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Suppressors ruin easily when inside Player Inventory
Assigned, NormalPublic


Whenever you have an Improvised Suppressor, Normalized Suppressor, Standardized Suppressor and Pistol Suppressor in your Shirt, pants, vest or backpack They will become ruined after being hit once from zombie or bitten once from wolf.
From Pristine to Ruined


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

CosmoDayZ created this task.Apr 5 2022, 1:08 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Apr 5 2022, 5:18 PM

Please fix this!! Been a year and a half since reported.

@Geez please send this to the devs! I lost so much suppressors because of this

put them in your teddy

I always keep them in a protective case, anything get damage when you receive hits from infected and other players.

Not everyone wants to carry extra items for that. What if i can't find those items before finding the suppressor? If you're not understanding the point don't comment, this has been a long issue.

lemmac added a subscriber: lemmac.Oct 12 2023, 5:54 PM

those zombie fingers are amazingly strong when they slap you, can literally demolish metal beneath your clothes - also extremely sharp, despite appearances, leaving you with huge gaping wounds... quite incredible really ;)