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Cannot click on LAN menu option when S.O.G. Prairie Fire DLC is enabled
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The menu option 'LAN' under Multiplayer>Server Browser refuses to open when the S.O.G. Prairie Fire DLC and its menu type is enabled.

The Arma 3 user interface 'click' sound effect can still be heard when attempting to select the option, but does not correspond to the menu opening.

All other menu options under Multiplayer>Server Browser work as intended - just not LAN.


Unable To Duplicate
Unable To Reproduce
Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Ingame UI
Steps To Reproduce


Additional Information

When pressing the 'enter' key to select the 'LAN' menu option, it occasionally opens the LAN server host menu, but not the server browser.

Event Timeline

cojoes created this task.Nov 29 2022, 10:20 AM

Is there some way to change the UI back to vanilla while still having S.O.G. Prairie Fire enabled?

I was unable to reproduce the issue. Please upload the RPT file from session where you had the issue.

You can enable vanilla main/multiplayer menus in game options.


due to insufficient information and/or our team not being able to reproduce this issue, we will close this ticket.
If you have additional information and/or in the unfortunate event that (part of) the issue persists, please open a new ticket and include a link to this one.

Thank you very much and best regards,
Bob Murphy

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.Jan 10 2023, 2:43 PM
dedmen claimed this task.
dedmen changed Resolution from Open to Unable To Duplicate.