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Functions 'Eat all' / 'Drink all' sometimes get stuck when chosen from an Item while holding a Weapon.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I reported the Issue earlier, that the 'Drink all' Option got stuck to not playing the Animation correctly and not finishing the Task, leaving the next possible Action to 'Cancel (current) Action'. I now realised that it could be dependant on the Player holding (mostly) a Melee Weapon or (maybe) Gun / Rifle, while choosing the 'Eat all' or 'Drink all' Command via MMB or RMB Click when pointing the grey Dot on the Item desired or choosing the Item from Inventory.

The Weapon gets put away, but the Item is not consumed after that, there the Action gets stuck.


Legacy ID
Unable To Duplicate
Steps To Reproduce

Choose Action e.g. "Drink all" from Canteen or Waterbottle while holding a Firefighter-Axe or other (Melee-)Weapon in Hand, sometimes recognize the Action to get stuck to 'Cancel Action' Command.

Event Timeline

NiMeRi75 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 5 2014, 10:36 PM
NiMeRi75 set Category to category:items.
NiMeRi75 set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
NiMeRi75 set Severity to None.
NiMeRi75 set Resolution to Unable To Duplicate.
NiMeRi75 set Legacy ID to 3198176336.May 8 2016, 8:50 PM
andy added a comment.Dec 11 2014, 3:51 PM

Hi NiMeRi75,
we were not able to reproduce this internally and it seems to have been caused by desync rather than an actual bug in the interaction itself - we are however working on a couple related problems which could have been the cause.
Thank you,