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- User Since
- Apr 25 2017, 1:03 PM (407 w, 6 d)
Jul 27 2021
Unfortunately this issue is related to the ACE Arsenal and how it loads loadouts that contain protected assets. You've already contacted them and informed them about the issue, so you'll need to wait until you hear back from them about a fix.
May 25 2021
Unrelated to the setUnconscious command here is a 100% reproducible ragdoll desync situation using only two players and a helicopter.
May 14 2021
May 11 2021
The SOGPF Warlords mission does not edit upon the original Warlords functionality or framework, therefore major changes to the game mode won't be possible as they are outside the scope of the CDLC.
May 9 2021
The implementation was made at the request of the publisher.
Although it may seen counterintuitive it is one of the compromises that had to be made to have them available for players and mission creators.
This is intended behavior, if you'd like the melee weapons to be available in the arsenal in your missions then add the following to your missions description.ext file
vn_arsenalShowMelee = 1;
Information about the issue has been passed on to the localization manager.
Thanks for the report, I'll have a poke around and see if I can see what's causing this issue.
Mar 4 2021
You can choose:
Never, 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour.
In the auto save dropdown box.
Feb 26 2021
Issue is fixed and working correctly on development branch in the duplicated private ticket.
Feb 12 2021
A duplicate private ticket with information about the fix for this issue is,
Apr 30 2020
Turns out I accidently left this comment as a draft and forgot to publish it almost a year ago. whoops.
This is my current work around that solves the issue. Although it won't be the exact fix for this issue and there is probably a more optimized version, it does show how I've gotten around the issue.
This sounds similar to an issue I brought up back in June 2019 in regards to the arsenal and it's marking of premium items,
Mar 25 2020
Error also occurred with controllers, tested on DEV and does not occur any more.
Tested with an Xbox One X Controller
Game version - 1.99.146224
Dec 19 2019
Tested mission and buildings are not moved at all now, they remain in their position and do not appear to be affected by the attachTo command.
Jul 27 2019
Jun 18 2019
Here is a 100% repeatable way to not only get this error (Code 1) but to also get the expected outcome (Code 2).
Jun 12 2019
The second screenshot shows that they are still premium items and still show adverts on the screen.
Jun 5 2019
May 29 2019
All the items listed now have the correct editor previews.
It has been fixed in the latest update.
May 28 2019
May 24 2019
Here is some more items that have empty editor previews.
May 23 2019
May 17 2019
Sep 14 2017
Sep 9 2017
This has been in the game for a while as this was happening to me over a year ago. Hopefully, this gets fixed sooner rather than later.