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Everything is pitch black
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Now I know what night is supposed to look like so I know this isn't it. No matter the server so far it's always looked like the screenshots I attached, not sure what causes it either. {F30890} {F30891}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Hop on a server and it's just like the screenshots.

Event Timeline

Ruby edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 23 2014, 10:13 PM
Ruby set Category to category:environment.
Ruby set Reproducibility to Always.
Ruby set Severity to None.
Ruby set Resolution to Duplicate.
Ruby set Legacy ID to 3400727230.May 8 2016, 5:58 PM

It is night, no graphic bug :D
I played at night today, too.
Found a gaslamp and it was a great experience to play in the darkness!
Only turnend the lamp on in houses.
I have read That there is a desync with Day and Night.

Ruby added a comment.Apr 23 2014, 10:31 PM

So it seems it's only certain servers. I continued to change servers (even with the ridiculous 10-minute wait) and found one so far that it's not like this. So maybe it's server side issues.

Ruby added a comment.Apr 23 2014, 10:33 PM

Also Maxe, my brother has Dayz and we checked on his, completely different. His looks like night should, while mine is entirely black. That SS is with max Gamma and Brightness as well.

It's darker when there is no moon out. It's not a glitch at all.

Ruby added a comment.Apr 24 2014, 12:48 AM

It was the exact same server at the same time and we had two entirely different views.

So you refer to the glitch mentioned also in 0010947 (with youtube-Link).
Seems like a Desync.

When I play the game it's dark with no moon and it said
Confirmation of changes
Dayz canoot load texture dz/characters/headgear/data/motohelmet_grey_co.paa
Has this been fix yet

Duplicate of #10992 (Pitch black).

If you've got further information, please refer to this post.
