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A tip that could make the game more exiting and immersive.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


One huge aspect of the game is how realistic it is. I feel that the game should include more aspects as to what life used to be like and how that would affect the apocalypse. Simply what i am saying is that in the major cities you should consider adding zombie hordes for a walking dead type of feeling. Also you should consider map additions as in a new city but not like any other city. You should make this one a very large city with more than one variation of skyscrapers like a glass but all moldy skyscraper. if you have any questions pleas contact me at [email protected].


Legacy ID
No Bug
Have Not Tried
Steps To Reproduce

1: Add zombie hordes.

2: extend map.

3: add a new and more innovative city

Additional Information

please focus mainly on the zombie hordes.

please contact me.

Event Timeline

leg101010 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
leg101010 set Category to category:aibehavior.
leg101010 set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
leg101010 set Severity to None.
leg101010 set Resolution to No Bug.
leg101010 set Legacy ID to 3423765917.May 8 2016, 5:33 PM

A tip for you: A bugreport is not a suggestion. ;)

  1. The zombiehordes are already in focus. For more visit the forums:

  1. The buildings and cities will be upgraded with the next patches. The new houses look awesome.
  1. I think till some FPS gains are made the two "skyscraper"cities above cherno are enough.

As <i>tomtom123</i> already stated, this is not a bug. For suggestions, ideas and general discussions, please post in the forums:

Also, before suggesting new features there, please read this:

Thank you.
