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- Mar 6 2013, 2:12 PM (625 w, 3 d)
May 27 2022
I know if the Enfusion engine, if you add a spline to add/adjust a river, it can affect the terrain as well, so sound like this could be possible.
Jun 5 2016
This is something I've been looking for... using mods and Zeus isn't as desirable as having it a part of the Eden Editor. If you look at the bottom right hand side in the Eden Editor there is an icon stating whether its online or not... maybe this needs to be fully utilized and is already in the works.
May 31 2016
Is sincerely hope that this (or similar) sort of idea will be a surprise for us in Tanoa.
May 10 2016
Also look at this mod:
The guy is interacting with the interior of the helicopter just by looking at the buttons he wants to press.
He looks up towards the top of the helicopter finds the button which turns the lights on a presses it, and much more.
+1 Everything Dyslexci and twistking mentions.
So long you are able to look at the object you want to interact with, from corner to corner it should highlight, no matter how big the object... UNLESS the object you want to interact with is part of a larger object, such as doors, seats of vehicles etc.
This will help visualise what you want to pick up, say two enemies are dead near each other, but the two different weapons they have dropped are pretty much on top of each other, its painful (or so my mind says) to go through the action menu to choose the weapon, often missing it if i move my mouse slightly... using the 1 tap button plus visually seeing what item you want to pick up... (or not) is a ingeniously simple and worthwhile idea.
Not quite realistic in ArmA's POV so allow players to be able to turn the highlighting off, and/or change the transparency of the highlight, and making sure that it works at night without making the highlight appear like a bright neon light surrounding the object.
I would personally keep this feature on.
Another idea i have is using the same mentioned above, except only on part of the object that required to be used in order to operate the object itself.
A door would be to move the mouse over the door handle.
A crane where hovering the crosshair over certain buttons/joysticks would control the crane appropriately. (would be nice to have some sort of physx crane in the game)
This is almost similar to the game called "The Last of Us"
Offtopic: I just wanted to say that clicking back AFTER creating this ticket it took me back to the search section of the Tracker, my ticket has appeared there using the Keywords that I have used to try and search for other tickets. Seems like this is the only ticket created regarding the Request.
I hope that a Dev/BIS Web Developer can put this into action.
The only way i managed to gain FPS is NOT by changing graphics to low.
Didnt change my multiplayer fps a single bit from High to low... but what did change it was the view distance setting and object settings.
In SP i should be getting about 30-40fps with view distance at 6000+ View Distance with 5000 Object distance.
In multiplayer I would have between 5-9fps on these settings.
Changing the view distance to 2000 and object distance to 1500 gave me between 10 - 13fps.
Not good :(
But optimizations are still to come! :D Still will upvote++
Should this be fixed, I hope they are able to add light pollution.
Would not work with the current pathing system. See my ticket about how to fix that: [^]
Using this in conjunction with the system in my ticket, this would be quite an amazing feature. It would be better to add it into a module rather than force all users to use it.
ps. If BI cannot do this, then it'll be done via scripting/modding.
The unit can be easily spotted if shadows are disabled. Quite an unfair advantage, and it is probably what a lot of people on MP do anyway. Upvote++
We have accTime, cant we have decTime so we can go back in time?
Definately should have this ability. I wonder what Agia Marina's Canal on Stratis would look like filled with water...
I think it is also important that the AI can detect if there is a vehicle driving directly at them.
If the vehicle is within their line of sight and it's heading straight for them, they should try and get out of the way.
Well you can do it via scripts, but it will be nice to not have to do it that way...
If we look at the new customization options for Truesky, you can see that there are some many properties to change and look at.
Can we maybe at least have the ability to change/create PhysX properties of a single object?
Like I mentioned in my previous post, we can do so much.
This is a must :D
Creating a part of the system, such as your example above will open the possibilities for it to be used elsewhere.
We just need a physical rope with basic Physx properties, such as the rope coiled and uncoiling when it is being pulled etc.
Can make stringy rope (like the Bungee Jumping rope) just by changing it's properties. Make solid rope actually a bar, but it does not bend in any way. It's limits are only what it is connected to, such as a bearing or rotational joints for example.
