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lemmac (lem)


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User Since
Sep 19 2021, 3:49 PM (148 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

Apr 20 2024

lemmac added a comment to T180611: Raincoat Issues and a Possible and Practical Solution for Consideration .

this is absolutely necessary.. the raincoat has always been beyond useless in the standard maps

Apr 20 2024, 2:10 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T180601: Dayz mic .

they definitely need an 'in menu' mic test in the game - nothing worse than finding out your mic isn't working only after someone kills you for being a no mic'er!

Apr 20 2024, 2:08 PM · DayZ

Feb 1 2024

lemmac added a comment to T178787: Inventory UI Suggestion.

Seems a good idea... i'd add to include a SHIFT-click to complement the CTRL-click... where ctrl-click drops items with one click, shift-click could pick them up with one click. The double clicking is so screwed up and often fails to the point players end up resorting to click, drag and drop instead

Feb 1 2024, 3:33 AM · DayZ

Jan 29 2024

lemmac added a comment to T178718: Feedback: More crafting sound effects (repairing stuff).

More noises are good... but many of them really don't need to be quite as loud as they already are!

Jan 29 2024, 9:04 PM · DayZ

Jan 28 2024

lemmac added a comment to T178705: You keep striking head the ceiling at Land_Village_Pub..

I do that in real life if i run down the stairs ;)

Jan 28 2024, 3:13 AM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T175829: Request for "Emergency Radio channel" Feature.

That's a really cool idea. It is funny that the game intro revolves so heavily around the radio and yet it serves little purpose to most players in the base game.

Jan 28 2024, 3:11 AM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T178722: Feedback: More player interactions in dynamic events: police cars, train wrecks, and convoys.

They could certainly all smoke

Jan 28 2024, 2:53 AM · DayZ

Jan 21 2024

lemmac added a comment to T178570: Hotkeyed items don't go back into their container.

Funnily enough i noticed this yesterday but put it down to the fact i was playing a server where you need to remove a bag to access it's contents. My bandages were hotkeyed but in a cooking pot in my bag. Other hotkeyed items from the bag would go back but i had to manually remove the bag and pot to replace the bandages.

Jan 21 2024, 3:09 PM · DayZ

Dec 31 2023

lemmac added a comment to T178086: I can´t get achievements.

You have two options to choose from for servers, from the server browser when you start the game: Official and Community.

Dec 31 2023, 2:52 AM · DayZ

Dec 24 2023

lemmac added a comment to T178016: Game Crash- i cnt identify the issue myself, plz help.

What's your GPU?

Dec 24 2023, 4:19 PM · DayZ

Dec 20 2023

lemmac added a comment to T177888: Warmer hats should be rarer.

Yeah it's defo the case with hills in Chernarus and anywhere north of Svergino is quite high up... never noticed any real difference on Livonia though? I would still like to see some snowy areas if only to make use of the white hunter gear, and let's face it, who wouldn't want more underground areas?

Dec 20 2023, 3:38 PM · DayZ

Dec 19 2023

lemmac added a comment to T177888: Warmer hats should be rarer.

^^ this would only really make sense if the higher tier areas were also much colder, which to be fair would not be a bad thing. You could set them more northerly, on snow covered mountaintops or deep underground which would add much more variety to the otherwise dull and tired official maps. Make the lower tier areas much warmer and high geared players would have problems to solve to go there too.

Dec 19 2023, 4:50 PM · DayZ

Dec 10 2023

lemmac added a comment to T177774: Reduce aiming speed and leaning change.

by abusing you mean using...

Dec 10 2023, 3:28 PM · DayZ

Dec 7 2023

lemmac added a comment to T177718: Loot.

I've read the OP's posts multiple times now and am still no closer to understanding them. It just proves that whoever invented punctuation had very good reason to do so.

Dec 7 2023, 1:56 PM · DayZ PlayStation

Nov 23 2023

lemmac added a comment to T177392: 1.23 - Coast and 1-1.5 km inland have constant haze that is killing visuals.

