMode" are using the observer's modes (i.e. with head-mounted NVG's visionMode switches to NVG), probably because the MFD (unlike the PIP screen) does not have a reference to the turret and cannot take such. Proposal would be to add turret[] possibilities to the MFD's so they can use the right turret optic as reference. That could also clean up the dreadful sourceIndex selection for ammo and ammoFormat sources.
Apr 19 2021
Sep 18 2020
This also affects setCaptive, if a unit still has its weapon it will attack the player if green is hostile to their faction.
Sep 12 2020
Mar 15 2019
The same is true for the state of the doors. Open/close are more or less random on dedicate server.
Oct 15 2018
Aug 22 2018
Also, if this is intended behavior (which I don't really understand the reason for) then Eden should reject the synchronization, and not create one that will deliver a completely useless result.
May 11 2018
Well AI gets stuck because they have trouble turning around on the road. I have, however, seen the same problem multiple times in missions. Every time a convoy gets attacked, they try to get back to their point of origin. That behavior is pretty consistent.
May 4 2018
Test mission for this problem
Mar 25 2018
Feb 17 2018
Oct 23 2017
Sep 8 2017
Aug 20 2017
Jul 28 2017
Jun 23 2017
Extra: Animations have a "lockCargo" feature:
May 8 2017
Apr 16 2017
Mar 31 2017
Feb 24 2017
Nov 12 2016
Oct 3 2016
Aug 21 2016
Jun 23 2016
Extra info: It apparently works with the Prowler and the MB 4WD, but not e.g. with the armed offroad or the Marshall APC.
Jun 17 2016
Jun 3 2016
Might or might not be related to T116959
May 27 2016
Update: Apparently the freezing effect goes away if the diver is healed, but if the diver is already swimming and gets injured enough, then he is frozen again. It looks like it is trying to use an animation that isn't there. I guess limping shouldn't be done underwater.
May 10 2016
I had this as well, although it was random and the next time we played the same mission it didn't happen. Units would get stuck at a waypoint for a couple of minutes (two or so) before continuing on. This was on a dedicated server as well.
Extra info: No error/crashes reported, it just sits there waiting.
Agreed, this bug is ridiculously annoying.
Great :)
But whats stopping you from making some notes of the settings or taking a
screenshot, it's really easy compared to many other things that need to be done
to create a good mission.
You would have to do this every time you test. In the lifestream, someone said that if Arma had an external editor and you have to wait until the game starts up, he wouldn't have gone into making missions. This is a similar case. Every time you test, you need to reset all the parameters, since AI behaviour and player perception changes dramatically depending on weather.
Why don't you take a screenshot of the weather settings (it is only one
settings page), clear all weather settings, modify the mission, look at the
screenshot and recover the weather settings? I think, it is not that hard :)
Why don't you use a text editor to edit your missions? I think, it is not that hard :)
Just tried it, that works for me. Select all units, then right click on one and chose "Attributes"
This command exists: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/is3DENMultiplayer
I think that is something different, namely to find out whether you are editing a single- or multiplayer-mission. See the small icon next to the "addons" icon on the bottom right of your screen.
I see.
But Miller certainly has its own head model, and from what I could see the Arma 2 characters arent't very different from the Arma 3 characters, config-wise.
I haven't ever tried if a setIdentity on a predefined character from Arma 2 worked; it might be that there the selection of identity was "final".
But you will know better than me :)
*sigh* Do you even know what I am talking about?
I *am* a modder. I did, among other things, the CUP Weapon pack. In that pack, we have a number of eastern weapons like AK's, Bizon, Saiga12k and others that all use Dovetail side mounts. Dovtail mounts are made in such a way that you can still peek underneath them to see the weapon's original iron sights. These optics do not have a backup sight, since the original weapon's iron sight fills that purpose.
