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Perfect time to start really using regions in servers definitions.
Reviewed, NormalPublic


It is an ideal time to consider using regions in server lists due to issues with Chinese servers overcrowding the lists for European players and block results. Using regions can also help in the future. You are now using 3 regions [-1,3,255] in server definitions. You got integer(255) as region variable in steam, which is enought for all countries of the world. Then you can create groups like Europe/Asia/North America/South America and so on in filter of DayZ Launcher.

This is a major issue as players are unable to locate any "local" servers because of Chinese servers. Problem persist for several months.
You should consider releasing a stable update for the launcher as soon as possible.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

raxto created this task.Jan 31 2023, 10:25 AM
lemmac added a subscriber: lemmac.Jan 31 2023, 2:53 PM

Also alphabetical order should only start with the first/last letter of the alphabet, not a number, not a symbol, both of which should be ignored.

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Feb 1 2023, 11:46 AM

I filter by ping... China generally has over 200ms ping.

They've acknowledged they have a solution for the china mining servers, hopefully for 1.20.

Dude it's insane right now. I loaded 2500 servers on the official launcher before I stopped it and every single one of them are random China based servers. I'm sure they are also spoofing their player counts, and every single one of them servers is dead.

I know Bohemia has nothing to do with any of the 3rd party launchers. But if you open DZSA launcher right now one of the servers that has been at the top of the list for like 2-3 weeks now says "Fake Online Here" and "Fake Players: Discord" and then gives discord ID's where I'm guessing these people are selling software to spoof player counts.

R0zik added a subscriber: R0zik.Feb 5 2023, 2:42 PM
raxto added a subscriber: Geez.Feb 14 2023, 10:33 AM

@Geez, Steam region codes.