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Launcher Parameters field disappears when no Steam Launch Options
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The field disappears completely from the launcher interface. {F26349} {F26350}


Legacy ID
Won't Fix
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Steam Lunch Options filled with e.g. -skipintro
  2. Start A3 Launcher - field 'Parameters' present
  3. Close A3 Launcher and clear the Steam Lunch Options
  4. Start A3 Launcher - field 'Parameters' not present
Additional Information

I had the Steam Lunch Options filled with -skipintro and some other parameters filled before and at the moment of installation of the update introducing the Launcher.

Event Timeline

Bucic edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jun 4 2015, 4:57 PM
Bucic edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Bucic set Category to Launcher.
Bucic set Reproducibility to Always.
Bucic set Severity to None.
Bucic set Resolution to Won't Fix.
Bucic set Legacy ID to 814058510.May 8 2016, 12:10 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: Bucic.Jun 4 2015, 4:57 PM

that is intended behaviour. The field is displayed only to inform you that you have passed other parameters to Launcher and that those parameters will be passed to the game.

Bucic added a comment.Jun 4 2015, 10:28 PM

Don't you think it's awkward that if user intends to use A3 Launcher for the purpose he's forced to also use the Steam Launch Parameters? Not to mention that it doesn't communicate that it's an intended behaviour.

Users are expected to set parameters (like -skipIntro) directly in Launcher so there is no need to enter parameters manually.

The parameters that are passed through Steam (or a command line in general) are supported and displayed mainly for compatibility reasons and to support existing shortcuts or settings that players already have. Anyway, the internal discussion on this matter is still open, so feel free to present you arguments and they will be taken into consideration.

Bucic added a comment.Jun 4 2015, 11:44 PM

I see.
No, nothing more to add. The issue is not severe.

OK, I'll mark this issue as resolved, but it will be monitored in case you (or anyone else) would have some additional thought on the matter.

Thank you for your input and for your time.