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Mar 15 2023
Mar 13 2023
Mar 6 2023
Uff :/
Its crashing inside profiling code so easy solution would be, don't run Profiling build and it will stop crashing :D
Mar 1 2023
The jets issue is actually completely separate and has two bugs in it that break it.
Selected Audio Output: Headset Earphone (Arctis 7 Chat) - Channels: 1, Freq: 48000
Can you try setting your headset to stereo?
Also there are known issues with USB Headsets on Windows 10/11, I think this is a USB Headset? Maybe try with a non-USB audio output
The latest crash reports inside your uploaded file are from 24th january.
In general the latest file in there is from 11th feburary and there everything was absolutely fine.
13:16:50 DX11 error : CreateTexture2D failed : DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED
13:16:50 DX11 - device removed - reason: DXGI_ERROR_DRIVER_INTERNAL_ERROR
13:16:50 DX11 error : CreateTexture2D failed : DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED
13:16:50 DX11 - device removed - reason: DXGI_ERROR_DRIVER_INTERNAL_ERROR
Headset (JLab Studio Pro Hands-Free AG Audio) - Channels: 1, Freq: 16000
"The cloud operation was unsuccessful"
Thats an error with microsoft OneDrive.
Type it into google to find fixes, most likely turn off OneDrive
Looking at your RPT being spammed with
I see how you set variables and such.
Problem, how to set a CODE type variable, if CODE type is used to identify a method
Please attach the actual crash report like described here: https://feedback.bistudio.com/w/ft_a3_howto/gamecrash/
canVehicleCargo doesn't just depend on the class
It also depends on the mass (which can be adjusted per instance by script), the other cargo inside the vehicle, if there is space in the vehicle (for this the model needs to be loaded to check the memory points)
so you'd essentially have to spawn a invisible vehicle internally, run the check against it and delete it again.
https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/lockCameraTo may be used as workaround. But you'd have to spam it, and it would need a unit in the seat
Your windows profile/user name could not be found
As a workaround you can use the -name= start parameter, to set your name manually
Feb 28 2023
Feb 13 2023
Feb 9 2023
ScriptError inside a config file indeed.
It happened so early in the game start that the world didn't exist yet. And eventhandlers are stored in the world, and we added a ScriptError eventhandler
Jan 30 2023
Jan 24 2023
set modifierBlocking=0 to disable the blocking
Jan 23 2023
blurpy blurp blurp please ignore
next dev
Jan 20 2023
Jan 19 2023
Fixed next week dev branch and profiling branch, BUT not in 2.12
Too risky to change AI behaviour here, we'll leave this dev/prof only till 2.14
What a rabbit hole did you sent me into here uff.
There are two problems.
- The sensor takes radarTargetSize into account like you wrote. However that only applies to a signal being sent out, bouncing off an object and then coming back to the sender. Here it should be the pure sending range, we don't care about any bounce back. This had cut the range from 16km down to 12.8km
- Even if any sensor detects a target, if its out of visual range, all sensor results are ignored. This will be the main bug. Even if radar gets through fog and is received by passive sensor, the results are ignored because fog is blocking eyesight of the target.
Jan 18 2023
dev next week
This seems to be ntentional. I don't know why. Someone a long time ago notd "strange issues" when we delete them. So we'll leave it be.
Jan 17 2023
drop [ [(getModelInfo player)#1, 1, 0, 1], "", "SpaceObject", 1, 10, [0, 0, 1.85], [0, 0, 0], 0, 1, 0.785, 0, [1], [[1, 1, 1, 1]], [1], 0, 0, "", "", quad, 0, false, -1, [], [vectorDir quad vectorMultiply -1, vectorUp quad] ];
next dev branch
Hand grenade hit is direct, fall damage isn't. I guess that's right
Jan 16 2023
dev branch this week
Added "direction" source to Weapon, please report if it works, I'm not testing it.
Dev-branch this week
The wiki is wrong, "direction" is only compatible with "Transport" vehicles. The wiki description also says "The orientation of the vehicle", a weapon is not a vehicle.
How it returns a steadily increasing value I don't understand, it shouldn't exist at all.
A towing vehicle doesn't know its towing anyone, and it also could be towing multiple, so there returning one towed vehicle wouldn't make sense.
getTowParent only works on the towed vehicle
Jan 12 2023
The selection does exist, it just doesn't have any points in it.
It's a selection in the model that has no vertices assigned to it, its empty, its invalid.
Thats what the error says, no points, and the error is correct, there are no points and the returned position is also 0,0,0
We will trim whitespace on preset creation, so you cannot create ones that end with whitespace anymore.
And also fix that deletion thing in case you somehow manually create one :D
dev branch next week
Step 3 "restart" launcher is important, if launcher is not restarted after creating the preset, then deleting works fine.
test space preset.preset2 no repro
test space .preset2 repro
Nevermind I thought I fixed it but didn't.
But I cannot reproduce this with JIP
Jan 10 2023
Are you using a USB headset? try without it.
On one hand I'd say this is expected because terrain objects are streamed in/out.
But, why doesn't this always happen when hiding forests using the editor hideObject module?
It is available in the profiling binary, when you get that error it means you are not running the profiling binary.
Keep in mind that perf/prof branch by default runs the "performance" binary
Please take a look at this and see if it fixes it for you: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Unusual_process_exit#0xC0000135_-_STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND
We now have ammo explode eventhandler. Which will fire just before the mine explodes (within the same frame).
That would be what you described, but it doesn't provide the unit that triggered it, and you cannot prevent the actual explosion with it (but you didn't say that you wanted that)
This should be fixed, it was a temporary problem on profiling branch, can you confirm?
This is unlikely, the difficulty system dates back alot of years and is thus not easily extended
Was crash on dev or profiling, is fixed now
Please give some feedback for how well this is working.
There is still time to fix issues, but not much.
Since we now have arbitrary number of UI on Texture displays, this doesn't have priority anymore (IMO) so I'll just leave this open and we won't do it.
Unless you can give me an argument why its still needed even with UIOnTexture feature being there.
Released to main steam branch today
Jan 9 2023
Fixed profiling v11 and next dev
Dec 9 2022
Line 89 in the SQM says it has 231 entities. But there are only 230 Item classes below it.
If you set items=230 all is fine.
Dec 8 2022
We figured out what's going on.
It looks like, end of last week, Valve added a limit of 1000 items to a API method that we use.
If you have more than 1000 subscribed workshop items it will now just fail and not even tell us what's wrong.
We will implement a workaround, See #arma3_launcher channel on discord.gg/arma to stay updated.
if !(_isMan> 16:52:53 Error >>: Type Config entry, expected String 16:52:53 File /temp/bin/A3/Functions_F/Spawning/fn_spawnGroup.sqf..., line 127
Well as it says, expects string, not config entry
Dec 7 2022
Its generally key combo's.
If you press a combo with modded keybindings, the game blocks the main key, so CTRL+W, SHIFT+W, ALT+W , while held, will block all actions that only have W key assigned.