Now, the problem is, a Dragunov is very different from an AK-74 or a Bizon. Putting a memory point in the memory LOD of the optic is out of question, it will never align properly with the iron sights of the weapon. Therefore, it would be nice if modders could specify that the original 'eye' point of the weapon's memory LOD could be used instead, making such sights usable AND accurate.
I hope that makes my point clear
Of course you can, but by that argumentation, you don't need backup sight. I don't want to have to remove the PSO-1 from an AK all the time I go into close quarter, it's neither realistic nor practical.
And I am referring to mod weapons because there are no Dovetail mounts in the base game, last time I checked.
I am getting a similar situation. I start Buldozer, it pops up the viewer window but the "Searching External Viewer" window stays. If I don't do anything, it will eventually fail.
However, when I press Alt-Tab once then press LWin-Tab to bring up the list of windows, I see a "Viewer Search" window pop up from time to time in the list. When I click that while it is visible, the viewer connects and shows the correct model.
This is under Windows 10.
Edit: Per request, moved this to a separate ticket http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27026
Spreadsheet with all missions FHQ has done. Red lines are missions that appear in only one workshop (the wrong one)
On stable branch 1.44 I get "any".
I had this happen to me during multiplayer a few times, weapon would reload a new magazine, magazine icon would be visible in the inventory UI, but the magazine had no ammo left in it. Reloading again would cause the next magazine to be empty too, until no more ammo is left.
No idea under which circumstances this happened. I have no way of reliably reproducing it.
Extra info: Attaching a muzzle attachment like a silencer and removing it again will cause the right muzzle flash to pop up.
Extra note: The test.bio2s will overwrite the file (in hindsight, not a good idea for a testcase; the script is taken straight out of my Blender plugin), so you might want to keep a backup :)
I noticed this bug many times, especially when using revive scripts. The affected medic will run around endlessly repeating the "healing beep" sounds, and will be unable to use any doors, enter vehicles, or heal anyone. With an addon that allows opening doors by keypress I can open doors, but the stuff is gone from the action menu.
REALLY needs a fix ASAP
Interesting, when I read that post initially, that message wasn't there.
Same problem
added more crash files. Tried it with both stable and the diag exe, crash logs attached as Arma 2 Terrain crashes.7z
Re-Post of http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=7043
This needs to change. As it is now, you can only determine what your firemode WAS; not what it currently IS. You have to scroll through all the fire modes to get back to the one you may have wanted.
The alternative ("check the fire lever") doesn't work if:
- it is dark
- the lever is non-functgional
- the lever is not visible (as is the case with most bullpup weapons)
- The UGL is selected. Some weapons flip up the GL sight when the UGL is selected, but that requires an actual flip-up sight (as opposed to the quadrant sight most of the default weapons use).
In other words, there is no way to find out what your weapon's fire mode is at any given moment, other than going Heisnberg on it.
Things get even worse with grenades. Because of this ticket http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=9957 cycling through all your grenades might not be an option AT ALL. Let's look at the squad leader:
Frag grenade -> IR Grenade -> Smoke Shell (White) -> Smoke Shell (Green) -> Smoke Shell (Blue) -> Smoke Shell (Orange) -> Chemlight (green)
That's 7 different grenades, and you have to make sure you don't accidentally throw one of them.
Bottom line, there HAS to be a way to check your current fire mode/grenade selection. Since the display fades out, there MUST be a way to get it back to look at it. All arguments about the HUD not being available in real life are void, there are possibilities in real life that you don't have in the game (like, feeling the lever, knowing what grenade you have in your hand, or knowing if your hand is on the normal or the UGL trigger). As it is now, it is only possible to find out vital data through a prolonged process that can cost you your virtual life, and that is IMO an unacceptable situation.
Anyone who downvoted this ticket should actually take the time to PLAY the game.
Just tried it, it's not happening anymore. This bug was for the old version of AddonBuilder with the traditional windows interface, I suppose things changed with the new one :)
Great :)
Confirmed to be working in the latest stable build. HOWEVER, the waypoints still do not work as expected, see this http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17829