Rather than a constant fog on the coast, there should be random chance based on the weather conditions to have haze along the coast in the pre-dawn to early-mornings. Once the sun has been out this haze should complete burn off just as it would IRL.

Nov 23 2023, 2:09 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T177326: Unconscious and dead players shouble be able to hear in game talk.

you could add a really cool effect where you can hear buzzing and muddy game sounds before you fully wake up?

Nov 23 2023, 2:08 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T177409: Wolves Don't Make Sounds.

i had a pack of silent wolves greet me at a water pump yesterday

Nov 23 2023, 2:05 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T176014: The new spawn system kills the immersion. (Expie 1.23).

I have no idea how it works on consoles, but on PC Steam you have an option to join the game that your friend is actually playing.

Nov 23 2023, 2:03 PM · DayZ

Nov 16 2023

lemmac added a comment to T177192: Lost My M70 Tundra a looted yesterday, and did not switch server but had been .

just pretend you died and had to respawn... problem solved

Nov 16 2023, 3:16 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T177196: Please Update Melee Punch power when wearing helmets!!! .

i never realised that... crazy to think they don't add any protection

Nov 16 2023, 3:13 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T177208: [1.23.156951] Big animal corpses block player movement.

yep, if you can't walk through them you should at least be able to climb/stand on or jump over them

Nov 16 2023, 3:11 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T177172: [Feature Request] Add ability to test microphone in-game.

This noise indicator should just flash, move like a graphic equaliser or turn a different colour when talking... talking is louder than a footstep after all and a noise indicator should be just that - not a movement indicator

Nov 16 2023, 3:09 PM · DayZ

Nov 15 2023

lemmac added a comment to T177098: Trees make too loud noise.

could definitely be toned down some

Nov 15 2023, 2:48 AM · DayZ

Nov 2 2023

lemmac added a comment to T176420: Stuck under wall zeleno 1.23 exp .

"we were unable to reproduce a situation that relogging would not fix."

Nov 2 2023, 7:36 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T176052: [EXP 1.23] Changing of cooked food sound over fire?.

there certainly needs to be an audible prompt for when food is cooked

Nov 2 2023, 7:29 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T176680: Smoke from fireplaces stays in pinetrees.

Been like this ever since i've been playing Dayz - thought it was an intended stealthy gameplay mechanic, at least players use it as such and it certainly doesn't require 'fixing'

Nov 2 2023, 7:28 PM · DayZ

Oct 20 2023

lemmac added a comment to T176224: DayZ Spawn Next To Friend.

yeah you won't respawn next to your friend... just in the same spawn town... and you can do away with the friend and barrel and just load up with grenades yourself, drop/throw one and run on without dying already if that's how you want to play

Oct 20 2023, 12:46 AM · DayZ PlayStation

Oct 17 2023

lemmac added a comment to T175000: DAYZ - Handheld Transceiver: a real use-case..

... what do you think feedback is lol?

Oct 17 2023, 8:20 PM · DayZ

Oct 16 2023

lemmac added a comment to T176237: Feature requests.

swap items between your old backpack on the floor and the new one you just picked up.

Oct 16 2023, 12:58 PM · DayZ

Oct 12 2023

lemmac added a comment to T164077: Suppressors ruin easily when inside Player Inventory.

those zombie fingers are amazingly strong when they slap you, can literally demolish metal beneath your clothes - also extremely sharp, despite appearances, leaving you with huge gaping wounds... quite incredible really ;)

Oct 12 2023, 5:55 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T176111: Landmines killing me everytime..

insta kill on my buddy yesterday - full health with plate in full health

Oct 12 2023, 5:48 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T176151: Feedback - DayZ Suppressor Realism .

Yeah i guess once the sounds of eating, shivering, light groans, lip smacking, belly growling, bandaging, unscrewing a bottle cap are no longer audible to your neighbours two doors down in the middle of a thunderstorm then we can look at the over suppression effect of suppressors... or just accept that no fun game mechanic is ever realistic, nor can it ever be ;)

Oct 12 2023, 4:50 PM · DayZ

Oct 7 2023

lemmac added a comment to T176014: The new spawn system kills the immersion. (Expie 1.23).

