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May 25 2014, 2:51 PM (562 w, 1 d)

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May 11 2016

MrDouille added a comment to T114441: Underground swimming animation bug.

I don't think it's a glitch or an abuse. I was with two friends and they tell me I was swimming underground. Obviously I wasn't, I was running by their side. It appends after I go into water for a short while with them. I fix it by swapping weapon AND doing some emote. Must be a desync issue like the "take out wapeon loop dance".

May 11 2016, 2:32 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T114432: Mouse stops functioning correctly after closing Dayz.

Same problem, and same hardware : Razer Mamba 2012. Once I close DayZ, it seams I can click on windows/programs once to get focus but after that, not clickable anymore.

May 11 2016, 2:31 PM · DayZ
MrDouille edited Steps To Reproduce on T115588: flashbang used as trap.
May 11 2016, 2:01 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T115480: Lug wrench needed to remove tire but not needed to add tire..

Not really a bug but more like a missing feature : to attach a wheel you need to have that object in your hand so how are we supposed to hold the needed tool in the same time. This is just like crafting who needs several step combining only one object to another, like arrows (sharpen, than feather, then bones). For now on we just can't use 2 objects or more to perform an action or craft because that how is the game is coded (or not coded depending on your point of view).

May 11 2016, 1:57 PM · DayZ
MrDouille set Category to category:featurerequest on T114560: Add setting "Auto" for Object detail.
May 11 2016, 1:25 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T114441: Underground swimming animation bug.

I don't think it's a glitch or an abuse. I was with two friends and they tell me I was swimming underground. Obviously I wasn't, I was running by their side. It appends after I go into water for a short while with them. I fix it by swapping weapon AND doing some emote. Must be a desync issue like the "take out wapeon loop dance".

May 11 2016, 7:33 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T114432: Mouse stops functioning correctly after closing Dayz.

Same problem, and same hardware : Razer Mamba 2012. Once I close DayZ, it seams I can click on windows/programs once to get focus but after that, not clickable anymore.

May 11 2016, 7:32 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T114261: Unable to "pack" an empty tent..

With current UI we can't see the full inventory space, it's twice this size with the -newui launch option. If someone with this option put an item at the bottom of the inventory, you can't pack it nor move it. Hope it helps you.

May 11 2016, 7:25 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T114141: Ejection Soul Hack on DayZ !!!.

I think it's related to server connexion. When you're getting disconnected, you can still move and shoot at players who are standing without moving, when connexion is reestablished, all your offline actions are resumed and obviously kill people you where shooting at. There is some ways to perform such "network connexion control" without third part soft and no I ain't gonna explain them, but a software also probably can do that.
Annyway I'm OK to tell devs how I can achieve this exploit, but not here where everyone can see and use it.

May 11 2016, 7:20 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T110343: land mine and bear trap takes 4 slots but are not the same size on the ground.

Those items are big because too powerful. It's a way to avoid player carrying too many of them. I agree land mine should be the same size as grenade (1x1).
The same apply to size difference between saw-off shotgun and grip shotgun. One take 4x1 in order to fit in rider jacket, the other one a huge 5x3. It's a way of balancing the game.

May 11 2016, 5:16 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T110266: SUGGESTION: Non-ruined gear should not disappear after death.

I ear your point, but by making useless things to disappear, you make the loot easier. You don't have to sort by yourself ruined item, all that's left is good loot and you spend less time on a body avoiding in the same way the risk of someone shooting you.

May 11 2016, 5:13 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T110266: SUGGESTION: Non-ruined gear should not disappear after death.

Maybe, but I will just quote you :
"all the ruined gear can despawn" (you say the inverse before : "ruined gear also not disappear until at least two or three server resets")
"Pristine gear like backpacks with content, weapons, should stay"
"jeans, flashlight and battery can despawn"

So by reading this, you want the trash and ruined item to despawn, but useful and pristine one to stay. Excuse if my conclusion isn't your point, but it sounds like it.

May 11 2016, 5:13 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T110266: SUGGESTION: Non-ruined gear should not disappear after death.

