Wobo's and Marks' videos often tell us to use the tracker to ask for new features, as he says all of them are read. So here goes....
- Inventory item manipulation.
Say if you are trying to swap items between your old backpack on the floor and the new one you just picked up. It would be great if we could drag a marquee around multiple items and either double click to let DayZ decide where to put them, or drag them to a specific item of clothing. I've seen a simple version of this on ReArmed, where you can drag your mouse over multiple items, so it is possible.
- Inventory clothing priority for transferring objects
If the player could somehow manually designate the order that DayZ will choose put place double clicked objects into, it would be fantastic ! (say, 1) backpack 2) pants 3) vest etc etc)
- Launcher. Some means to find out which mods have not been used.
I placed this in a separate tracker a month or so back, so I may as well put it here too. I have around 180 GIGABYTES of mods, yet I can barely play on ANY servers without having to download even more !! (Which I choose not to do, because enough is enough !). I suspect the vast majority of my mods are abandoned or never used. If only I could find out which ones these are, then I could get rid of 90% of them. 180 gigs is unacceptable. I am certain that the vast majority of DayZ players also have this same problem.
- Serve repacks should be banned or limited in size
I am sick and tired of server packs repacking common mods ! God knows how many identical copies of mods I have to download just to play on ONE server ! It is totally out of control. Especially as some server mods are over 3 gigs in size ! No wonder I have 180gig of space used by mods !