... and here i was thinking it was based on steam friends lists, but i guess that would make too much sense .... smh

Oct 7 2023, 7:30 PM · DayZ

Aug 23 2023

lemmac added a comment to T174742: Hood of the Ada and Sarka wrecks open the wrong way.

consistency please

Aug 23 2023, 12:44 AM · DayZ

Jul 20 2023

lemmac added a comment to T173461: logical question:.

very good points

Jul 20 2023, 5:07 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T173571: Unconscious player collision box issue.

a very odd decision by the programmers then

Jul 20 2023, 5:05 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T173478: V3S truck is offroad shame in 1.21.

these trucks managed any hill in the game when they were first introduced... were the only vehicle that could climb most hills without a runup... very strange that the vehicles people own can't actually drive the roads in their neighbourhood lol

Jul 20 2023, 4:52 PM · DayZ

Jun 25 2023

lemmac added a comment to T173510: No repairable cars....

There are two types of vehicles in dayz. There are wrecks which just like buildings are scenery and/or loot spawns and there are working cars that may or may not be missing a battery/spark plug/radiator/water/fuel/doors/wheels. Wrecks are everywhere, working vehicles are rare and unless moved by another player are found/spawn in a select few places.

Jun 25 2023, 5:42 PM · DayZ

Jun 24 2023

lemmac added a comment to T173384: BattlEye Timed Out.

There was a recent update to windows defender which screwed with battleye driver signing... Local Security Authority Protection, i think... could it be something to do with this?

Jun 24 2023, 12:35 PM · DayZ

Jun 18 2023

lemmac added a comment to T173315: Infected Rework.

yeah is a bit stupid that they can slap you until you bleed out... dunno why the devs can't make a bite animation for them

Jun 18 2023, 11:47 PM · DayZ PlayStation

Jun 15 2023

lemmac added a comment to T173264: [feature suggestion] [ ability to duck while driving / sitting inside of the car ].

yep definitely needed... so much could be done while in a car it seems weird that nearly all controls are disabled, especially for reading maps, weapon firing, eating/drinking and accessing inventory

Jun 15 2023, 1:42 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T173263: [feature suggestion] [ make items on back invisible while sitting in the car ].

yep, definitely needed... as is the ability to put full bags/backpacks in the car storage

Jun 15 2023, 1:40 PM · DayZ

Jun 3 2023

lemmac added a comment to T172969: Get rid of old gen compatibility .

Then you have to split servers for each generation - old gen players have paid for the game after all and the technical requirements of the game haven't changed since it was released. Also the mid gen pro versions with SSD's seemed to handle the game quite happily with the only problem being the server desynch which happens regardless of which gen you are playing on. Then of course Bohemia will have to start working on and selling a new version of the game specifically for new gen consoles otherwise you are still playing the same game anyway ;)

Jun 3 2023, 12:54 PM · DayZ Xbox
lemmac added a comment to T173000: Gloves not absorbing water.

If you're gonna go down that rabbit hole then gloves should also absorb blood and dirt and be a breading ground for germs (more so than bare hands imo) and require removal or thorough cleaning (boil washing) before eating.

Jun 3 2023, 12:39 PM · DayZ

Jun 2 2023

lemmac added a comment to T172964: Dial Locks change/tweak request.

... and keep the lock on the gate rather than it falling to the floor

Jun 2 2023, 3:31 AM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T172964: Dial Locks change/tweak request.

just add a memory, one click open option for people who have entered the pass code correctly once before - it's so simple

Jun 2 2023, 3:30 AM · DayZ

May 20 2023

lemmac added a comment to T172285: Crossbow Damage..

if ammo is scarce on a server then being able to craft/reuse bolts means the crossbow is already OP regardless of raiding

May 20 2023, 10:35 PM · DayZ Xbox
lemmac added a comment to T158613: 0x00040031 timed out error? .