Well the fact that BI would need to make the vehicles 100% accurate... can be done, just time consuming.
Is it worth the time? Probably not, but i'll support the idea so if it happens, great.
UNLESS the vehicles are already 100% to their real life counterpart, and BI did not know about what EA has done, then you may have opened eyes.
That is why i mentioned Render to Texture lol.
Render to Texture is the culprit I think. I believe they are still optimizing it, because in some Dev's i've had smooth FPS in a vehicle and in others not so smooth.
Plus a lot of great detail has gone into the creation of vehicle interiors.
I've raved about this before (a video is linked) but since the inclusion of the 3D Mission Editor is going to happen, maybe look at importing xaitMap (from VBS2) into ArmA 3.
Check this video out:
I was playing on a map yesterday (Hindu kumush or something like that) and notice there was a large area with rocks surrounding all the edges. Looks like a giant / tall crater. I asked my AI to move near the edge of the rocks to go prone and wait for the enemy to arrive... But he wouldnt comply. Then I looked more carefully and noticed that the terrain dips so far that the rocks are hanging off it. He wouldn't walk there because there is no terrain to stand on.
If Polygonal Pathing was possible one would paint from the edge of the terrain over the rocks when creating the map. This would allow the AI to ignore the terrain and walk anywhere inside the polygon path. If there is something to collide with, then it will. If not then it will fall to a horrible death.
The map editor would include an auto pathing tool that paints polygons on the terrain but avoids structured and other impassable things, then if a user spots something that should be passable say going from terrain to rock then they would paint the passable areas manual.
Also allows users to have polygons on a bridge and under a bridge.
Would also make it possible for the ai to go through small gaps if there is enough room, the unit property for the polygon in that gap is set to prone only for example. The unit can be command to move through or to stay in there to await an ambush etc.
Well since they have a new expansion in the works maybe afterwards they could look into implementing this feature?
I find that more games are using it, it makes for very fluid and dynamic situations.
Lets get the votes rolling again!
Edit: Wow looks like it is :O and not just for vehicles too
Source from:
also read the first post on that thread.
Ok so the title really should be... [FEATURE REQUEST] Include Xaitment in one form or another in ArmA 3
But if its not feasible to include software thats already there, then hopefully it can be done some way in ArmA 3.
Omg check this out:
Watch the whole thing but look especially at the boat part about 54 seconds in.
This is not 100% related to this thread, probably about 10%, but it shows Xaitment in action... wow im impressed
The second video was simply just showing Xaitment in action, which is why i said not 100% related to this ticket.
Xaitment is the... lets say module.
Xaitmap is the path finding/navmesh part of the module
XaitControl is the AI part of it, intelligent AI avoiding obstacles and using direct paths etc.
Since i found Xaitment to be in VBS2 by doing research, Xaitmap is the thing i am requesting to be in ArmA 3. I should have mentioned that, I apologise.
The AI i believe are already very smart, they just need the tools to help make them even smarter.
Here is a part of the wiki:
"xaitment currently sells two AI software modules: xaitMap and xaitControl. xaitMap provides runtime libraries and graphical tools for navigation mesh generation (also called NavMesh generation), pathfinding, dynamic collision avoidance, and individual and crowd movement. xaitControl is a Finite State Machine for game logic and character behavior modeling that also includes a real-time debugger. On January 11, 2012, xaitment announced that it making its source code for these modules available to "all current and future US and European licensees"."
I know, I have my fingers crossed they have this feature on their todo list... fingers crossed.
You know I wonder if this is the system used in the vehicles in VBS2... hmmm
It does say that this request is reviewed... i am wondering what the devs are thinking of this system?
Advance Cargo Loading yes and even cargo unloading of course, attach a physx rope to the side door, walk to it, interaction pops up to rappel, climb onto the rope and go down. You dont have to be confined to the seats all the time, well only if its a Chopper. The smaller heli's are impossible to move around in.
But this would work very well for large planes and large boats and even large vehicles.
I've probably mentioned that a few times though lol! Exciting "possible" feature =)
Probably. It does depend on how the Devs would do it.
