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Ejection Soul Hack on DayZ !!!
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Hi,Support Team... Fist,I want to say that : This hack is realy dishonourably! I have only one friend who uses this hack.And i know how to use the hack but i have never used it before.But you need a program to use this hack.Owing to this program,You disconnection from the game for a short time,And You see error '.... losing connection' on your screen.And You have 1 sec. to do everything what you want on the game cause The game stops for you.(This program sends messages ''Player on waiting for a short time'' to the game and You don't crash the game!) The while,Everyplayer stops on place where in he is. And The player who uses the program can kill everyone.Actually,everything normally goes for the others and they can see the hacher.Cause the hacker's character is in place where he runs the program.So the others have one chance to kill him before he kills them.In short,the hacker's real character is in the game when you are kicked for error 'losing connection' and his character's soul can keep playing the game as a soul :D

If you consider my feedback,i will be so happy cause really i hate all of hackers,And i haven't been playing the game for 4 or 5 days.

Thanks for Everything... Sorry for my bad english,i hope you can understand and do something.

By the way,i don't know name of the program.If you want, i can learn it.You can reply to my e-mail.

Have a nice workings.


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried

Event Timeline

UmutKY set Category to Other.Sep 16 2015, 3:37 PM
UmutKY set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
UmutKY set Severity to None.
UmutKY set Resolution to Open.
UmutKY set Legacy ID to 590458978.May 8 2016, 11:47 PM

I think it's related to server connexion. When you're getting disconnected, you can still move and shoot at players who are standing without moving, when connexion is reestablished, all your offline actions are resumed and obviously kill people you where shooting at. There is some ways to perform such "network connexion control" without third part soft and no I ain't gonna explain them, but a software also probably can do that.
Annyway I'm OK to tell devs how I can achieve this exploit, but not here where everyone can see and use it.

Hi UmutKY,

Thanks for putting this to our attention. If you have extra info on this, please feel free to send it across to our [email protected] email address. Then we can ask the team to investigate.
