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May 11 2016

HereisJohnny added a comment to T102703: [Suggestion] reversing baseball caps..

Because before, we were to close suggestions and ideas, because this was considered a bug tracker only, plus there is a category in the forums for this very topic:

But since a few dayz now, there is a category <i>"Feature request"</i> in the feedback tracker. So we don't close suggestions right away, but rather change the category to <i>"Feature request"</i> if not already done by the ticket author.

May 11 2016, 12:38 AM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T102644: People in side the svetlojarsk statue in front of the church..

Hi derkydoo77,

thanks for your feedback. But please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.

Duplicate of #12243 (Wall Glitch in Monument Statues).


May 11 2016, 12:36 AM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T102626: Introduce Gun Jamming.


I personally also do like the idea very much. But unfortunately, this is a bug reporting system and that is not a bug. For suggestions, ideas and general discussions, please post in the forums:

Thank you.


May 11 2016, 12:35 AM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T102582: [SUGGESTION] Collect zombie blood / wear zombie clothing as zombie repellent.

As far as I know, the current state is that zombies are whole models as they are. That means, the clothing is part of the model, it's their skin if you will, other than players which clothing can be added to. This is done for performance reasons as there's only one model to be rendered and saved rathern than dozens or hundreds of models with several more objects attached to them.

That means, this would be a huge change with a huge performance impact even though it might seem rather simple.

May 11 2016, 12:34 AM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T102534: [Suggestion] - Torch.

Doesn't tree gum burn as well? Maybe there should be an action to cut a tree with a knife, machete etc., wait a few minutes and then apply that stuff to rags.

But beware the mess when you put them into your backpack... ;)

May 11 2016, 12:32 AM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T102519: Nearly 1000 hours logged and I met my first verifiable (by his own admission) hacker!.

Hi horrorview,

if you should somehow get to know what hacks people use to hack this game, you may mention them here in the Feedback Tracker. <i><b>BUT</b></i> make sure you make the ticket <i>private</i> then so only the devs can see it.

I thoroughly read what you wrote, but aside of an interesting story, I could not find any issue which could be helpful for the devs. Hence, I'm closing this ticket now.

If you should encounter any issues/bugs/glitches or would like to see some feature implemented, feel free to use the search function if a respective ticket already exists and if not, file a new one here. :)

Kind regards,

May 11 2016, 12:31 AM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T102462: Hacking.

Duplicate of #8589 (Wallhacker, Teleporter or just : Cheater! ( STOP this kiddies ! )).

The devs are well aware of that problem. Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 11 2016, 12:30 AM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T101859: [Suggestion] Filling magazines with rounds should take time (animations).


This is a bug reporting system and this topic is not a bug. For suggestions, ideas and general discussions, please post in the forums:

Thank you.


May 11 2016, 12:08 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

HereisJohnny added a comment to T101567: [Suggestion] Bowel Movement and Urination.

Dean Hall himself already talked about this very issue on several occasions. It is definitely an interesting and probably even funny idea, but it'll take a long time until the game is in a state where such "quirks" can be implemented.

But tbh, I'd really like to see that, too!

May 10 2016, 11:57 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T101494: Weird blue chemlight illumination of 3d-model in the inventory when looking at horizon and above.

Duplicate of #12725 (Blue/Purple glow since the new EXP rubberband fix.).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 11:55 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T101443: Soda Can can be repeatedly consumed without being destroyed.


thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #10922 (Soda cans don't get empty / tuna cans invisible).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 11:53 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T101407: Character falls face down after "drink all" option from water bottle or canteen.

Duplicate of #16109 (Player falling unconscious when "Drink all" on a bottle or canteen.)

May 10 2016, 11:52 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T100870: Weapon in hands disappearing afetr login/logout.

Hi brazorf,

thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #3779 (Get 2 rifles in inventory).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.

Kind regards,

May 10 2016, 11:34 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T100696: Running down the broken strairs, falling through the ground..

Duplicate of #134 (apartment block staircase wall glitch).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 11:29 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T100581: duplicate character after spawn.

Hi jacobkr,

thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #3688 (Reproduction of Character as unnamed basic AI entity.).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.

Kind regards,

May 10 2016, 11:25 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T100476: Invisible/dead zombie issue.

Thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #12755 (Invisible Zombies).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 11:22 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T100447: Chemlight can be rebroken.

The same thing happens when you eat or drink something with a glowing chemlight in your hand. The chemlight exstinguishes and after having finished eating/drinking, it can be broken and lit again.

May 10 2016, 11:21 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T100438: Two game crashes in one night, both different..