When i mentioned the gradient information being interpreted to slow units down depending on weight, what I meant was that the system would know what angle the gradient is in accordance to the direction the unit is walking in.
Maybe to detect possible places where a unit can jump off a ledge, it may be that you require, as normal, navmeshes where they can walk, then kind of a line at the edge of the navmesh where they can jump down.
It could be so that if the line is within a certain height, say... up to the AI unit's waist, then he can climb up the ledge. But if the ledge is double the height, the unit can only jump off it, not climb up it.
If we could get a C130 like plane in ArmA 3, incorporate this system, lock it to the plane so that the world gravity does not affect any units standing in the vehicle, then have the so called line at the end of the hatch, when a unit walks to line, if they have a parachute/wingsuit they can jump out of the plane and skydive.
They also take into account the height of the plane to the terrain to determine if it is safe enough to jump and land on the ground without getting hurt.
Obviously the unit will not be able to walk to the edge of the hatch if it is shut, because the gradient angle of the hatch will be so high that the unit will not even attempt to walk up it... lol! Hence they wont think about walking to the so called line to jump out, until the hatch is lowered.
Thanks suicideking, will try and upload in that format.
Can the title be changed to something like
[AI REQUEST] Polygonal Pathing for Buildings, Objects and Vehicles
[AI REQUEST] Navmeshes for Buildings, Objects and Vehicles
I do apologise but can you any 2 of the files I have uploaded?
Whichever rocks your boat. Thanks so much.
This will work on rocks and cliffs. Just make sure that when the unit transitions from terrain to a rock they walk on the rock not through it.
Another thing that can probably be affected with this method is the weight of vehicles/units.
Obviously the stairs can be quite difficult to ascend if you have lots of heavy gear on so it slows you down.
So the navmesh will automatically include gradient information, even if the gradient changes on the way it will know.
Then by doing some amazing maths you can smoothly transition the speed according to the weight of the unit/object if it is walking into the gradient or away from the gradient or even if u are walking sideways to the gradient. Walking down a slope will make you walk faster but more likely to tumble if the main mass of weight is in front of you.
This would work but if it is too complicated at thus stage then simply having the AI be able to move around using the Navmesh would be great.
This will also fix underground too! I remember someone from BI mentioned underground and ai are an issue. With navmeshes? No more :D.
JPEG Uploaded
edit: No thumbnail for the image :/ Wish there could be basic HTML support when creating tickets... just to be able to link and show images.
Yes exactly, there are a lot of games that use this system, and look how good they are. I really hope that the devs are thinking about this :D
Yes that is basically what my idea is about. I just did a bit of research when you replied , it is already known in the games industry as the "Navigation Mesh". I just called it the "Polygonal Pathing System" as it is basically the same thing, with a different name.
Check this out:
I dunno what most of the games are on there, i think the first one may be World of Warcraft, but that basically explains the "Navigation Mesh" aka my "Polygonal Pathing System" (PPS).
So yes Helari, that was my idea in the first place.
Just found out that the elder scroll games (morrowind+) also use the NavMesh method.
See this picture
See the objects? The navmesh draws around the object so obviously to stop the AI from walking into them. And also the stairs are drawn angled too.
My point exactly. To improve AI movement and definitely CQB
Another add, I believe this system should be available outdoors too.
Especially the canal in Agia Marina.
I can walk along the ledge of the canal to get to the steps, the AI cannot they tend to walk around the houses just to get to the entrance of the steps.
Having the whole canal use the polygonal system would allow the modder to seperate the ledge from the base of the canal.
This can be used for animation transitions so the AI can jump off the ledge or climb up the ledge depending on the situation.
It could also detect if there is water in the canal, if it is too high then then AI wont go inside.
I hope there is a way to have water in the canal though....
Well i believe the system is quite implementable to the current system.
Just open an ArmA 3 building in an editor, create rooms using polygons touching the floor. Name them appropriately and make sure all the polygons are touching each other, remove unneeded path points, add memory points. Make sure the polygons are not visible in game.
Then in game tell the AI to go into the room anywhere they like.
Well it sounds simple... I know that they would need to tweak it so that the AI knows they can walk anywhere in the rooms etc.
