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Dayz 1.20 Radio System Suggestion
Reviewed, NormalPublic


New utilities for the remote radio system would be a great addition to the game. It would bring a new use to the enviroment and the itens that nobody uses.
Some ideas for them:
1-Handheld Transceivers can be turned into improvised detonators using a screwdriver, but would have a chance of ruining them or failing to detonate (some kind of nerf)
2-Field Transceivers can be deployed on the ground (such as a barrel or a tent), and you can hear it from 5 meters away, so players can deploy them at their bases.
3-Add a new event (plane crash, UN supply drop as example) that makes a stress signal in one of the radio frequencies, for the Handheld Transceivers only a 3km away event would de sent, and for the Field Transceiver a 8km radius.
4-A Handheld Transceiver can be atached to a tripwire, so when triggered makes an awfull static sound to the close survivor and in the radio frequency its set on (for 5s).
5-Add a bunch of new frequencies, so survivors can comunicate with more precision.
6-Reduce the Handheld Transceivers weight drom 1kg to 0.5kg for easier carry.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Jan 4 2023, 12:00 PM
Kal added a subscriber: Kal.May 6 2023, 7:03 PM

Love your suggestions, especially 4 which has a lot of potential both as a fun prank, but also warning system for raids or even simply that someone else is lurking around if you set it in a military base for example.

I would add for the handheld receiver:

  • remove/tune down (a lot) the static noise
  • increase its radius to make it more useful
  • reduce battery usage

They are a vastly underappreciated feature of the game yet with immense potential for fun/interesting interactions. Anything that encourages people to pick up and actually use radios would be a welcomed addition.

lemmac added a subscriber: lemmac.May 8 2023, 3:17 PM

doesn't the explosive come with its own detonator already?

Kal added a comment.May 8 2023, 4:31 PM

doesn't the explosive come with its own detonator already?

Claymores do but not plastic explosives