^^ this is playstation, nothing to do with PC or Steam

May 20 2023, 10:32 PM · DayZ PlayStation

May 8 2023

lemmac added a comment to T169560: Dayz 1.20 Radio System Suggestion .

doesn't the explosive come with its own detonator already?

May 8 2023, 3:17 PM · DayZ

May 1 2023

lemmac added a comment to T171977: Why can zombies jump fences but not a small car which a player is standing on? This takes the realism away from the game.

as dumb as they can be at times they not only know every entrance or exit into/out of any building but they also know whether they are open or not without even seeing them.

May 1 2023, 3:48 PM · DayZ PlayStation

Apr 26 2023

lemmac added a comment to T171873: Took New "Broken Leg" Damage When Standing In Fire (On Experimental Xbox).

read the patch notes

Apr 26 2023, 3:40 AM · DayZ Xbox

Apr 20 2023

lemmac added a comment to T171692: Suggestion/Feature Request - Should be able to reobtain worm after gutting fish.

far better idea is to enable worms to be stacked and find 5 when you dig for them... wanna go for even more realism let us dig for worms with our hands just like is possible in real life

Apr 20 2023, 6:57 PM · DayZ Xbox

Mar 28 2023

lemmac added a comment to T171206: Right click makes my weapon shoot.

you haven't by any chance changed a keybind?

Mar 28 2023, 2:17 AM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T171220: Damage clothes when wringing them.

please no

Mar 28 2023, 2:13 AM · DayZ

Mar 17 2023

lemmac added a comment to T171025: game crash.

what it a fix that might come in useful for others in similar circumstances?

Mar 17 2023, 12:21 AM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T170908: Check Pulse Animation Since 1.20 Update.

The check pulse mechanic is in and of itself totally unnecessary anyway. It's of zero relevance ever to know someone else's blood pressure.

Mar 17 2023, 12:13 AM · DayZ Xbox

Mar 9 2023

lemmac added a comment to T170892: Eggsperimental Capsule has multiple issues.

Even if point 2 is a bug it needs to stay. Genius!

Mar 9 2023, 2:16 AM · DayZ

Mar 3 2023

lemmac added a comment to T170759: Not being able to fix car with pipe wrench.

read the patch notes when updates come out and you'll see the blowtorch is now used to fix engines

Mar 3 2023, 2:41 PM · DayZ Xbox

Mar 2 2023

lemmac added a comment to T170539: Frame drop, Stuttering, Graphic issue!.

probably this: Fixed: Spawning objects with _DE-suffix by Object Spawner could result in them being duplicated with every server restart

Mar 2 2023, 8:04 PM · DayZ Xbox
lemmac added a comment to T170743: Tyres blowing when they aren't even impacted .

yeah it's stupid, as is ruining 'the' spark plug... just busting the radiator should be enough

Mar 2 2023, 8:00 PM · DayZ PlayStation
lemmac added a comment to T170727: Add Quads (Four Wheelers) to vanilla.

Imagine none of the guns in the game actually work and someone said what the game really needs is another gun that isn't going to work...

Mar 2 2023, 2:10 AM · DayZ PlayStation

Feb 22 2023

lemmac added a comment to T170578: Since 1.2.

more likely a case of playing on a distant server with high ping, choose a closer one with low ping... oh wait you can't cos devs don't think ping is important enough to show console players lol

Feb 22 2023, 5:36 PM · DayZ PlayStation
lemmac added a comment to T170539: Frame drop, Stuttering, Graphic issue!.

^ but he has purchased and is playing a game specifically made for and marketed at the system he is playing it on...

Feb 22 2023, 1:40 PM · DayZ Xbox
lemmac added a comment to T170588: [Feature Request] Please add function to take items from Fireplace attachments with double press LMB.

my meat just goes straight on the floor

Feb 22 2023, 1:28 PM · DayZ

Feb 19 2023

lemmac added a comment to T170517: Connection with host lost..