A small side hint as I just read your post:

-maxMem=8192 will not work as 2047 is the hard-coded maximum (anything higher falls back to 2047). Also, if you don't want to simulate dual-core for some reason, you may leave <i>-cpuCount=2</i> out.

I know, DayZ is not ArmA 3, but take another look at this article from the Wiki:

As for the crashes, the devs will have a look into that. Crashes are still pretty common in this state of the game and you shouldn't "attach" to your character too much as you might lose it anytime for some stupid reason again.


May 10 2016, 11:20 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T100167: Game Freeze after about 1-2 minutes of gameplay.


could you please attach to your ticket the files from

Pack the files into a .rar or .zip file - if the RAR is smaller than 5000KB, you can attach it here. If it's larger, please upload it to a file sharing website and link it here.


May 10 2016, 11:11 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T100085: Скидки и подорожание !!!.

Hi Jack,

as of this Forum post by Dean Hall

the price for the Game will stay the same for quiet some time and telling from the way, ArmA 3 developed pricely, I'd guess it will be the same with DayZ (raise over time).

But I close this now since it is not a game related issue.


May 10 2016, 11:09 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T100084: Про игру !!!.


бан применяются к Steam аккаунту. Если вы хотите играть снова, вы должен создать новый Steam аккаунт и игру снова купить на новом аккаунту.

May 10 2016, 11:09 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T99939: Character Configuration Menu Error "Does not support serialization".


this ticket is a few months old already. I personally haven't encountered this problem. Could you please let us know if this is still an issue?

Also, when your issue should have been resolved (or "resolves itself") meanwhile, please close your tickets to prevent the feedback tracker from filling up needlessly. Thanks.


May 10 2016, 11:03 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T99799: Хочу пожаловаться на сайт !.

Hi Jack,

if I understand you correctly, this is about seeing hackers and hoping for the devs and moderators to do something about it.

We appreciate your feedback and we all (especially the devs) are well aware of the problems with that.

Next time, please refer to the How-To-Guide when asking a question:

and please do it in english so moderators and devs can actually read it.

Best regards,

May 10 2016, 10:59 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T99747: Use same item over and over again.


thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #10922 (Soda cans don't get empty / tuna cans invisible).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 10:57 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T99537: Non-lootable items spawn in walls at devils castle.


thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #8809 (There are houses where you never find loot in them, because it spawns beneath the floor on the ground).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.

Kind regards,

May 10 2016, 10:50 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T99499: Trashcan blocking doorway to house..

Closing as considered fixed by the author.

May 10 2016, 10:49 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T99452: Hackers ESP hacks.

No contend behind the video link.

May 10 2016, 10:47 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T99276: Rubberbanding not fixed..

Hi there,

there's been quiet a few updates by now. Did you experience this problem in the past weeks? If so, let us know. Otherwise, please close this ticket as fixed.

Kind regards,

May 10 2016, 10:41 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T99270: Corrupted Data Detected.


this ticket is a few months old already. Could you please let us know if this is still an issue?

Also, when your issue should have been resolved (or "resolves itself") meanwhile, please close your tickets to prevent the feedback tracker from filling up needlessly. Thanks.


May 10 2016, 10:41 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T99144: Blue/Purple glow since the new EXP rubberband fix..

It seems as if this blue glow appears when the character's angle to the sun is <90°.

Take a look at the screens "blueSkin1" and "blueSkin2", the sun was to my right and I was trying around a bit to find the right angle. If you compare those two screens, I just turned very slightly to the left (away from the sun) and the glow disappeared. Turning slightly to the right again (towards the sun), the blue glow appeared again.

May 10 2016, 10:36 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T99144: Blue/Purple glow since the new EXP rubberband fix..

If you're logged in, you should see the images under the file names and you should be able to download them in original size by clicking on them.

I'm using Firefox and it's just fine for me. If you're using script blockers, try unblocking


May 10 2016, 10:36 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T98997: Corrupted data detected.

Duplicate of #12851 (Corrupted Data Detected).

May 10 2016, 10:31 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T98519: Wallhacks or just not full bulletproof walls.

Hi Smkdlol,

thanks for your feedback. Please be aware that in DayZ walls are in fact not bullet proof by default. It depends on the material and thickness of the wall and the speed and distance of the bullet shot at it which all in all determines whether the bullet gets through and what power it will have on the oder side.

So, as likely as it might seem to be hack, it very often is actual game physics. Keep that in mind next time you are in a building. Getting prone is always recommended. ;-)


May 10 2016, 10:15 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T98378: Characters duplication at login (0.45.12499).

