Some characters like the one from "Men (Story)", for example Kerry or Miller, have a pre-defined identity. Setting them up as a player in the editor erases that identity in favor of the player's settings.
In Arma 2, this was not the case.
Some characters like the one from "Men (Story)", for example Kerry or Miller, have a pre-defined identity. Setting them up as a player in the editor erases that identity in favor of the player's settings.
In Arma 2, this was not the case.
Using "setIdentity" works if done after mission start.
During my own experiments, I had a unit encoded with the following init event handler:
init = "(_this select 0) setIdentity ""CUP_Miles"";";
The identity was not set. However, when I moved the line into a script file and changed the init event handler to
init = "[_this select 0, ""CUP_Miles""] execvm ""\path\to\script.sqf"";";
the identity was set correctly. So it would seem that the init even handler is executed before the player identity is applied.
The issue is a bit more complex than it seems (as already the additional note proves) - when You start a mission, there go several changes of faces:
That means we may possibly change the faces using execVM, but that could possibly collide with all mission scripts and provide strange results (including for example the East Wind campaign).
Just a side note, it worked well in A2 because story characters had their own head models with no selections to change the face on.
I see.
But Miller certainly has its own head model, and from what I could see the Arma 2 characters arent't very different from the Arma 3 characters, config-wise.
I haven't ever tried if a setIdentity on a predefined character from Arma 2 worked; it might be that there the selection of identity was "final".
But you will know better than me :)