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Running down the broken strairs, falling through the ground.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Running down the broken strairs of one of the houses in "Chapaevsk" may cause the character to fall through the ground eventually ending up in the usually unaccessible room to the left. This seems to happen 2 times of a total ammount of 4 tries.

Running in that room seems to make you fall through the floor sooner or later.
Only way out seems to be the ladder.

Simply run in the ladders direction and press "y" to lie down in a dolphin dive manner...
The ladder symbol is visible for a slit second. Pressing "F" might get you back on the ladder making you able to leave the building unharmed.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Take the ladder to get upstrairs. Run down the stairs until you reach the last broken one. Run over the strair's broken part.

This may or may not happen everytime as stated above.

Event Timeline

ONeil edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jul 17 2014, 12:11 PM
ONeil set Category to category:structures.
ONeil set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
ONeil set Severity to None.
ONeil set Resolution to Duplicate.
ONeil set Legacy ID to 2808896265.May 8 2016, 7:05 PM

Duplicate of #134 (apartment block staircase wall glitch).

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Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.