I think the 10 minutes despawn where make not to allow dead player to came back to their body easily, and mostly not to overcharge server with hundred of freshspawn dead body. But in other hand that's true that if you engage a group, you have 10 minutes to kill them all if you want to loot all bodies.

May 11 2016, 5:13 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T110266: SUGGESTION: Non-ruined gear should not disappear after death.

So what you want is a system to gets life easier by waiting until body despawn and what's left are only important AND non ruined items? Sure...

May 11 2016, 5:13 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T110181: Frying Pan and Cooking Pot Container Bug.

You can also put an helmet in your jeans if you're going this way...

May 11 2016, 5:11 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T110181: Frying Pan and Cooking Pot Container Bug.

Not a bug, why shouldn't you be able to do that? It acts like a protector case with less space.

May 11 2016, 5:11 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T110176: Blaze is getting quickly ruined.

I can confirm this append only with blaze so far. More or less 20 bullets fired and it's ruined but I have intermediate state like damaged or badly damaged.

May 11 2016, 5:10 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T110092: Close ticket.

No you don't stop render after 1000m. Depends on what you put in your config file in the lines viewDistance and preferredObjectViewDistance. Mine are @1500.
Network bubble are 2km for players I think, where doors is only 1km (that's why you don't see open doors past this range).
And yes, scope with range finder or mil-dot are useless until you find the correct FOV. Should be fixed when aim and solve in the same time snipping without scope.

May 11 2016, 5:08 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T110091: Scope when leaning.

No one ever said 2D scope will ever be one day 3D. I'm not even talking about PiP scope.

May 11 2016, 5:08 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T109992: there is a shed in pavlovo you cannot enter.

I remember someone says those sheds where added in a procedural way so mistake can happen. There is also one like this in Pavlovo, and also a double one behind the church you have to open twice.

May 11 2016, 5:04 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T109823: Character stop running when changing weapon.

Devs already say the new animation system will add the function to perform actions regardless to movements. You should be able soon to wave at someone and walking, or take out a gun while running and stop before animation is done. For now you can't change your speed until take out animation is done, and some actions (take out gun while walking) will stop you.

May 11 2016, 4:59 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T109784: Able to continue actions of last character after respawning.

I'm going to add something related that is a very big game breaker :
The action to hide body works as well, so when you get killed and don't want your stuff in other hands, you can remotely hide it. The killer will only have the 30 sec respawn time to strip you if he want something from your corpse.
This is clearly an exploit and should be fixed ASAP.
The inverse seems also true (but I have not tested it myself) : if you put a burlap on the head of a dead body after he respawn, his screen will go black.
I wonder if I can poison someone by force drinking tincture his old corpse.

May 11 2016, 4:57 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T109757: Pressing "V" while sprinting makes character crouch instead of jump.

Same here, jumping often make you vault, fists up when doing emote, randomly change stance when eating/drinking or perform actions like searching apple/stone.
I know the movement system is placeholder-ish one and something new with more animated layer will come in one day or another and nobody from the team will respond because the "fix" will be this new animation system, but I have to report it anyway...

May 11 2016, 4:56 AM · DayZ
MrDouille edited Additional Information on T108937: Spawn in a Rock after suicide.
May 11 2016, 4:28 AM · DayZ
MrDouille edited Steps To Reproduce on T104388: Skin and quarter does nothing.
May 11 2016, 1:39 AM · DayZ
MrDouille edited Additional Information on T103060: Flying Hacker.
May 11 2016, 12:50 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T102966: Followed and attacked by dead ragdoll zombie.

Yeah sure, but ask me again when the game run at more than 15fps I may be able to record something that better than a gif ^^'
Well, the answer is still simple : I got lag when I hit the zombie and client side recorded that I kill it but the server side didn't.

May 11 2016, 12:47 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T102966: Followed and attacked by dead ragdoll zombie.

Append to me too. I killed a zombie and the ragdoll still follow me and hits me. My teammates saw the regular zombie and they have to kill it for me since I cannot hit the ragdoll myself.

May 11 2016, 12:47 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T102875: Why all the Helicopter crash site are located West of the map and also never in the forest ?.

It's on the west to push players to go more inland since they spawn on the east.

May 11 2016, 12:43 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T102688: [suggestion] use guns as melee weapons.

