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- User Since
- Jul 24 2013, 5:42 AM (607 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
Quite literally, a case of immersion.
It seems to work as intended for me.
Turn off all mods (if any) and try again.
Upload the .rpt and .bidump the game generates.
Put them in a .zip file.
In default Arma 3 there's no unconscious/incapacitated state, no dragging, no carrying nor is there a revive feature. There's just alive, wounded and dead. You're either playing with a mod or a community made gamemode/mission.
There's a condition option for the ammobox on dev branch.
^^ Has most classnames available.
This would still be a nice addition for items that aren't covered by BIS such as classnames used by mod items.
Nikos formal body doesn't appear in the virtual arsenal by default.
This doesn't really seem about a specific issue.
Disable any mods, then try again.
Duplicate of
What's your windows sound sample rate set at?
That's a design decision.
Not sure why though.
Now that could use some attention.
Duplicate of
(Those are assigned already.)
And about 10 others or so.
I did some more testing. Dropping the sources helped. Dropping the sample rates progressively improves fps.
This confused me as that indicated the sound processing was in fact CPU bound. I did some more research on my particluar card, the Creative Labs X-Fi Xtreme Audio PCI-E and it turns out it can't do any hardware acceleration or very poorly.
I close this issue as it's not in fact an issue with A3. I'll be buying a new sound card.
DxDiag added.
Add the .rpt and mention any mods you are running.
I have odd glitches like yours when I have Pomigit's PMC mod enabled. The ironsights on the regular MX rifles start floating around and other weird things.
Well, in that case vote up authentic pre-start systems checks and other fluff that just add extra actions without really adding anything to gameplay.
"Getting out" of the car action assumes you turned the engine off, just like taking off with a jet that you did all the pre-flight checks.
Do you always leave your engine running when you get out of your car? I don't, except in very specific situations.
It seems prudent to take the time and turn it off if you're not in a hurry. The default behavior is fine and the "engine off" still has a use. Many times when playing tank driver when not moving or in combat I turn the engine off so you can hear people talk on the radio/outside.
They are removed from the vehicle and put on the ground if a live unit accesses the cargo index of the vehicle that's occupied by a dead unit.
Seems to be working as it should. What you're looking for is a way to pull dead units out of a vehicle without having extra units board the vehicle.
But really, is that extra Katiba mag or Rook 9mm so important? There ought to be plenty of supplies in the vehicle inventory by default. Stop worrying about loot and play the game.
#vote kick USERNAME
or vote an admin to kick the guy.
#vote admin USERNAME
I think he refers to the colonel from the campaign.
Upload the .rpt, .mdmp and .bidmp.
It's random. I've had them on top of the factory.
Duplicate of
Issue with Workshop missions. Unsubscribe from all of them as a workaround. Should be patched with 1.14.
Related/duplicate to:
Duplicate of
Could you upload the mdmp and bidmp files as well?
Armaverse trumps all arguments.
It would still be neat to see the F-35 in addition to the a-164.
Title could use a better description of the problem.
Nice writeup. Upvoted.
It's an issue with workshop subscribed missions. Try unsubscribing and deleting them. You should be able to host a server again until it's fixed that way.
I don't know what causes this, but I'm willing to venture it's something to do with workshop subscribed missions.
I suffer the same problem.
Uploaded my .rpt, .mdmp and bidmp.
Edit: After unsubscribing and deleting all workshop missions I can host a server again.
More texture options are always welcome.
The FT can be a useful vehicle to bring discrepancies to the attention to the devs, but making a pretty subjective title with "too OP", or "too weak" with multiple exclamation points and a very biased reproduction (flying tank) just makes your expectations look skewed.
If anything the results of a AA missile hit ought to be significantly improved, as they're typically pretty catastrophic for the target upon impact.
The game pretty much always defaults to auto-rotation.
If you found a problem with countermeasures not working properly, you should think about making a separate ticket for that.
Is this a feature request?
There's nothing wrong with the UP besides the choice for a 105mm being a bit odd since it's outdated for the time period.
However, a properly configured 105mm gun is a big help for modders that want to make additional content. A lot of tanks used this caliber weapon.
You have to return the gunner and put an !alive check in for him.
!alive (gunner gun1);
This is working as intended as your script is only checking for the existence of the static emplacement.
Related to
Could you mark this as closed please?
The same for RPG/NLAW/Titan and related systems backblasts.
