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Not able to start the game.
Feedback, NormalPublic


Hello there,
Im unable to boot up the game from launcher via steam.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Game Startup
Steps To Reproduce

Whenever i try to start the game (via Steam) The launcher opens, everything looking good. If i press play it starts to process for ~10 seconds and then i got a error window with [arma3_x64.exe - system fail] They recomend to reinstall the game (already did so). If i press Ok on the first window then second pops up with 0xC0000135 - STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND

Event Timeline

Ondra128 created this task.Dec 21 2022, 9:24 AM
Tenshi added a subscriber: Tenshi.Dec 21 2022, 1:06 PM

Hello, i checked your crashlogs but 2 of them are from 3 months ago and the remaining one is from at least 2 weeks ago.
Unless you've had this problem for a long period i would need some more recent crashfiles to investigate.
Can you check your crashfile folder a for the most recent .rpt and .mdmp of the same date?

Oh sorry, It was the most newly updated file. Heres the newest file

dedmen changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 10 2023, 5:45 PM
dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.