9V battery is just a standard battery in game to avoid multiple type. (a round battery is present in game file however). It fit even on FNX45 red dot sight so size is not relevant.

It should still make more damage than your bare hands.
And I'm pretty sure being stabbed in the head by a metallic tube should knock me out easily :)

May 11 2016, 12:37 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T102688: [suggestion] use guns as melee weapons.

I like the idea but it's has already be suggested somewhere. Flashlight will be great to use as melee to be able to see in the dark AND hit (like in Rust :
Someday we will have melee for bayonet... maybe this will be after. Be patient ;)

May 11 2016, 12:37 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T102616: [SUGGESTION] Improvements for the **IMPROVISED BOW** (Quiver, Arrow Stack Limit, Range).

Take whatever you need ;)
I don't need the credit, I need it in game :p

May 11 2016, 12:35 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T102616: [SUGGESTION] Improvements for the **IMPROVISED BOW** (Quiver, Arrow Stack Limit, Range).

I agree with you but I want to add something :

  • quiver craftable with leather, because you want something hard and not soft.
  • quiver should be in melee slot to be usable
  • ok with arrow stack by 20, but not OK with inventory space. Arrows size are between 26" (66cm) and 32" (81cm) so it's much longer than bottle. Should be 3-4 slot vertically since storage is done this way in the bag or quiver.
  • ok with the amount of time you pull back the bowstring but arrow should goes at least 30m
May 11 2016, 12:35 AM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T101708: Unable to drag and drop items in vicinity straight into hands..

You already can do it. Not by drag and drop it but with right clic then take to hand if your hands are empty.

May 11 2016, 12:02 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

MrDouille added a comment to T101558: Dead Zombies attack you, and you can't kill them.

Append to me too on 0.48. I killed a zombie and the ragdoll still follow me and hits me. My teammates saw the regular zombie and they have to kill it for me since I cannot hit the ragdoll myself.

May 10 2016, 11:57 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T100858: Chaotic behavior when switching weapons.

Yes, that's indeed related. Once an animation starts, like a running cycle, there is no way to stop it. Walk/jog/run should be independent animation and not linked by actions player does. I know the movements are going to be improved, but for now can we fix at least the "stop" and stay in the speed we are while switching? I don't even talk about the "jump-stop"...

May 10 2016, 11:34 PM · DayZ
MrDouille edited Steps To Reproduce on T100858: Chaotic behavior when switching weapons.
May 10 2016, 11:34 PM · DayZ
MrDouille set Category to category:other on T100827: Can't see attached files in feedback tracker.
May 10 2016, 11:33 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T100797: PSO-1 Stadiametric scale.

Nah you got it wrong. Since the PSO-1 is just a 2D overlay sight (like long range) opposing 3D scope (like ACOG), this value printed on the scope depends on your FOV. For this values to be correct, you have to be in a certain FOV depending on your resolution. For 1920x1080 set your FOV slider to the middle of the "e" and "i" in field and you should be good. It could also depend on the UI size, so try to find your correct value with a friend on a wall to mesure ranges.
How to fix this? 2 ways :

  • make FOV for scope frozen
  • make the overlay scales depending on the FOV

And no, it's not done yet 'cause they have much more useful work to do first... like implementing Makarov and AK101 :)

May 10 2016, 11:32 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T100781: Mouse goes off screen with multiple monitors.

Yep, I can confirm. I try to fix this by having a borderless Dayz windowed mode but It's not working. Windowed mode wont lunch with 1920*1080 and became 1920*1050.
It will be great to have a -borderless lunch option in steam to combine with -windowed.

May 10 2016, 11:31 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T100770: Throwing certain items makes your character unable to move in latest EXP patch..

I too have the same problem while throwing chemlight : character stuck with fists raised but unable to move.

May 10 2016, 11:31 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T100499: Character is stuck in blank area outside of map..

You ask for help from support and say there is no help less than 24h later? (22h23 later exactly). People aren't at your service because you paid an alpha, dude! Give they some time to do something. If I mimic you, I would say you're a douchebag if you don't answer this message in 3 minutes... ready? Go!