Duplicate of #3688 (Reproduction of Character as unnamed basic AI entity.).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 10:11 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T98325: *FIXED* Game Client Not Responding for 3 minutes when hit play and or cnange server.

Hi distantvoid,

glad to read that. If you encounter this problem again, look up if your issue has already been posted and contribute. Otherwise feel free to open a new ticket.


May 10 2016, 10:09 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T98208: Clone of character appears in certain instances when leaving and joining a server.

Duplicate of #3688 (Reproduction of Character as unnamed basic AI entity.).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 10:05 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T98035: Binocular.

Duplicate of #11083 (Binocular Bug:when trying to see through auto stares at floor and can't look around).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 9:59 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T97793: Cloning of ALL Equipment!.

Duplicate of #3688 (Reproduction of Character as unnamed basic AI entity.).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 9:51 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T97468: Account reset after login.

Please refer to the primary character save loss thread #78. Thanks.

May 10 2016, 9:40 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T97412: logging in places character under building.

Duplicate of #101 (Logged out in a stuck underneath it).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 9:38 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T97409: Rent a Server.

This is not a bug and has nothing to do with the game. Please consider these rules when hosting a server:

May 10 2016, 9:38 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T97394: Loot spawning in Devil's Castle inaccesible towers.


thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #8809 (There are houses where you never find loot in them, because it spawns beneath the floor on the ground).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.

Kind regards,

May 10 2016, 9:37 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T97377: Everything is pitch black.

Duplicate of #10992 (Pitch black).

If you've got further information, please refer to this post.


May 10 2016, 9:37 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T97369: Waiting time too long.

Honestly, I don't see the problem in the timer. In my eyes, the timer should be longer than the previous 5 mins, because server hoppers weren't really stopping to hopp, they simply waited it out.

In my eyes, the problem is that people get the timer if it's not justified, meaning when getting kicked from "clan servers" or when timing out. But how should someone fix this, especially the last issue? How would you prevent server hoppers from simply pulling out there LAN wire and replugging it to avoid the server hopper timer?

May 10 2016, 9:36 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T97306: Global Ban for nothing?.

I'm afraied, BI can't help you here. BattlEye issues are a concern of BattlEye only, even if they're absolutely unjustified and BattlEye is not reacting in any way.

I personally don't like BattlEye either, because the rules are sort of "Our engine is perfect. If you get banned, you hacked! Period!". They even state in their "Support":

<i>"We cannot lift your ban if you were banned as a result of cd-key theft."</i>

Which means that it doesn't matter if the user kept his key only for himself. If it got stolen somehow, it's automatically the users fault and that's bullshit in my eyes.

One of my best friends got globally banned for nothing, except playing on a server which just got hacked. And did they consider the cicrumstances? Not at all. "Your ban is valid." Is the default answer EVERYONE gets, complaining at BattlEye about his global ban. That's when I stopped putting any trust in BattlEye.


May 10 2016, 9:34 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T97292: Stuck under a house.

Duplicate of #101 (Logged out in a stuck underneath it).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.

R834 and Johnny

May 10 2016, 9:33 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T97158: Character reset on reconnect.

Please refer to the primary character save loss thread #78. Thanks.

May 10 2016, 9:29 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T97054: Silencer's Do Not Work.

Duplicate of #1104 (Suppressor loudness).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 9:26 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T97049: 2 people on same network with 2 different steam accounts can't join the same server at same time without kicking both of them.

Duplicate of #10477 (me and my brother cant play togather).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 9:25 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T97046: No message received after 20 sec in game ONLY on regular servers..

Hi Letten,

please have a look at this ticket as this guy seems to have found a solution:

Please report back if your problem could be solved. Thanks.


May 10 2016, 9:25 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T97020: Cursed Pond.

Exact duplicate of #10602.

May 10 2016, 9:24 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T97011: SUGGESTION Ability to move unconscious player and dead bodies..


thank you very much for your feedback, but this is not a bug. For suggestions, ideas and general discussions, please post in the forums:

Thank you.


May 10 2016, 9:24 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T97000: ingame sound glitch loop "Zombie groan,Ammo Splitting and drink opening".

Duplicate of #161 (Random Zombie Sounds [PRIMARY REPORT]).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.

R834 and Johnny

May 10 2016, 9:24 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96874: Trash can in-front of door..

Hello Zanapu,

thanks for reporting this. Please provide some information about where you found this as it's impossible to tell the location of that building just by the screenshot.

Alos, if you should find a ticket in this Feedback Tracker, which already reports that, please refer to that one and close this one here. Thank.


May 10 2016, 9:20 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96858: Fall damage being to high.

