On small inclines the reverse alot of times doesnt work
Also the gears do not always work, sometimes I need to set it in reverse and then Drive for it to go. Other times I had to restart the engine for the Drive to engage.
On small inclines the reverse alot of times doesnt work
Also the gears do not always work, sometimes I need to set it in reverse and then Drive for it to go. Other times I had to restart the engine for the Drive to engage.
Humvee cannot reverse on this small incline
.Similar to https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167827
Ah THATS the other bug I meant to write up last night.
Switching gears:
I assumed it was because it was an automatic but the way it animates it's like you're trying to shift a manual.
Being Automatic, the transmission should still switch gears but continue to roll the opposite direction until the vehicle stops then electronically switch gears.
But yes switching gears is annoying as the animation does happen and you hear the gears shift but no action happens.
so weird the actual game devs can't seem to manage what your part time modders do with ease