I can see it being done quite easily, but I have teeny little coding skills so i have no idea how hard that side of the job may be.
But best of luck if someone is attempting it.
Another way this could be used possibly for moving vehicles such as large carriers and boats.
The polygon pathing system will stay local to the moving vehicle, so no matter how fast the vehicle is moving, a unit can stay in the same place because where they are standing, their position is only local to the object, not the world hence no more positional lag.
Sorry for uploading multiple pictures, I am trying to get the picture to display on this site rather than having to download it just to view it. They are all the same pictures though so choose one.
You have buildings, and damage models for the buildings.
Being damaged the AI should to a certain extent be able to move around on the rubble, as long as it is not too steep or there is an intact wall in the way (obviously).
They currently do walk through the rubble, but they often get stuck because they just walk aimlessly into it (in most cases).
If there are no plans for dynamic building destruction, then it is possible that the polygonal pathing system can be placed for the damage model of buildings, so a pile of rubble leading up to a window on the second floor (with a memory point there) should be easy for the AI to access with the system without getting stuck or spinning in circles.
I knew that lol, my idea was just another easier way to do it, but no problem at all =)
This ticket would be better responded to if you asked the Developers to add the "Special" option to the Group Menu so you can set all the units to Formation, In Cargo, Flying or None in one go.
The buildings on the editor map wont match what is in the game world until BIS have time and are able to update the icons. They will fix it when the can if they can.
I havent encountered this... I fly then turn the engine off while i am flying, i can maneuver the vehicle whilst the engine is off, but if i press the Q or Z button (Raise or Lower) then the engine turns back on.
Latest dev? I havent tested it today....
Hope this becomes possible because on Altis, the legs kinda look like they are floating, as their mesh goes straight into the ground. This goes for all types of metal buildings.
Well if my request helps these things to become possible, then all the better. Only if it can be done though.
Damn would be nice to have working elevators in the game.. :O Even if the AI dont use it (or unless they are forced to use it by scripting, that'll be ok)
Thinking about my idea (blimey that long ago) transporting the Military Buildings via helicopters using Sling Loading, when lowering it to the ground the legs adjust to the terrain accordingly...
Well my idea was to have the building static except the doors and windows obvious but to have the legs part of that static building as a "loose" dynamic object in which the height can be adjusted automatically or manually.
The legs I think are more important than the feet so if required just allow the legs to extend/contract and leave the feet as they are.
In the case of my mock idea there are only 4 models that can move, the legs obviously. It could be doable, and could pave way for other possible dynamics.
Check this out, I created it in Cinema 4D, havent used that software in years lol.
I apologise for the strange blurriness that seems to occur like a heartbeat, unsure why it is doing that.
Basically on the video the actual building is rotating, and it is sitting on top of invisible terrain I did that on purpose as the primary focus is the legs.
As you can see each leg rise and lowers in correlation to the terrain, whilst keep the building itself level.
I did not animate the feet, but if that can be done, great.
Combine this with PhysX for the unloading and loading, this would be a brilliant idea.
Also just imagine transporting the metal buildings used by the army on one of these things.
Any chance this could be looked at for Tanoa?
That just depends if it's ArmA engine that is causing the limitations... I want to see a towing feature :D (Without the attachTo command)
That is what I mean about the bugs. It was good that it works, but it was not perfect.
The way you explained how it could work is so simple yet it sounds so feasible.
Well it could be valuable for missions that could use the rail system. Primarily it would help to get from A to B without all the winding roads and risk being seen whilst in the air. Useful in a mission for capturing the train or blowing it up before it reaches it's objective as it may have weapons on board.
The tracks could go through valley's with the odd platform every now and then.
Plenty of uses, maybe not in Altis (if it doesn't have a railway that is) but in future DLC's and definitely user created islands.
I think there were lots of limitations. I remember it in OFP, but i remember it as being very buggy/laggy and did not work in MP.
I guess the reason they couldn't due to limitations.
Someone attempted it in ArmA 2, it was buggy as hell as you had to find railway objects, then find the direction of the track objects, and somehow aim the train in the correct direction. Very buggy.