Duplicate of #8560 (Broken Bone Status / Drowning / Respawn Issues).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 9:19 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96854: Overwhelming gravity breaks leg even from slightest elevation.

Duplicate of #8560 (Broken Bone Status / Drowning / Respawn Issues).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 9:19 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96837: Getting stuck in a not enterable room.

Duplicate of #8063 (Jail wall glitches).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 9:18 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96831: need a world chat ingame.

NO, for three reasons:

1.) Remember in DayZ Mod all those annoying people trolling on side chat by text and voice?

2.) That's what the Walky Talkies are to be used for.

3.) When thinking about DayZ, allways remind the word "authenticity". Side chat may be some sort of useful in Arma Multiplayer or Multiplayer mods. But that's not authentic in terms of "you can't talk across the map without a device".

May 10 2016, 9:18 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96830: Too much servers named "Don't join or kick" that are no private.


the feedback tracker is not the correct place to report servers. They need to be reported directly to the server hosts.

Please refer to this thread in the forums:


May 10 2016, 9:18 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96826: Request: Enable Steam family sharing..

Hi there,

I'm sorry, but this is not a bug. For suggestions, ideas and general discussions, which this also counts as, please post in the forums:

or send an e-mail to Bohemia Interactive concerning that. Thank you.


May 10 2016, 9:18 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96780: M4 attachments invisible in first person view.

Duplicate of #16 (Weapon attachments become invisible.).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 9:16 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96741: problem with 2 water bottles in inventory.

Duplicate of #9 (Hotbar (Using Non specific item)).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 9:15 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96718: [Suggestion] Clothes should have splitted slots.

Hey guys,

I personally like this thought, but this is not a bug. For suggestions, ideas and general discussions, please post in the forums:

Also, before suggesting new features there, please read this:

Thank you.


May 10 2016, 9:14 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96633: Zombies Are Ghosts.

Duplicate of #77 (Zeds clipping through objects [PRIMARY REPORT]).

Please read the comments on that issue. The devs are working on it, but as shogodz89 already stated, this is not as easy to fix as one might think.

Please be patient. Thank you.


May 10 2016, 9:11 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96612: Weapon attachments not displayed..

Duplicate of #16 (Weapon attachments become invisible.).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 9:10 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96502: M4 spawn model does not have buttstock nor handguards.

Duplicate of #16 (Weapon attachments become invisible.).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 9:06 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny edited Steps To Reproduce on T96418: Ground reaches through floor of house in Svetlojarsk near police station.
May 10 2016, 9:04 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny edited Steps To Reproduce on T96416: When zombies get stuck in a van, they don't move anymore.
May 10 2016, 9:03 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96391: "Within 10 seconds the message was received".


please write in English, so other people can read this and answer your question.


May 10 2016, 9:02 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96346: Stuck under building.

Duplicate of #101 (Logged out in a stuck underneath it).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 9:00 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96346: Stuck under building.

Duplicate of #101 (Logged out in a stuck underneath it).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 9:00 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96339: file load error on logging into server.

Duplicate of #9973 (Cannot Load Material 9mm_25roundbox_damage.rvmat).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Please refer to this post to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 9:00 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny edited Steps To Reproduce on T96335: Standing up after sitting down with weapon in hand makes character put weapon away.
May 10 2016, 9:00 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96311: Cant kill the rabbit.

Duplicate of #1983 (cant kill a rabbit).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 8:59 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96301: Racist Bug.

Duplicate of #33 (White arms on black male when wearing gloves).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 8:59 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96300: Getting really annoyed, can't play!!.

Duplicate of #8560 (Falling / Broken Bone Status / Respawn Issues).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.

I'm sorry, there's nothing more I can tell you than the devs are working on it.


May 10 2016, 8:59 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96290: A tip that could make the game more exiting and immersive..

As <i>tomtom123</i> already stated, this is not a bug. For suggestions, ideas and general discussions, please post in the forums:

Also, before suggesting new features there, please read this:

Thank you.


May 10 2016, 8:59 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96280: Item respawn times.

At the moment, items only respawn at server restart.

But anyway, in my opinion, there's many military bases and other military buildings, like at airfields, that it shouldn't be too much of a problem finding an M4 sooner or later.

And finally, I personally don't like people getting armed to easily. This creates a lot of people starting to kill other players, because they're bored already.

In my eyes, finding a firearm should be something special so you actually care about your weapon and do not get into a firefight just for fun.


May 10 2016, 8:58 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96244: Character is not stored, everytime I enter a server i have to start over.