May 10 2016, 11:22 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T100466: Dazzling road flares / chemlights.

I've the same problem with flare and chemlight but not with gas lamp.
For me it works perfectly : gas lamp adds lighting around you but makes not surrounding darker in both day and night. All light emitters should work like that.
For now I still have an use for chemlight and flare : I trow one in a bulding where I know there is someone camping and since the light will make surrounding darker, the player is unable to see outside the building even in day time ^^
You've made a black-hole grenade more powerful then flash-bang Bohemia ;)

May 10 2016, 11:21 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T100424: Two handed item throwing bug - Firefighter axe falling and player stuck after throwing bug.

I've got the same bug. Throw a pitchfork and my character felt unconscious.
Here is the video after :
Sorry for quality, I already have 15fps when playing without recording.
My character was moving on its own in the direction of the head.
I can take weapon by pressing hotkey but not fire and even access inventory.
I was able to exit the bug by eating something (not on the video).

May 10 2016, 11:20 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T100339: Leg would randomly ache, ruining my pants and everything I had in them..

Append twice yesterday.
First one on nex experimental 0.48, at second floor of restaurant near dispenser in Berezino. I stop to pick an item on the ground and suddenly, legs broken, pants ruined.
Second time on a roof at Balota with teammate on regular 0.47, I'm at the very top of the building, walk around and stop to pick up a compass a friend drops on the ground -> leg painful -> dead.
Apparently I fell of the roof, my body was 15 floor bellow ^^

May 10 2016, 11:17 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T100143: We want to throw items from dead bodies directly.

It's not only from dead body we can't drag items into vicinity directly anymore. All containers are the same. You cannot remove objects you don't wan't from medical box, you have to pick them to your inventory first. Same For fireplace kit : cannot put meet on the ground, you have to pick them to your inventory and you cannot remove the log without picking it either. Frustrating to have the meet burned because we don't have enough inventory space.

May 10 2016, 11:11 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T100087: Player's vertical aim is not synced with Server.

Yep it's problematic for 2 reasons :

  • you can't tell if someone is aiming at you if you're on different level (floors, stairs etc)
  • you can't do funny pictures with your friends anymore :(
May 10 2016, 11:09 PM · DayZ
MrDouille edited Steps To Reproduce on T100072: Shortbow does not shoot in front of player when standing.
May 10 2016, 11:08 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T99971: NE airfield.

Nop, j'essayais même pas d'être drôle, c'est juste la triste réalité : les français on une réputation de m**de et quand je vois un post ouin-ouin qui n'a rien n'a faire sur un feedback et se ferais tout aussi lincher sur Reddit je me dit que ça va pas s'arranger. Après il y a peut être une incompréhension de notre part et tu ne fais pas partie de cette populace de KOSer qui se torchent littéralement avec les mot "Co-op" ou "RP" et dans ce cas, mea culpa.
Je pense que tu seras d'accord avec nous la dessus : ton post n'a rien à faire ici, ce n'est pas un bug, ni une suggestion pour améliorer le jeu. C'est juste un bon gros Troll, que je combats par un autre gros Troll. :)
Et j'aime bien le surnom que tu m'as donné, "Douille Bag"

May 10 2016, 11:04 PM · DayZ
MrDouille updated subscribers of T99971: NE airfield.

Remodeling this airfield was the best thing they can do. It force player to go more in land to find gear and avoid CoD mentality players who run NEAF to gear up and come back Berezino to KoS.
@frenchy32 I understand you don't (can't?) get it and I agree with _M4Z_TeR_, you're a kikoo-lol-PewPew-kevin. BTW are you french ('cause your nickname)? Now I understand why I'm being executed when I say I'm french...

May 10 2016, 11:04 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T99843: [Suggestion] New animation when using items when holding a two-handed weapons.

Ok so I disagree with it because if you have to put away one item to use another it's useless. And beside eating require both hands.
What can be done is redo animation for example is you have a riffle in your hands while eating, character should block his weapon between his legs, eat and then take weapon back.

May 10 2016, 11:00 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T99843: [Suggestion] New animation when using items when holding a two-handed weapons.

Holding a 2 handed weapon with one hand, definitely no.
But, holding a pistol with the right hand and a flashlight with the left one, yes with loose of accuracy.
For now that on thing that make me don't play at night even if I like it.
1-Use flashlight, see a zombie aggro.
2-Take gun out, cannot see zombie any longer, being punched...
3-take the flashlight out, see zombie, unable to kill it...
4-redo step 2 to 4 again...
Or maybe we can "just" use the flashlight as a melee weapon like in Rust?
Upvote you for the idea, but more thinking about it.

May 10 2016, 11:00 PM · DayZ
MrDouille edited Steps To Reproduce on T99784: More than 3 fireplaces doesn't render at the same time.
May 10 2016, 10:58 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T99193: Scoped weapons not working correctly after 0.45 stable..

@jagga99 : I've 30fps, the problem is not here. The game "looks like" is slow fps because the sway plays at pingpong 2-3 time per seconde.
@DayZDavis : the glitch to add several hold breath effect has already been reported.
If you really want to see the sway in action, use AKM with PSO or SKS. The most shaky I've experienced.

May 10 2016, 10:38 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T99193: Scoped weapons not working correctly after 0.45 stable..

Binding several key to add multiple holding breath effect is not the solution and it's very close to a glitch exploit. Like binding multiple fire button to maximize damage (it's joke! not working of course... I think)
Aim looks like your game is running at low fps, even while being rested
-> use morphin or other to minimize temporary the shaky sway (I've to go to rehab' when patch came out -_-)
-> slowly walk forward while aiming is more stable than being steady (yeah because logic!)

May 10 2016, 10:38 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T99193: Scoped weapons not working correctly after 0.45 stable..

I don't think we have rehab camp in chernarus...
Simply question but can why die from overdose of morphine?

May 10 2016, 10:38 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T99193: Scoped weapons not working correctly after 0.45 stable..

I experience it too but using morphine reduce significantly the sway. Today I have to use 3 morphines and 1 splint and each time the sway stops or reduces. If it's a feature, like fatigue/stress/fear, it's not very enjoyable. My character became a morphinoman -_-

May 10 2016, 10:38 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T99161: Zombies are too much OP..

Well, correct term should be "random". zombie can assault you for 3 minutes while AFK and doing pretty nothing or kill you in one blow when you're healthy...

May 10 2016, 10:37 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T99161: Zombies are too much OP..

I agree with you, I would have zombies ten times less strong, but ten times more numerous that attack like horde... but not for now :)

May 10 2016, 10:37 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T99161: Zombies are too much OP..

Don't want to be captain obvious, but zombies should be immortal if you don't aim for the head. I really want to see zombies with broken leg or arm still crawling at you until you destroy the brain. The reel problem is not how much a zombie can take until die. The problem is the accuracy of melee weapon like the axe where you have to aim a way above the head to shoot properly. I don't even talk about baseball bat...
But I agree, zombies need some adjustments in speed and strength.

May 10 2016, 10:37 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T99144: Blue/Purple glow since the new EXP rubberband fix..

Yes they do too.

May 10 2016, 10:36 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T99144: Blue/Purple glow since the new EXP rubberband fix..

I'm going to answer what a dev told me when I ask the same question as you :
You are not supposed to view the attached files since that can be sensible stuff like hack or exploit (not this one of course). If the reporter wants us to see the files, he has to post a link like imgur.
It's true that once we can download those files but the dev told me that it was an unintended bug of the tracker.

May 10 2016, 10:36 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T99144: Blue/Purple glow since the new EXP rubberband fix..

I saw this on daylight and more intensive inside house than outside. Maybe a new integration of character depending on light? But looks definitely like a graphic glitch more than a new feature.

May 10 2016, 10:36 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T99144: Blue/Purple glow since the new EXP rubberband fix..

Also confirm, append more often when inside building.

May 10 2016, 10:36 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T99075: Gear hacked out of inventory..

Seems to be hacker.
Tread closed, battleEye is already doing something it seems.

May 10 2016, 10:34 PM · DayZ
MrDouille set Category to category:environment on T99067: 2 Helicopter crashes on same spot.
May 10 2016, 10:33 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T99049: ACOG Long Range Firing System Not Working Due to Wrong Magnification On Optics..

I agree, we need to block the fov when 1st person and aiming to make scope effective.
Plus, the zoom system based on scope is wrong. If you look at the ACOG for instance, inside and outside scope have the same zoom level and only the player's FOV changes.
Outside scope should remain player fov and inside scope should be magnified fov. Like this :
Or maybe that's not even possible on the current engine... maybe Infusion? :)

May 10 2016, 10:33 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T99033: guns being deleted.

Seems to be a new hack/exploit.
Look at this, your description feels very alike :

May 10 2016, 10:32 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T99026: Cannot restart DayZ: Steam says alread running.

Append to me too. If you can't restart Dayz nor close steam, open task manager (ctrl+shift+escap) and kill tmp0 process. You will be able to restart Dayz or close steam after ;)

May 10 2016, 10:32 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T98994: Toon reset randomly..

Other hypothesis : you disconnect on second floor, nobody kills you, but your character glitch through the floor and falls.
When player disconnects I've seen that the character sits down while doing a step backward, going through wall and sometime falls.
Append to me : disconnect at second floor near wall, reconnect outside house with broken legs. I assume sometime character dies since you can kill yourself jumping from your own height.

May 10 2016, 10:31 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T98994: Toon reset randomly..

The guy I killed also disconnected on second floor of piano house. Not a protection against players ;)

May 10 2016, 10:31 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T98994: Toon reset randomly..

Sometime reset does'nt meant what we think. It appends to me few days ago, I was following someone. I think he saw me and goes hiding into a house. When a came a few second later, I saw him disconnected to avoid me... I just shoot him for his cowardice.
You can assume that during the 15 seconds it takes to disconnect, someone or a zombie kills you and it as nothing to do with a bug.
So my advise is next time you must disconnect in front of a friend who wait for you to disappear completely and if at next connection you're freshspawn that's a bug, otherwise you can assume it's not.

May 10 2016, 10:31 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T98961: Netcode animations & actions.

That's only what I hope.
I don't think making a game is easy. It's not. But when you see regular peoples modding better than professionals creating game, you wondering somehow.
And for the eagle eye, there is an explanation : regular zombies, the ones that spawn at restart can see and ear you at 100m and they have 80° vision angle. The ones that respawn after being killed, cannot ear you anymore but can see you at more than 400m. They are deaf, you can literally dance samba behind them, but not blind at all, even if shooting at them seems to wake them up a little ;)

May 10 2016, 10:30 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T98961: Netcode animations & actions.

So, you're telling me that the mod was better because it was made by outsiders of Bohemia and using an improved engine that Bohemia can't/don't use? I think zombies are the most simple think to create : no IA, just condition to see player or loose them and avoid walls, all of that with a little more than 2 animations. Far away for a soldier with tactics to defend against a player.
Can I just have your mind on the zombie of arma III Dayz?
They are made by modders I think... and I also think it's legit to want something at least as good as those in a game made by professionals.

May 10 2016, 10:30 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T98961: Netcode animations & actions.

I cannot agree nor deny what txR says. Yes it's an alpha, yes there are bugs and other things ruining game because it's far away from its finish. We all know that and we also know we are the alphatester/crashtester.
But I kinda feel the same way. I never play the mod but it was more stable with a lot more features than the standalone in videos I saw.
I also remember video of Kortal mod, a standalone much more complete and made by a modder (gently asked from bohemia to shut down his server).
Now I see video of DayZ for Arma III, with reel zombies behavior despite the fact it's very buggy.
I love DayZ but I just have one question : is the dev team cursed to be always in second position, far away behind regular modders who often work in solo?

May 10 2016, 10:30 PM · DayZ
MrDouille edited Steps To Reproduce on T98942: Click on map will make your character punches.
May 10 2016, 10:29 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T98928: You are Dead after server restart.

Append to me a lot. When reconnect on tower or small roof, have a big chance to go through platform. Today I reconnect on 0.45 and was on the first floor but I've disconnected on second to avoid zombies. Doesn't kill me this time but sometime it does.

May 10 2016, 10:29 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T98864: Weapon on your back can be used while handcuffed.

If you go that way there is plenty of bug like reading a book or map only works with hotkeys but not with your inventory ^^.
To be logical, you should only acces a weapon with hotkey if that weapon is in your pant and maybe your shirt.

May 10 2016, 10:27 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T98864: Weapon on your back can be used while handcuffed.

Why this should be a bug? Nothing prevent you from using something while being handcuffed, even if you can't aim you still have a little chance de kill your opponent. This just give a chance to a victim to put down his aggressor, but honnestly I have not heard someone succed at this.

May 10 2016, 10:27 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T98864: Weapon on your back can be used while handcuffed.

This is not a bug or glitch. I heard this was also possible in the mod. Basically you can pick your weapon but only fire at your feet behind you. The only way to kill someone like this is if the guy is crouched.
We have once a duel between 2 handcuffed friends :)
Was epic!

May 10 2016, 10:27 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T98673: Inventory bug.

I never use food or drink with hotbar and I have the same issue. Append a lot with the freshspawn pants. after 3 on 4 slots used, I have to put it down and retack it to make the 4th slot usable.

May 10 2016, 10:20 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T98663: Wall Glitch in Monument Statues.

The better reaction devs should have is not to fix the possibility of entering the glitch, but dig a 3m depth hole under the statues with the troll face of Santa so if players glitch into it, they will not die but be stuck and starve to death or call the support to get unstuck and reveal themselves as glitchers.

May 10 2016, 10:20 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T98572: Create speedloader from regular ammo.

Succed to make 5 bullet speedloader for mosin and 1 bullet speedloader for longhorn. Very usefull to be able to reload longhorn without inventory by the way.

May 10 2016, 10:17 PM · DayZ
MrDouille edited Steps To Reproduce on T98572: Create speedloader from regular ammo.
May 10 2016, 10:17 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T98572: Create speedloader from regular ammo.

Interesting thing, yesterday I succeed to create a speedloader for mosin. Yes for mosin :)
I fired 1 of 5 bullet, then drag and drop the remaining four to my backpack and reload with 5 new bullets. The four ones where without any number, I can "empty it" by right clic to recover my 4 bullets but more importantly, I cant press R to reload my mosin like it was a speedloader.
I cannot do the same with 5 bullets, seems it needs to be fired once to work properly.

May 10 2016, 10:17 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T98568: [Suggestion] Identify friend from foe: Arm bands.

It would be very roleplay. But I've the feeling that clan tag would be a little too... "game" for DayZ.

May 10 2016, 10:17 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T98568: [Suggestion] Identify friend from foe: Arm bands.

I think use a sewing kit on a rag should be enought for create a colored rag, then combine rags together to create multicolor one.

May 10 2016, 10:17 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T98568: [Suggestion] Identify friend from foe: Arm bands.

Also agreed with that. The idea with another customisable outfit will be great but this should not be a long quest to craft a colored rag. It will be nice if we can attach this rag to anything : primary wapeon, axe, helmet, sleeve... like a clan tag :)

May 10 2016, 10:17 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T98568: [Suggestion] Identify friend from foe: Arm bands.

Totaly agree. I have another idea but less realistic : the ability to tag a player with his consent.
step 1 : go near someone and use action "teammate with this survivor"
step 2 : send message to this survivor "playername want to team with you, agreed?"
step 3 : both players can see the other player's name when aiming at him.

No more friendly fire because we can't recognize someone with identical outfit.

May 10 2016, 10:17 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T97344: Food/Drink item dupe.

Now we can cancel actions, that should be easy to fix : during animation, if object is removed -> cancel action. The object will remains intact but effect will not be added. I think it can be done client side to avoid to stress server by checking each player during action.

May 10 2016, 9:35 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T97344: Food/Drink item dupe.

You're not even needed to wait for message saying you've eated the food to pick your cloth back.
1-start eating
2-remove cloth
3-pick back cloth
4-item still full when animation completed

May 10 2016, 9:35 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T97027: Cannot add ammo to a weapon without having to remove what ammo is in the gun first (shotgun for example).