Now maybe they have a chance to make this work, as like i mentioned I saw in the latest stream (last week i think) I saw a moving target on rails, which makes me think that it could be very possible.
3 people downvoted... i was hoping none would, because there are many benefits to this...
Well if Altis does not have a railway, there could be railway's in future island DLC's and definitely will be in user created islands.
All I ask for the upvote, not a downvote is for the system to be readily available in the game/engine.
Please dont downvote it JUST because Altis wont have a railway system.
You would like the feature though wouldn't you? I'm sure you do :)
It would be easier to have a tool to convert everything rather than work on the backwards compatibility. Still Upvote++
Strange i've noticed that too, but from 1 end of the bridge the AI seems to be ok to cross it, but at the other end of the bridge they refuse :/
But the funny thing is both ends of the bridge are not connected to the roads at all :/ (The bridge closest to the sea in the marina)
With an AI approaching the bridge, they either stop at the base of it, turn around and find another way to get over the other side. Or cross the bridge either safely or getting caught on the edges and tumbling/flipping over damaging the vehicle. This goes for cars.
The units that walk over the bridge either cross the bridge no problem or spin around in circles in the middle of the bridge.
I hope this can be properly fixed for ArmA 3 as it has been an issue since OFP :O
Fingers Crossed.
Also look at this mod:
The guy is interacting with the interior of the helicopter just by looking at the buttons he wants to press.
He looks up towards the top of the helicopter finds the button which turns the lights on a presses it, and much more.
+1 Everything Dyslexci and twistking mentions.
So long you are able to look at the object you want to interact with, from corner to corner it should highlight, no matter how big the object... UNLESS the object you want to interact with is part of a larger object, such as doors, seats of vehicles etc.
This will help visualise what you want to pick up, say two enemies are dead near each other, but the two different weapons they have dropped are pretty much on top of each other, its painful (or so my mind says) to go through the action menu to choose the weapon, often missing it if i move my mouse slightly... using the 1 tap button plus visually seeing what item you want to pick up... (or not) is a ingeniously simple and worthwhile idea.
Not quite realistic in ArmA's POV so allow players to be able to turn the highlighting off, and/or change the transparency of the highlight, and making sure that it works at night without making the highlight appear like a bright neon light surrounding the object.
I would personally keep this feature on.
Another idea i have is using the same mentioned above, except only on part of the object that required to be used in order to operate the object itself.
A door would be to move the mouse over the door handle.
A crane where hovering the crosshair over certain buttons/joysticks would control the crane appropriately. (would be nice to have some sort of physx crane in the game)
This is almost similar to the game called "The Last of Us"
Or have a 3d editor. Either way they will need to have a solution.
Funny I was going to post this request up myself.
Yes I completely agree, the icons/markers should match the dimensions/position of the actual objects.
Check the MB Killhouse mod, it is created by a member of the development team at BIS, he released his own mod.
The mod itself is great, but what really makes it stand out is the fact that the building icons/markers are the exact size of the buildings AND the rooms are also visible on the icons/markers.
This isnt just the case for the buildings, but also for the walls. The wall icons are every so slightly off with matching the dimensions of the objects, but everything else is perfect.
Will upvote! ++++++++++++
Even better allow to save a selection as a template, which in turn can also be used as examples.
Well give mission makers the ability to share these example missions at the very least. Some people really do want to help others get better at mission maker.
If so there could be some sort of repository on the Steam Workshop (and ArmAHolic too) for example missions, with varying degrees of difficulty in terms of learning.
A beginner example mission may consist of the use of units/groups/waypoints
A amateur beginner mission may contain all of the above plus triggers/markers/modules/sync
and so on....
Of course allow the mission creator to set whatever they feel the difficulty would be for their example missions.
Just a thought, a way to help train people in the art of mission making! :P
Well I think in some ways physx water should be quite a high priority. But it is probably very CPU intensive and would take a long time to get working.
I reckon they should include the possibility of rivers, water height in regards to the moon and the tide, and water resistance. Would make for some dynamic missions indeed.
Just a quick add, look at this:
Simultaneous SQF/SQS scripting capabilities. Imagine this being used in conjunction with this multiplayer mission editing.