Duplicate of #78 (Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT]).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 8:57 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96240: character reset.

Duplicate of #78 (Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT]).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 8:57 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96238: Characters Can Run Through Everything.

Duplicate of #3784 (Walls/Objects ignored when sprinting/vaulting through walls,buildings etc.).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 8:57 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96223: Missing item utility for distance-check.

I guess, many players would like to have a range finder like in the mod. But a such valueable item like this should be rare, in my opinion.

But as far as I know, all the scopes, except for the long range scope, actually have range markers. You just need to learn how to use them and you need to use the zeroing. And especially reading the range markers actually takes some skill, which reading numbers from the screen when scrolling your mouse wheel does not.


May 10 2016, 8:56 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96213: Fall down and die when trying to climb down with roof ladder Blaze 95 rifle in hands.

Duplicate of #155 ([PRIMARY LADDER THREAD]).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 8:56 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96202: the session was lost dayz.

Duplicate of #5868 (evry server i join it say session lost ?? (( after last patch 0.30.113953 ))).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 8:56 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96193: Invisible eated fruit blocking inventory space.

Duplicate of #8300 (Inventory retains invisible 0% food items making slot unusable).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 8:55 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96180: Rain under roof.

Should be fixed in update 0.42.116181:

<i>"Graphics: Rain now does not fall inside buildings for those on Lower/Disabled shadow settings"</i>

Since you don't get wet when standing under a street lamp, this should also work under a gas station roof.

May 10 2016, 8:55 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96177: Can't climb off of ladders at top of apartment building in Dubky - causes you to fall and break legs.

Duplicate of #9535 (Ladder/staircase glitch).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 8:55 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96159: Climbing ladders are dangerous.

Duplicate of #155 ([PRIMARY LADDER THREAD]).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 8:54 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96150: Появляюсь в воде.

Duplicate of #8560 (Falling / Broken Bone Status / Respawn Issues).

Please write English in the feedback tracker, so more than just russian people can read it.

And please use the search function before posting an issue.


May 10 2016, 8:54 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96118: Stacking stuff on each other, building shelter, chopping down things..

As Foxtails already said, search in the forums. This is not a bug report whatsoever.

Before complaining about this and that, please read here:

And follow the announcements if you want to know what has been implemented, updated, fixed etc.:

Also, if you have suggestions, ideas or want to dicuss some things generally, please go here:


May 10 2016, 8:53 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96109: Frequent desync and rubber banding.

Hi there,

there's been quiet a few updates so far. Did you experience this problem in the past weeks? If so, let us know. Otherwise, please close this ticket as fixed.

Kind regards,

May 10 2016, 8:53 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96085: [Minor Issue] NWAF Runway Lights Turned On.


thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #4780 (Red lights at northern Air Filed west side of Grishino).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue. Thanks.

Kind regards,

May 10 2016, 8:52 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96041: char reset on logout.

Duplicate of #78 (Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT]).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before creating a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 8:50 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96038: Please,Help me! I can't join any sever!.

Duplicate of #64 (Confirmation of Changes - Connecting Failed).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before creating a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 8:50 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96015: Session lost on every server i join after 20 seconds and un able to use inventory..

Duplicate of #5868 (evry server i join it say session lost ?? (( after last patch 0.30.113953 ))).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 8:50 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T96008: 5.1 surround sound doesn't seem to be working.

Well, I am using a 7.1 headset (SteelSeries) which provides me the same surround sound experience as in the mod. I can hear shots and bullets hitting the ground left behind me, right in front of me, anywhere.

Nevertheless, I could only suggest what it might be. As for the typical things like loose cables or suboptimal sound settings, I assume you already checked these.

I personally also have some tricky thing on my PC. There is some "Dolby Home Theater" in my task bar and whenever I start TeamSpeak, this automatically disables and I have to manually enable it again to have proper sound.


May 10 2016, 8:49 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T95940: Ladder Problem.

Please use the "Summary" field as an actual summary and explain the issue in a short sentence (even though this case is sort of weird).

Please don't use vague or too general phrases.


May 10 2016, 8:47 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T95921: Zombies through any texture.

Duplicate of #77 (Zeds clipping through objects).

Please use the search function before posting a new issue.


May 10 2016, 8:47 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T95911: Fall Damage too much.

Duplicate of #8560 (Falling / Broken Bone Status / Respawn Issues).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.


May 10 2016, 8:46 PM · DayZ
HereisJohnny added a comment to T95887: wrong buttons displayed in default settings.

On the US keyboard, the "/" is on the same key the "-" on some european keyboards.

May 10 2016, 8:46 PM · DayZ