When "briefing = 1;" is set in description.ext or not configured, any use of addUniform in scripts (such as init.sqf or otherwise) before the briefing in singleplayer causes any units affected to be in their underwear. {F23732}
- Legacy ID
- 852269872
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- Open
- Reproducibility
- Always
- Category
- Scripting
Steps To Reproduce
- Download example mission and extract Briefingnoadduniform.Stratis folder into profile missions folder.
- Go to the editor and open Briefingnoadduniform mission.
- Preview.
- The nato soldier now has a burgundy polo civilian outfit as set per init.sqf.
- Return to editor.
- Shift + preview.
- You now see the mission briefing.
- Click continue to start the mission.
- The nato soldier is now in his underwear.
Additional Information
This only affects singleplayer scenarios. Multiplayer is not affected. As a workaround, do not use "briefing = 1;" or the default value in description.ext if you intend to make a SP scenario. Set "briefing = 0;" to skip the briefing or use some trigger or script to launch in SP settings after the briefing.