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Character is not stored, everytime I enter a server i have to start over
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Since 2 days now, every time I enter a new server i have a new character.
It used to happen that I died instantly when I log in. But i don't have that problem now.

But my character is just reseted every time I enter a server (any server), after an hour playing and joining another server with friends i just have to start over again.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

change server, disconnect and connect again to same server, exit the game and start the game.

Additional Information

The picture of my last character a few days ago. After I lost thisone because it suddenly died after respanwing. (twice)
Ever since I am not able to keep my character anymore.

Event Timeline

jannoi edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 14 2014, 8:19 AM
jannoi edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
jannoi set Category to category:characters.
jannoi set Reproducibility to Always.
jannoi set Severity to None.
jannoi set Resolution to Duplicate.
jannoi set Legacy ID to 3054024129.May 8 2016, 5:32 PM

Duplicate of #78 (Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT]).

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Refer to the original to provide additional information on the issue.
