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- Jul 9 2015, 3:50 AM (500 w, 6 d)
May 3 2022
This can probably be closed.
@dedmen, I'm not sure if you're actually working on this or not, but it still happens to me on the rare occasion. Though, since I've built a new PC with an NVMe M.2 it happens far less. My friend who has Arma installed on a mechanical hard drive still experiences it quite often, apparently he has like a 98% chance of it happening if he alt-tabs while the game is loading past the splash screens.
Apr 9 2022
Feb 14 2022
So the same thing happened 3 more times, and I checked the Windows event viewer and apparently it was a display driver crash each time. This makes no sense as I'm able to run MSI Kombustor without incident, but I guess it's not the game causing it so I suppose disregard this report.
Dec 16 2021
Nov 12 2021
Alright, so I got back around to testing this and I see my mistake about assuming the EH handled the occupants as well. If I disable damage on the crew then shooting the RPG does nothing.
I believe this to be a duplicate of T75410, which has been resolved.
Sep 28 2021
It appears to be functioning correctly in development branch. I take it this will be included in the next major update to stable and profiling branches?
Jun 4 2021
@BIS_fnc_KK Right click on unit -> "Edit Loadout"
May 20 2021
May 11 2021
Just a suggestion, it would probably be a good idea to make a Wiki article explaining more about the performance branch. I've read over the OP of Dwarden's thread on the forums in the past and searched for info on the wiki and still had no idea exactly what the performance branch actually entailed. I was also unaware that there was a changelog for it on the official Discord, so thank you for the link, good to know.
May 9 2021
May 5 2021
Not sure if I should open a new ticket for this or not, but the new feature doesn't appear to work fully.
Aug 14 2020
How in the hell has this not been fixed yet?
Apr 15 2020
@Wulf This is still reproducible in the 1.98 update that released yesterday.
Feb 28 2020
@Wulf I'm still able to reproduce the bug with the following mission in hosted MP on dev branch.
Jan 18 2020
Had another one happen shortly after that I forgot to upload earlier.
Jan 9 2020
Sep 23 2019
Sep 12 2019
Note that it's possible to force the module onto the shed by putting other copies of the module on all the cargo containers; However, once you launch the mission the module on the shed gets applied to one of the cargo containers again.
@Wulf It's been almost a year and this is still broken. The "Enable Damage" checkbox is also affected. The problem as far as I can tell is that the code is executed locally to the host. The below workaround is why I believe that.
Jul 9 2019
Jul 1 2019
Turned out the Nimitz Experimental Build mod was causing it in my case. I find it strange that a mod was able to cause an error related to memory without actually using up all the allocated memory.
Jun 2 2019
I'm having the exact same issue on the server I run. I also used to have the same problem with ALiVE too in hosted MP, but I think that was actually using up all 8GB of my memory. The current issue with the dedicated server crashing is not due to lack of memory however. The server has 24GB allocated to it on a 32GB VPS and is crashing while only using ~6GB.
May 25 2019
May 23 2019
@Wulf It appears to be doing it in fullscreen as well now. If it helps with reproducability, it appears to happen when I alt-tab out and then accidentally alt-tab back in before the game can recognize it's been alt-tabbed out of; Due to lack of available physical memory the game has a hard time minimizing when I alt-tab.
Mar 20 2019
@BlackShot could possibly be a Nvidia or Windows 10 problem then I guess.
Mar 4 2019
Pretty sure this is a duplicate of T123655.
@BISWizard, is there no way to develop an in-house solution or nag at Valve to fix the issue?
Feb 7 2019
I just realized that I never mentioned this but the game doesn't immediately crash. When I tab back in and it gets blocked by another window the game turns to a black screen and needs to be killed with task manager. With the crash dump in my last post I had enough time to reopen the launcher before killing the game with task manager and the launcher still acted like the game had crashed and not been simply closed.
@Wulf I'm using fullscreen. Fullscreen-windowed has the flaw of blocking me from accessing the desktop in Windows 10, which I believe is Microsoft's fault and not BI's, otherwise I would be using it.
Jan 13 2019
@Wulf It's still occurring, it seems. I've updated my graphics driver and I don't use the steam overlay.
Jan 1 2019
Dec 10 2018
Multiply that by 10.
These ones are from "B_CargoNet_01_ammo_F". It happens even when I first start the mission and go right into Zeus, place the box and double click it.
Dec 4 2018
Sep 23 2018
Still experiencing crashes.
Sep 12 2018
Unfortunately I don't have that RPT file anymore due to the automatic log rotation.
Sep 8 2018
Realized this is a duplicate of T83382
@Alwin I take it this isn't going to ever be implemented? Would be quite useful for a lot of mods. CBA managed to find a workaround but there are other mods that aren't able to assign mouse buttons as inputs.
Sep 7 2018
Aug 22 2018
Mar 20 2018
Jan 24 2018
Here's a demonstration of the issue using @jgaz-uk's test mission:
Jan 23 2018
Sep 15 2017
Have also experienced this. Very annoying. The whole point of pausing the game is so I can go AFK or alt-tab without my plane crashing into stuff. If I recall correctly this happens when entering Zeus and possibly the map as well (map might have been fixed already).
Sep 12 2017
Jul 8 2017
Any progress made on this?
I filed this ticket 7 months ago and it seems like no one at BI has even tried to reproduce it.
Apr 21 2017
Here's my Arma 3 profile vars file which I believe contains my saved loadouts, in case it's caused by something more complex and you need it to reproduce the issue.
Apr 20 2017
Apr 3 2017
Feb 9 2017
This also shows up along with the "Binarize task failed." error mentioned in the original post:
I've edited the title of this thread to better describe the issue.
Having the problem yet again, this time with a different mod. Building the mod without binarization works fine. I don't see why this still isn't fixed.
Jan 30 2017
Jan 10 2017
Just discovered that it might happen persistently when joining the server after the mission has started, but not when JIP'ing the mission if already connected to the server. So I apologize if this is in the wrong thread.
I just started experiencing this today on Dev branch with the 64-bit build on my server and huge pages enabled. Been experiencing it on two separate mission files I made myself. It seems to only happen to me when the mission has already started (JIP). It doesn't always happen but once it does it will happen consistently until the mission ends. A friend and I have also been getting occasional crashes mid-game as well.
Sep 16 2016
This is really annoying, as I want my buddy to be able to type inits into objects VIA zeus when I'm not around. If I give him the admin password then I can't do anything myself when he's already logged in.
Sep 12 2016
Sep 8 2016
Aug 27 2016
Come on Bohemia, it's been two years... Would this not be a quick change of a few lines of code to the asset?
May 10 2016
I get the following error when trying that solution:
I do use the updated "2 1" instead of the outdated "0 1". Tried the old one as well, to no avail.
May 9 2016
I think this should be marked as solved.
Steam now opens the launcher instead, which can be used to launch multiple instances (only with the same mods selected though). You can also launch the game directly from the executable multiple times without any interference from steam as far as I know.
The only problem I have is launching the game from steam while my dedicated server is running. Going to make a separate report about that one though since this is so old and not 100% relevant.
As soon as I go to reproduce the server issue to be sure while making the report I find it's been fixed. :P