Does that test on console measure the connection between you and the particular server you are playing on? Because that is all that matters.

Feb 19 2023, 3:12 PM · DayZ Xbox

Feb 17 2023

lemmac added a comment to T170470: 1.20 Eye Zoom Feedback.

i'd have thought increased head bob in zoom when sprinting or crouch running would be more effective and immersive

Feb 17 2023, 8:45 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T170444: A proposal to add something much more interesting to the game than just carnival masks that no one needs.

would be easier and safer to use the emergency hatch surely?

Feb 17 2023, 12:42 AM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T169638: Dayz low fps on high end pc .

weird, my cpu barely goes above 5%... i always thought the game was heavily gpu dependant

Feb 17 2023, 12:33 AM · DayZ

Feb 11 2023

lemmac added a comment to T170268: Help me please!.

tried another launcher?

Feb 11 2023, 10:24 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T170267: Livonia bush LoD/texture error.

seen that on other maps too

Feb 11 2023, 10:23 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T170256: 0xC0000005 - STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION.

Weird, same here, just started happening after a restart having a few hours play without issues

Feb 11 2023, 9:14 PM · DayZ

Feb 10 2023

lemmac added a comment to T170217: fast way to move items between clothing.

would also be nice if the game didn't insist on putting matches in cooking pots full of water

Feb 10 2023, 6:49 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T170243: My friend is stuck in a wall.

build another gate that will push him out again?

Feb 10 2023, 12:28 PM · DayZ Xbox

Feb 2 2023

lemmac added a comment to T170036: Blood disease from eating rotten food..

Have a look at this: Illness and afflictions

Feb 2 2023, 9:51 PM · DayZ PlayStation

Jan 31 2023

lemmac added a comment to T170096: Perfect time to start really using regions in servers definitions..

Also alphabetical order should only start with the first/last letter of the alphabet, not a number, not a symbol, both of which should be ignored.

Jan 31 2023, 2:53 PM · DayZ

Jan 24 2023

lemmac added a comment to T169759: Bring utes to console .

What you on about? Australia would be a great addition!

Jan 24 2023, 1:58 PM · DayZ PlayStation
lemmac added a comment to T169811: Cheater shot me with bare hands.

desync, he was holding a weapon on his end, you just didn't see it

Jan 24 2023, 1:50 PM · DayZ PlayStation
lemmac added a comment to T169839: Quick slots/ Changing containers .

mouse and keyboard players have far more competitive advantages than inventory management, controller only servers exist for that reason

Jan 24 2023, 1:15 PM · DayZ PlayStation

Jan 21 2023

lemmac added a comment to T169901: Experimental DayZ Launcher looks same like DayZ Launcher.

I guess if your official tab only shows experimental/unstable servers then you're running experimental, but yeah you'd think it wouldn't be too difficult to write Experimental on the launcher somewhere

Jan 21 2023, 7:42 PM · DayZ

Jan 20 2023

lemmac added a comment to T169861: Lost jacket with loads of items.

a common bug, happens randomly, has existed for years

Jan 20 2023, 6:04 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T169860: Can't build improvised shelter.

did you build and place a shelter kit first?

Jan 20 2023, 4:51 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T169853: DayZ 1.20 Problem with descending/climbing stairs in aiming mode (Land_Village_PoliceStation).

there's been a general problem with using those stairs fullstop for some time now, let alone while aiming

Jan 20 2023, 4:32 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T169852: Improvised shoes are too loud. They sound like normal shoes. (experimental).

yeah, can't understand people's complaints that the footwraps were too OP. All they really were was a form of going barefoot but using your rags in advance rather than afterwards. Basically a form of preparing in advance for something you might use later.

Jan 20 2023, 4:30 PM · DayZ

Dec 31 2022

lemmac added a comment to T169475: dayz black screens and crashes my pc.

