Dear developer team,
in a real combat scenario, when you emptied your 3 magazines you are pretty much fucked without a sidearm.
In Dayz people only have to drag rounds onto their mags and their good to go! (Making those sidearms pretty much useless)
In my opinion a realism oriented game like DayZ should include animations for filling your mags because it reqiures you just as in the real world,
to be well prepared and sparing with the rounds you fire.
This 75 drum mag will take about a minute of filling time in real life so all this safety of having plenty of rounds, comes at a price.
Oh and would it kill the fun?
I actually don't think so. People wait already, till their meat is cooked, till they are finished drinking and many other things.
For me it would only bring the game another bit closer to a realistic survival experience.
As always thank you for reading!!
(If you downvote my suggestions, please let me know why so I can bother my head about it and maybe come up with something better. If you don't tell me what you dislike about it, I'm just going to suppose you want to have combat the cheap way and don't like realism)
(Oh and if you don't like suggestions in general, from a realism oriented standpoint, this feature not being in the game is a "bug" essentially.)
Watch this video and you'll know why we need magazine-filling time for realistic combat: