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Toon reset randomly.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hello, My char seems to reset and I start as a fresh spawn.I didn't die or anything like that and it seems to be happening a lot the past few days. I only play on one or two servers( hosted by the same company)and one of the servers is one that I rent. I have put in a ticket with the server provider to reset the server configuration. Even after that I still get reset this morning. So it seems I cant play at all without being reset randomly to a fresh spawn.( example: ill loot stuff etc. and then log out. When i log in I'm reset). I realize you have different chars for hardcore and regular so that is not the case.


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

Bohemia set Category to Inventory.Jun 11 2014, 1:27 PM
Bohemia set Reproducibility to Random.
Bohemia set Severity to None.
Bohemia set Resolution to Fixed.
Bohemia set Legacy ID to 2010594825.May 8 2016, 6:31 PM

Sometime reset does'nt meant what we think. It appends to me few days ago, I was following someone. I think he saw me and goes hiding into a house. When a came a few second later, I saw him disconnected to avoid me... I just shoot him for his cowardice.
You can assume that during the 15 seconds it takes to disconnect, someone or a zombie kills you and it as nothing to do with a bug.
So my advise is next time you must disconnect in front of a friend who wait for you to disappear completely and if at next connection you're freshspawn that's a bug, otherwise you can assume it's not.

Bohemia added a subscriber: Bohemia.May 8 2016, 6:31 PM

Thanks for the tip, but I log out on a second floor or higher just for the whole 20secs char delay. So I don't get killed.Yet still I get reset randomly, so it seems me getting killed after logging out isn't the problem.It sounds like a problem with my char info saving on the "hive" after I log out.

The guy I killed also disconnected on second floor of piano house. Not a protection against players ;)

*I was on a server with just 2 friends. 3 people total including myself. I tested this last night.

Other hypothesis : you disconnect on second floor, nobody kills you, but your character glitch through the floor and falls.
When player disconnects I've seen that the character sits down while doing a step backward, going through wall and sometime falls.
Append to me : disconnect at second floor near wall, reconnect outside house with broken legs. I assume sometime character dies since you can kill yourself jumping from your own height.


Thank you for sending us your feedback regarding this issue.

Unfortunately, this problem regarding character save loss is a known issue that has previously been reported.

Closing as duplicate of #78.

Please upvote the original issue to increase visibility and feel free to add any extra information (updated repro steps/screenshots) in the notes section.

