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- Oct 4 2014, 10:33 PM (546 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
Okay, thanks.
Sorry, i don't know, what "oldUI" and "newUI" means and how i can get "newUI" to my DayZ. Is it an Update-Issue or do i have to patch something manually or to set some Kind of Switch in the Game Options?
@Capybara: To Remove Tires from the Cars you have to use the "Lug Wrench" Tool, without that the Tires can not be demontaged from a Vehicle.
So it might be, if you get in a Truck while holding a Weapon, it messes the status of the Weapon or inverses it and when getting out you don't hold the Weapon, but the System thinks you do, because the parameter is inverted?!
Just thinking.
Same just happened to me in Nadezhdino - two Zombies were attacking, i shot them with my SKS, then something kept hitting me out of nowhere.
"The Force is strong in this One..." *giggle*
It seems one has to get out of the Truck and walk around outside for a certain Amount of Time until the Player Position is saved again. I was driving around with a co-op Friend yesterday for roundabout 3.5 Hours, we got out of the Truck several Times and after the next Reset i logged in at the Place i entered the Truck the last Time.
Do you have any Firewalls (e.g. Windows Firewall) that could be blocking DayZ or Steam-App(s) from Harddisk- or Internet-Access? Otherwise i would toggle the "Run as Administrator" Option in the Game's Desktop-Icon if started from there or maybe you run your Steam-App with this Option, then toggling the State of the Checkbox in the Icon's Compatibility-Options might help?! Just a Guess.
Playing the ArmA 2 DayZ Mod i got nearly run down by a Horde of about 12 Rabbits once in the Forest near a City... quite funny in Comparison.
Recognized this also, even more difficult to stay healthy if you are on a Server that lets it rain every 30 seconds for about 5 Minutes. Staying in the same Garage (where you can luckily make a Fire) about 20 Minutes to get the Clothes at least a little bit less damp, just to go out and be showered again is not the Kind of Gameplay that creates Fun. Sitting nearly IN a Fireplace still leaves you shaking for a long time AGAIN, this Issue is not a new one.
BluesAdam... 'nice' *urgh* Suggestion, but i have never ever seen a Rabbit in this Game and have crafted about 30 Snare-Traps inside and outside the Cities and at the Forest, none of them caught a Rabbit, same with the improvised Fish-Trap (cut waterbottle with worm inside, placed in Water Sources). I am yet not convinced myself, that there even ARE Rabbits or Fish in the Game, not to even speak of living Chickens...
Seems to work again since 0.52 stable, thanks DEVs!
Does not work for digging up Earthworms either.
I agree with that and presume, this occurs at many other Lootspawns, too. Also Loot spawns on Top of cabins, lockers, etc. where you can't pick it up or if you can, you have to trick by putting inventory items out and pointing at the desired Loot with the grey Dot, then it MIGHT be drawn into the empty Slots of e.g. your Backpack. I'd like to know - just for fun - how many Loot Items were passed by me in the last Weeks, because i didn't spot them under the Surfaces.
Thanks for your Explanation, NewOutlaw - i just nevertheless agree with SgtPotatoes at the Moment. I would just not have thought about filling Lifesource Water into a former Petrol-filled Canister, as Rests of Petrol could spoil the Water Quality in Real Life, but i get the Point of Ingame Flexibility it adds later on.
Try to lay down on the Floor and crawl out the front Door, that worked for me yesterday - otherwise try the same at the Back. It is clearly not the Way it is meant to be, but if it prevents from keeping stuck in the House instead, it's a (damn) good Argument, i think.
This happened to me just twice, since i play the 0.51 stable, one Day after it was updated from 0.50 stable. Therefor my Client crashes every time i log off or get disconnected by rebooting Servers.
It should not only be possible to combine Matchboxes, also to split them up to share with a coop-player.
I carried the Compass (pristine) in SPOSN Tortilla Backpack and faced north on the Map, the Compass said "East" - then i changed the Compass from the Backpack to my Cargo Pants and repeated the Task, now it showed correctly "North". So it seems to depend on where the Compass is stored, as i used the same Compass for testing.
I remarked this 'Issue' also, facing doubtlessly North on the Map, the Compass saying "East" - the Compass itself was in 'damaged' Condition, so i presumed, that its showing the wrong Direction was intentionally programmed as a Sign of the Tool not being in at least 'worn' State. Might that be correctly found out?
Though i think, a Compass should always still show the slightly right Direction, unless it's clearly stated in 'ruined' Condition, IMHO.
Try crafting Splints with wooden Stick and Duct-Tape meanwhile, this works as an Alternative. You just need a Hacksaw or a Machete for chopping kindling, not necessarily an Axe... and a Duct-Tape with at least 50% Capacity left.
As we were used to freezing to Death in the 0.49 much too easily, now we are instantly running HOT, there likely has to be some finetuning to take place.
Came across this Issue myself several Times at the black wooden Hut with one Entrance, the Trashcan stands left in the Doorway and you can only luckily pass, when you jump aside trickingly turning left or right.
I had the same Problem yesterday with a fully equipped SKS (Loading Stripe/Scope/Bajonet), when i tried to look at a target through Gunsight i could only see my Hand.
A Friend of mine reported this to me laughingly in Coop-Play as well, the Zombie even moaned and grawled under Water, as if it stood right by her Side.
The Handcuffs can be opened by seperately found Handcuff-Keys, that's okay so far, but the Lockpick i found in pristine Condition also became ruined after a few Times i used it. Pity for this very useful Tool! By the Way, Doors can also be unlocked by brute Force, this works.
A simple %-Gauge in the Gas Canister's Icon would be asked too much?! ;-)
I came across some very annoying Lag-Issue tonight, just 2 Players on a Server, me looking at a Picture Slideshow instead of fluid Movement for a long Period of Gameplay, leaving my co-op constantly waiting and fighting Zombies alone.
You can't drink from Water Wells and there is too no Option to fill Canteens or Water Bottles. We had to collect Rain all the Time for Hours.
I met this Issue e.g. when i was walking across the Railroad-Bridge at the Factory between SOLNICHNIY and NIZHNOYE in the 0.49 stable, suddenly my Clothes were soaking wet, without me having touched any Water-Source.
The Note occurring at breaking a Chem Light and dropping it out of the Hand says: "color action".
Breaking a Chem Light with holding a Weapon and filled Inventory should leave the Chem Light on the Floor, still glowing - it is actually going dark again, saying "color action". Too, Chem Lights should only be able to be activated once, fading Light after a Period of Time, like real Chem Lights do.
I am sure, it would be shockingly surprising to many of those Trigger-Happies, if a Weapon fired inside a Building would go off at 150% Loudness, followed by a muffled hearing ability and a slowly fading Beep Sound for 30 - 45 Seconds or so... ;-)
Several Hollywood Movies leave the Audience with a Beep-Sound for a short while, when the Main Character has been exposed to a Grenade Explosion or something similar (see e.g. "Saving Private Ryan"), not a bad Idea. Up-Vote given...
Agree for the 0.49 stable at least - killed Zombies lying in Doorways could not be stepped over like Fences, as one would do in a RL Apocalypse, but laying on the Ground you could crouch through the Bodies.
Good Suggestion; using Weapon Flashlights without a Weapon attached works right now in the 0.50 stable. #thumbsup
Agree, playing with a Friend i often was told "I already searched that Room!" and replying "But the Door is closed?!" i got answered "No, it's open - you closed it now and are running through the closed Door on my Screen..."
May 10 2016
Agree to this, it makes Gameplay confusingly tense, causing a light paranoid Feeling for no Reason.