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- User Since
- May 31 2015, 3:29 PM (507 w, 1 d)
Jun 3 2019
Care to post a direct link?
May 10 2016
You have a lot reading to do but the good thing is it will be interesting. Just read what I wrote here carefully and then proceed to to the steamcommunity link.
On the "already in 3D". Panning is 2D and ArmA 3 has a lot to improve even in this regard. See the linked OPREP.
I see.
No, nothing more to add. The issue is not severe.
Don't you think it's awkward that if user intends to use A3 Launcher for the purpose he's forced to also use the Steam Launch Parameters? Not to mention that it doesn't communicate that it's an intended behaviour.
I can confirm it with:
Object: high
Terrain: High
Visibility Overall/Object/Shadow: 3096/2000/100
Radeon 6950, latest catalyst, Win 7 x64
The worst case scenario I've whitnessed was with the following configuration in the Adapt campaign - Attention... mission:
Some soldiers in the north-eastern part of the camp literally disappeared under ground when prone.
@ Bullhorn
The bringing back came because this should not have landed in the stable branch. No one is telling BI to stop working on sound improvements.
And no, nothing out there tells us they are aware of this particular issue.
PS. There are no sound mods compatible with the post-marksmen arma releases to the best of my knowledge.
@ Bullhorn
You should definitely send a message to BI. They are wasting their time balancing the audio as we speak while it can be achieved by a slider to a large degree.
Plans is one thing but I was referring to this particular feedback entry. There doesn't seem to be another one dealing with the same issue and yet this one has been marked as resolved.
Same problem here. It started with the Marksmen dlc for me.
And Iam curious as well how this issue could be marked as a 'no bug'. If I set volume level do that I barely hear crickets at night, gunfight sounds are literally deafening!
Asus Xonar DGX
Creative Aurvana Live
I can't back this. The dynamic range should be fixed instead. It got broken in 2015.
Still nothing done in the subject.
"Are you starting with -world =empty?"
In my case, yes and I really don't think this invalidates the bug report.
This, combined with the ridiculous damage handling, causes the following situation to occur often:
AI taken by surprise, idling
6.5 mm caliber
dist. 10 m
AI gets three short bursts to the chest within 1.5 seconds
Player doesn't get to live to see the the 2. second
May 9 2016
Little kid with an ACR:
Instead of sending devs to military fairs maybe BI should hire this kid.
Aby other solution apart from setting the terrain to standard?