Vehicles damaged underwater become permanetly disabled
I tried a number of things to "wake" the vehicle up
Vehicles damaged underwater become permanetly disabled
I tried a number of things to "wake" the vehicle up
I believe this also happens on land when a vehicle is placed somewhere, for example "vehicle setVehiclePosition [[XYZ], [], 0, "NONE"]; (XYZ with Z: height ATL =0)
This sounds very similar. Not sure, it happens rarely and for my means to analyze, randomly. I described in the link below, in case helpful.
The only solution I have is to replace by a scripted function checking vehicles every few secs:
"vehicle engineon true; -> sleep 0.1; If (not isengineon vehicle) then {moveout crew, delete vehicle, create new with same crew and stored vars}"
The only solution I have is to replace by a scripted function checking vehicles every few secs:
this is not a solution and this wont work for drowned vehicles as teh damage seems to be permanent
Cars fixed in 150293
vehicle engineon true; does not work, isEngineOn turns false after that.
Is this intended behaviour? Don't seems the case reading above
Any workaround? Depending on mission type it may not be so "minor" issue byt somewhat annoying
Any workaround?
veh setDamage 0
veh setHitpointDamage ["hitEngine", 0]
should now work