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Soda Can can be repeatedly consumed without being destroyed
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Creating a Soda Can which never runs dry after drinking. Persists trough restart /relog


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Have 2 beverage cans in your inventory
  2. Drink one of the cans (inventory screen -> drink)
  3. As the drinking sound is playing, grab the other soda and hover it over the soda can you are currently drinking from. Don't release the mouse.
  4. When the drinking process is finished, the can remains in the inventory.
  5. Now you can release your mouse-held soda into any slot.
  6. The original can you drank from now has unlimited uses.
Additional Information

Works with cans of different types. As in, create an unlimited Cola with a Cola and a Kvass etc. After relogging or a server restart the item still has unlimited uses.

Event Timeline

kabukiman edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 2 2014, 4:38 PM
kabukiman edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
kabukiman set Category to category:items.
kabukiman set Reproducibility to Always.
kabukiman set Severity to None.
kabukiman set Resolution to Duplicate.
kabukiman set Legacy ID to 4010626211.May 8 2016, 7:20 PM

OS is Windows 7 64 bit


thanks for your feedback. This is a duplicate of #10922 (Soda cans don't get empty / tuna cans invisible).

Please use the search function to check if an issue already exists before posting a new one.

Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.