I don't think it's your problem but i experienced similar the other day and took the uninst/reinst steps to try and fix it no avail. I could load into servers, run about for between 30 seconds and a couple of minutes, then the sound would cut out and quite soon after the game would hang, along with Steam and server browser, just showing a static screen. PC was very slow and unresponsive and the mouse would be unusable too so had to use keyboard to navigate task manager to force quit.

Dec 31 2022, 12:53 AM · DayZ

Dec 24 2022

lemmac added a comment to T169428: Some feedback on upcoming NWAF rework and Sniper Bullet damages.

I'd have thought that exactly the reason anyone would wear body armor to begin with?

Dec 24 2022, 7:43 PM · DayZ

Nov 3 2022

lemmac added a comment to T168587: Quick menu can not combine items.

why would you even go through quick menu when a mag can be loaded directly from inventory just by holding the reload button?

Nov 3 2022, 12:11 PM · DayZ Xbox

Oct 20 2022

lemmac added a comment to T168265: Game Bug — Combining.

Plus the inventory stays open when stacking on PC currently...

Oct 20 2022, 4:47 PM · DayZ PlayStation
lemmac added a comment to T168265: Game Bug — Combining.

The game has always behaved this way and it is by design.

Oct 20 2022, 4:42 PM · DayZ PlayStation

Oct 12 2022

lemmac added a comment to T168156: Raw Potato Edibility - An Immersion Breaking Oversight.

Should be able to cook potatoes in fires/ovens IN their skins. As any kid who has ever camped out knows you can just chuck them in the campfire.

Oct 12 2022, 1:43 PM · DayZ PlayStation

Oct 9 2022

lemmac added a comment to T168065: 1.19 Exp - Truck too weak in 1st gear on small incline.

1st/2nd gears are useless in truck... always start driving in 3rd or 4th, the acceleration is much faster

Oct 9 2022, 2:38 AM · DayZ

Oct 6 2022

lemmac added a comment to T168030: Unable to reverse inclines with the Humvee 1.19 experimental.

so weird the actual game devs can't seem to manage what your part time modders do with ease

Oct 6 2022, 1:02 AM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T168033: Inadequate HitBox near the transport, and the character getting wet while sitting in the transport during the rain..

yep, just increase vehicles resistance to damage, simple

Oct 6 2022, 12:57 AM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T168036: Bug with the car.

... and make the shoulder carried weapons disappear already! Looks so shoddy with them sticking through the roof and it's so simple to fix!

Oct 6 2022, 12:55 AM · DayZ

Sep 27 2022

lemmac added a comment to T167816: Adding a 'countdown timer'.

Far better to just count the KO logout as a kill in the killfeed logs, that way all other players wouldn't be annoyed and inconvenienced at all other times having to wait to restart.

Sep 27 2022, 2:42 PM · DayZ Xbox
lemmac added a comment to T167820: Livonia Bunker, Console Alt Account Solution.

i guess a relocate on logout would be a nice little escape feature for any players stuck in there due to the water trap too ;)

Sep 27 2022, 2:36 PM · DayZ Xbox

Sep 24 2022

lemmac added a comment to T167675: Car Despawning randomly on official.

not possible someone lobbed something explosive in and ruined the vehicle making it despawn?

Sep 24 2022, 3:18 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T167709: Insane controller mapping for vehicle controls.

but wait, aren't these triggers are supposed to be analogue?

Sep 24 2022, 3:16 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T167711: DayZ 1.19 Experimental movement issues.

always a case of great ideas, poor implementation

Sep 24 2022, 3:14 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T167718: 1.19 Experimental Livonia - impossible to open the regular doors in the bunker once they have been locked with a lockpick.

seen this happen twice on twitch streams now... Freshspawns had to get very inventive lol

Sep 24 2022, 3:08 PM · DayZ
lemmac added a comment to T167716: HUMVEE don't start drive correct.

i think it's odd the engine turns off when driver exits... if you exit an automatic vehicle leaving engine on and car in drive without handbrake then it should continue moving, simple as. This could be a brilliant game mechanic, such as moving cover.

Sep 24 2022, 3:05 PM · DayZ