Still in 1.22.
Still in v1.22.
Broken again.
Version: 1.43.130072
I'm sure they're zeroing in on it.
(I see what you did there).
This issue is not limited to the MXGL.
Katiba GL 6.5 + MRCO = Error
Sting + MRCO = Error
PDW2000 + MRCO = Error
This is also true for crawling with binoculars.
Upvoted. I ran into the same issue. It's a bit of a design incompatibility in regards to profiles and mission setups but I'm sure a solution can be found.
It's the exact opposite of what should be happening. It's not a problem with 3rd person, but rather that RV4 seemingly cannot distinguish the source of a sound, only apply a filter based on player viewpoint.
I made a little test mission where 4 civs drive a car along some waypoints, civ1 is player, civ2 driver, rest cargo with civ3 blasting music with say3d. Inside the vehicle the music is muffled while it ought to be loud. Outside the music is really loud, while it ought to be muffled.
Are you playing on a DLP TV or something?
Why is this in the balancing category?
It's also the only way to scale over small obstacles. You're better served with a improved anti-clipping system to stop the glitching.
Outright removing it would severely hamper movement near clutter/small fences/low walls as they become impassable. This is really annoying and forces you to think like a paraplegic. And guess what? Most battlefields are not wheelchair accessible.
Confirmed with 1.07.112641.
Firing above the rear driver side tire will critically damage the gas tank, making the strider explode. About 15 shots are enough.
Here's a video that was posted a while back with most critical damage spots for vehicles.
This is one hilarious bug.
I hit everything but the towers. Those trucks I didn't see behind the building did explode to my satisfaction.
I do so want this very much. It's quite ridiculous that this hasn't been addressed yet. It's seemingly trivial and would save so much headache to multiplayer pre-game slotting.
Duplicate of
It's not on all rifles btw.
MX 6.5 + MRCO = Ok
MX SW 6.5 + MRCO = Ok
MXC 6.5 + MRCO = Ok
MX 3GL + MRCO = Error
MXM 6.5 + MRCO = Ok
Mk 18 ABR + MRCO = Ok
M320 LRR + MRCO = Ok
Vermin + MRCO = Ok (I expected this one to be broken, but might've been fixed)
Katiba 6.5 + MRCO = Ok
Katiba (c) 6.5 + MRCO = Ok
Katiba GL 6.5 + MRCO = Error
Rahim + MRCO = Ok
Zafir + MRCO = Ok
GM6 + MRCO = Ok
Sting + MRCO = Error
Mk20C + MRCO = Ok
Mk20 + MRCO = Ok
Mk20 EGLM + MRCO = Ok (This one was fixed)
Mk 200 + MRCO = Ok
PDW2000 + MRCO = Error
Yes, this appears to be fixed. The only other thing I could see was that all the SDV CSAT divers are Caucasian.
This is still a Quality of Life ticket that would be nice to see resolved.
Currently, ALL of the armored vehicles require the engine to be on when turning the turret. It's quite archaic and inconsistent as cars with turrets do not have this requirement. The hunter/ifrit/strider HMG/GMG turret can turn with the engine off, but the Marid and Panther somehow can't?
I'm really surprised at this, I figured there'd be electric drives in most if not all vehicles by 2035.
It's really just a small tweak to the config to change "startEngine = 1;" to "startEngine = 0;"
I figured that might have been the case. Certainly something for modders to remember.
Also fun to see how far this functionality will stretch for a multitude of sides aside from the classic four.
Mod configuration error resolved by mod creator.
Occurs with the Katiba GL and the Skorpion as well.
The Mk20Gl has been fixed as of rev. 08659.
It's not terribly important, but more stuff is always nice for variety.
This also happens on the MXGL.
Per default any class can fly. Some missions/servers have custom restrictions.
Seems to me you need to find a different server.
This is still around with the MX3GL in the campaign. As the MRCO is the only actual magnified scope available for the majority of missions it's pretty glaring.
Still an issue with 1.24 on dedicated servers.
I have found myself interested in this feature. More color options for tracers for all weapons are very welcome for mission makers.
I was about to post a report on the opposite.
I hear the sound, but the model does not actually pull the trigger. I wasn't aware this was impossible.
May 9 2016
This would make life so much easier. Now I have to alt+tab a lot and unlearn saving before previewing. It's still a pain to create briefings in-game currently.