I understood what Jindra meant straight away. Simultaneous mission editing with another player or more.
It is something I would really love to have, being able to create a single mission with my friend using 1 editor would be great.
But this has already been requested here:
Same as this one:
See the last post? It's a temporary way to control the AI by voice until BIS decides to (or not to) add Voice Activated Commands/Control to the game.
can this be cancelled/deleted?
I think the CTRL and clicking midway between 2 waypoints should be a seperate ticket. I will create one.
Somehow it feels like that this ticket... will not be acknowledged because the idea is just not possible.
Should that be the case, then can a mod close this ticket.
I am hoping that it is sort of possible, but I wont get my hopes high.
I forgot to mention, currently the AI's pathing is far better than in previous games. And this is a confirmed feature...
"Improved micro AI and path finding"
Maybe this "Micro AI" can be incorporated into my idea for Routes/Micro Waypoints for more precise forced pathing.
I dont know how the waypoint system works so I am going to guess to explain my idea.
The game map is made up of Grids with Coords that uses X,Y,Z positions for 3D placement.
I believe that a waypoint uses the X, Y, Z of the Grid.
So placing a waypoint at Grid Coord 025052. There are no visible decimal numbers, only rounded numbers, these are just the coords
However the waypoint actually has decimal numbers so for example:
X = 2509.31 meters
Y = 5288.83 meters
My idea would be to allow a point in a route to fine tune this position even more so it would be like this for example:
X = 2509.31325
Y = 5288.83224
Combined with Micro AI, the unit must arrive at that EXACT position before continuing on to the next point in the route.
So instead of walking to 2509.31, no matter how close the unit is, even by 10 millimeters the unit still has to arrive at 2509.31325 not a mil more not a mil less.
The problem that I have with waypoints so close together for example:
Waypoint 1: X = 2509.31
Waypoint 2: X = 2550.31
These two being so close, the waypoint will instantly jump to Waypoint 3: X = 3223.31 because the unit thinks that it's arrived at Waypoint 1 then all of a sudden Waypoint 2 so whats the point in walking there when I can jump to Waypoint 3.
I hope I explained it better.
ps. Yeah I love the idea for CTRL + Click one way or another :D
Valid Point, but for example if you have 2 waypoints 10meter within each other 1 of 2 things would happen.
- The AI would go crazy turning in circles unsure what they are doing
- The AI would skip the two waypoints and move straight on to the next JUST because they are 10meters away from each other.
My idea by using routes and points would be to force the unit to each point's position NO MATTER how far apart they are. If there are 2 points 5 meters apart, the unit will still use them rather than skipping to the next point.
In a mission I need to guide an enemy patrol through a building, into an alleyway. If i have 2 waypoints they can take any path at random, which is not the effect I want.
Think as the points as the "BIS Unit_Capture" and "BIS Unit_Play" for every movable unit/vehicle.
Except that this does not hog the system resource as much as UnitCapture/Play would as they force a vehicle along a route predefined by a player... recording EVERY minor position along the way generating lines upon lines of codes. Useful for pure accuracy, but my idea would be just as perfect.
I must mention that if there is a route used on a player leading a group or going solo, it will be a waypoint instead of a route as we, the players are clever enough to walk where we need to walk... unlike the AI who walks to where they need to go... usually the way we would not want them to go.
If the player is following their leader with a route waypoint, then it is still a route and not a waypoint as the route is assigned to an AI, therefore they MUST arrive at that position specified.
Could tie in with my idea:
Using my system idea, alongside yours would improve the overall AI indoor awareness.
Voting up as the fog needs to be removed from interiors.
Maybe it would be as simple as having a rope object with 2 ends that are hooks.
NAME = Name of the rope object
tow = Command
VEHICLE1/OBJECT1 = Name of the vehicle/object pulling the other vehicle/object
VEHICLE2/OBJECT2 = Name of the vehicle/object being pulled the other vehicle/object
MEMPOINT = The memory point of the object OR the [x,z,y] of an object, like attachTo
It would be great for the rope to use the new physics system.