In the same topic, why can't we chamber a weapon and then add a mag? It's not impossible in my way to do it and it will give you one more extra bullet. Instead we have to remove the bullet before adding the mag. As saymon5 says, F*ck logic ^^
And by the way, the is a snaploader for mosin... just not implemented yet ;)

May 10 2016, 9:25 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T95980: [Suggestion] Defibrillator Reviving.

I think it's a good idea. In fact, the timer for dead body already exist. When you check pulse it says if the body is warm or cold. Defibrillator should revive someone who's dead if and only if this body is still warm. That revive him but unconscious because of blood loose. After that you can blood-bag him. You cannot do the blood-bag thing first because the heart need to pulse to carry blood.
Defibrillator can stabilize heart and can also restart it.
@zokeszt : "A defib won't give you a new heart/lung/etc..."
But a morphine can bring you back your legs if broken? ^^'

May 10 2016, 8:49 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T90257: Players at Long Ranges only showing Gun and Helmet.

Same here, lowered my setting to get more than 20f and I can only see helmet and weapons. Don't affect zombies, but sometime they are frozen.
We've done an event to bring back all zombies we can to berezino to annoy player killers and I was watching as a sniper. I can see my teammate running around, but just his helmet/weapon and all zombies was frozen despite he was telling me all of them were following him.
object/terrain : low
view distance / view object : 1600

May 10 2016, 5:27 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T89012: Legs breaking too easily / Fall damage too high.

yep,I can broke my legs falling from my own height... even a child can take that much "damage" without crying.

May 10 2016, 4:42 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T87215: Left-Cicking on the map shoots the weapon you are currently holding.

Confirm, append with fist raised

May 10 2016, 3:28 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T87203: Night doesn't need to be black and white colouring.

I can agree with your disagree. Night without any light can be pitch black and colorless. I have no problem with that but in that case, make the light usable with indirect illumination because if your point is "in REALITY you can't see in night" my point is "in REALITY I see perfectly in dark with my phone light". There is a bridge between reality and game design.

May 10 2016, 3:27 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T87203: Night doesn't need to be black and white colouring.

@arvinzd : you point 2 things I totally agree with you but that currently not fixable.

  • The lighting cannot be improved now because of the renderer of the engine. The lights are really poor and shadows casting almost nonexistent. I don't think Bohemia will change it until they move on DX11 instead of DX9 with Infusion. Only the daylight effects are great, lens flare, bokeh etc. And even that is not perfect : if you look at the sun while moving, you will notice that it's not stable and shakes.
  • The ability of using 2 objects with our hands is not supported by the engine either, but maybe I'm wrong. It's true that this ability became the standard of video game since a few years. You obviously know Bioshock, Skyrim or maybe The Forest. All of those use an ambidextrous system that allow us to use single-handed items by hand or two-handed items for riffle or big melee weapon.

The current system is too rigid to play at night, not enjoyable. You have a flashlight, a zombie sees you, you take your gun/melee out, your flashlight is turned off, you cannot see zombie anymore without tweaking the gamma near cheat.

For now the only things that can be done is redo the flashlight behavior :

  • don't hold it like a pistol, allowing us to run AND see toward us and not just our feet (I think that already done in 0.48 with new running system with object raised).
  • being able to use it like a melee (like in Rust) with strength between fists and hammer.
May 10 2016, 3:26 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T87203: Night doesn't need to be black and white colouring.

I just would say that a video game is like a movie. If you watch a night scene in a movie and you cannot see anything, that scene sucks.
I'm not talking about seeing a sniper at 800m in night time, but just being able to see your 5m surrounding that fade progressively to mimic your eyes's adaptation to darkness. And yes, the pictures are fantasist, like Batman movies =)

May 10 2016, 3:26 PM · DayZ
MrDouille added a comment to T87203: Night doesn't need to be black and white colouring.

I agree that we shouldn't be able to change gamma to make night vision. But honestly Dayz night time is a joke : horizon and far away objects are more bright than surrounding, should be the opposite to match real life.
Plus lighting, especially flashlight have a light radius to small to be usable outside at more than 5m and inside at less than 2m due to the proximity of walls.
No indirect illumination at all, but it should change on Infusion engine right?
Will be great to have more than 4 fake lights at the same time :)

May 10 2016, 3:26 PM · DayZ