all crashes are in render system. It can be caused by not up to date graphic drivers or DX11 drivers. Do you have all drivers up to date? Do you have overclocked graphic card?
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Arma 3 Activity
Jun 3 2019
I have checked logs. It shows 0x0000DEAD message. This message is very general and it can be caused from various reasons. Do you have all drivers up to date?
could you please try with these command line parameters?
thx for the report. Our programmers will look on your crashfiles.
this should be fixed in next update of Steam devbranch. Thanks for the report.
So the AI has started healing own wounds...
thx for the report. We will look on it.
I can't reproduce this issue on my pc and on my notebook. Is it possible to try it with different headphones if is not hw issue?
I can't reproduce in latest builds so I hope that it will gone. It should be fixed in devbranch update this week.
My god, really? After all these years? :)
We'll see, then.
could you please attach logs to this ticket? Here is guide how to do it: https://feedback.bistudio.com/w/ft_a3_howto/gamecrash/
this issue should be fixed in next update of the game.
In T72632#966699, @MadDogX wrote:Duplicate of #3613. Please search before posting.
Care to post a direct link?
In T63797#837982, @MadDogX wrote:Duplicate of #3613.
Jun 2 2019
I would like to ask a question when ever a helicopter lifts or files close or lands my game crashes no matter the circumstance it comes up with status access violation it looks to be very rare but ive seen acouple of other people have this problem and noone knows how to fix it is there anything I can do ? I have unstalled the game twice Ive played it mulitplayer, singleplayer, with mods, without mods, and nothing has helped, reinstalled the 2013 C++ thing aswell drivers are up to date and direct X seems to me good. more info
maybe you can take a look here https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Unusual_process_exit to see if your error is included in that list and try out the proposed fixes
I'm having the exact same issue on the server I run. I also used to have the same problem with ALiVE too in hosted MP, but I think that was actually using up all 8GB of my memory. The current issue with the dedicated server crashing is not due to lack of memory however. The server has 24GB allocated to it on a 32GB VPS and is crashing while only using ~6GB.
Jun 1 2019
May 31 2019
Which helicopters do you enter and in Singleplayer or Multiplayer?
When you crash, the game will most of the time generate crash dumps and logs that can be analyzed to find out why it crashed.
.RPT logs + dump files can be found in %localappdata%\Arma 3\. Take note of the date your game crashes and compare it with the date stamp of the dump files.
By placing them in a compressed archive and dragging and dropping it here, you can upload them for the developers.
May 30 2019
In T139715#1875837, @Asphronix wrote:
May 29 2019
@Astaroth may be close this ticket as obsolete?
@Astaroth may be close this ticket as obsolete?
@Astaroth may be close this ticket as obsolete?
@Astaroth hi
Now, Slammer have 120mm Cannon
Now, you can add two Twin Cannon 20mm
@Astaroth may be close this ticket as obsolete?
In T127065#1652727, @Wulf wrote:Hello.
Thank you for the report we will have a look at it.
Was fixed.
@Astaroth please close this ticket too
Hi I was not clear on this I don't think. Im Talking about the z axis in this UI box not the waypoint itself. The actual waypoint z axis will save but the UI z axis that tells the ai the hold altitude will not save. Set a height in the ui box, save mission, reload the save and check the ui box again its reset to -1. Checked on dev and stable and has always been like this as far as I can tell.
thanks for confirmation.
thanks for the confirmation.
thanks for confirmation.
We will fix this one, thank you!
Thx for confirmation.
Thx for confirmation.
@Astaroth i think issue was been resolved.
Duplicates T127680
@Astaroth i think issue was been resolved.
@Astaroth i think issue was been resolved.
@Astaroth i think issue was been obsolete.
@Astaroth i think issue was been resolved.
AAF have Hellcat
@Astaroth i think issue was been resolved.
Now, Cheetah/Tigris have 8 AA Rockets
Now we have:
- H_ShemagOpen_tan
- H_ShemagOpen_khk
@Astaroth i think issue was been resolved.
All the items listed now have the correct editor previews.
It has been fixed in the latest update.
Here is an example of the error message in the Eden Editor Arsenal. Note that faces, voices, and patches are not available for selection.