Voting up! =)
PS. If a certain Mempoint is a rope, use the rope physics else if the Mempoint is a crane, only use physics for the end of the object not being pulled (such as the back wheels of a vehicle is allowed to move left and right, whilst keeping the front fixed to the crane). Also would be great if you can use 2 or more ropes, and having the pulling vehicle affected in some way by the weight of the object they are pulling.
Also fire needs to have that ability to spread from 1 source to another object thus creating a new source of flames, until there is nothing that can catch alight nearby.
Can the possibility of burned buildings be possible if they are made out of wood? Should the fire set it alight, it gets burnt, and with some of the new texture mapping, embers can easily be applied to them.
And maybe allow for mists to appear at dawn nearer the sea.
I can confirm that the setDir works.
Create a player unit, and a Camping Chair. Name it Chair.
player attachTo [chair,[0,-0.15,-0.5]];
player setDir 180;
player switchMove "InBaseMoves_SittingRifle2";
use setDir after the unit has been attached to it.
Also setting the direction of the unit while it is attached to an object will set the direction the unit is facing relatively to the chair, not the world space.
So if a chair is facing east in the world space, attaching the unit to chair using [0,0,0] will set the unit NORTH relative to the chair but EAST relative to the world space, in which case setDir 180 will making the unit face SOUTH relative to the chair, but WEST in the world space.
Just thought i'd try and explain if people start to wonder why it is not working the way it is, when in fact actually is, it's just they are using the commands wrong.
Great idea. Obviously someone creates a mission, then enables the multi mission editing for multiple players to edit the mission at the same time, and having a tool that is synchronized to the mission folder of the player who created the mission in the first place, thus allowing real time editing of scripts etc.
(I hope that I explained that clearly)
Have DropBox style synchronization for connecting to the mission folder, and when using Notepad++ if another person has edited the scripts, it will automatically inform the other person that the script has been modified, do you wish to reload it.
I guess my old ticket is somewhat related to this one in terms of forcing a unit to follow a path you want them to take.
I called it Micro Waypoints. You have your standard normal A to B waypoints, but it becomes a route when you set Micro Waypoints in between 2 waypoints which forces the unit to walk via that route to get from A to B rather than them doing it themselves.
Well just allow the possibility of having a more vertical terrain deformation in the map editor and have it linked with a tool where you can define what objects make the wall of a trench, then when you draw a line on the map, it automatically digs/deforms the terrain AND add the objects you want for the walls. Then you can edit each section manually, maybe remove wall, and smoothing the slope so you can walk into the trench
Automated process =)
It's a cheat, but its been used before, but now the maps are much more higher in terms of resolution, the results will look nicer.
(Remember this is an idea for the map editor, in case this feature cannot be incorporated right now)
That is not quite an underground structure, as far as i know it is just rocks placed around to look like you are going underground. But really you are inside a space with rocks surrounding it.
I could be wrong though...
Who would vote this down :O Upvote+++
As long as it does not make Armaholic obsolete.
Same here, I was playing the game, then a shut it off as it crashed... booted it up and now i have missing text. I was not aware of an update lol.
Ah I hadn't found that one when searching, I must have used the wrong keywords. I uploaded the mission here, I will upload it to the other one too.
Have a look at what I found:
This page will help with EVERYTHING climate related to Lemnos for Altis.
For the purpose of this ticket, scroll down and you will see where it says snow and clouds etc.
It very very rarely snows on Lemnos, but it has snowed before.
Well if it occurs every 50 years on Lemnos then surely its should occur in game every 50 years, or maybe have the ability to force snow on the island, or even get a rough prediction of Global Warming and see how that may affect the snow in the years on 2035+.
Or unrealisticly to real lifw but realistically in game (remember the real Lemnos is far bigger than Altis) is to halve the number of years the snow occurs, so maybe every 25 years or so.
This may be a little bit of a bad example, but here in the UK it is spring time. But we have been having weather to rival any winters we have ever had in the last 100 years.
30 years down the line we could end up tropical.
So kid18120 has a point. Keep voting this people! Remember it does not have to be voted just for Stratis but all maps in general.
Well using normal mapping and maybe displacement mapping, it could be possible to give the effect of snow on the ground piled up.
Good idea though, upvote++