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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 3:17 PM (629 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
If it's not fixed then don't mark the issue as resolved! Keep the ticket open and add it to the (lengthy) known issues list!
No, adding salt while planting carrots on the roof will not make the sharks cook dinner at the mountain.
Nothing you can do about it???? I find that hilarious and depressing at the same time is it because the models are already in the game? Redesign them then if needed, in the end of the day it was your mistake to put them in incomplete and buggy in the first place. Also howcome this issue is marketing as "Resolved"? If it's not fixed than it's not resolved.
Good job with the new reload animations, hopefully these reload bugs can be revisited as well.
You are correct, there must be a mod that i'm running that is probably affecting the reload of the MX-SW. However the reload animation is still busted for the UGL's.
With the DLC coming out, and considering it's very focused in Sniping, maybe this would be a good time to fix this?
6 months later, still happening.
Exactly. 3D scopes were poorly implemented, i wish they would be more like Red Orchestra 2.
@ST. Jimmy
I have a feeling that might be what's going on here.
This has got to be a joke. Is it April 1st?
That's pretty much the reason why i downvoted this.
Just the plane in general, the way it feels and handles in the air seems exactly the same as it was in.ArmA 2. I would dare to say that the physics engine isn't affecting the plane's performance im the slightest, same with helicopters.
That has a much more advanced and better implemented physics engine than what ArmA 3 has, so i'd say it's impossible to see it in game any time soon.
Thank you, i do have that mod with the extended config, i will try that tomorrow.
I can't mount them on any of the weapons.
Agreed, this effect is already implemented when putting on NVG's, when you get tunnel vision.
That is a good question, i keep seeing some of the most important tickets simply marked as reviewed, but never assigned, would love to know what it means.
Could you guys add the Portuguese flag as well while you're at it?
Yes, thank you, forgot to mention that.
Those DayZ children should stay away from the ArmA3 bug tracker. They have their own stand alone now, so they should remain in there. If the DayZ stand alone sucks it's because they were the ones who influenced the development in that direccion, we don't need them doing that to ArmA 3 as well.
Considering how they promote ragdoll as a feature of this game, and this is clearly an issue related to the extremely poor implementation of said feature, i disagree that this problem should be overlooked. This should be viewed as a major problem regarding a core gameplay mechanic and should be dealt with the attention it deserves from the devs.
Exactly, almost 2 years since this issue was first reported, it is still nowhere close to being fixed, along with several other bugs. Well done BIS.
Priority for this ticket is set to NONE... That should tell you how much they care about fixing this stupid problem.
I'm not disagreeing with you, i called it a stupid problem cause it should have been fixed a long time ago.
Tweaking this feature? That would at least imply some improvement, progress or at the very least a noticible change. The only tweaking going on over here is the tweaking the soldiers do, exactly the same of what they have been doing for over a year now.
Don't be so surprised. Sadly, BIS seems to have developed a tendency to mark things as fixed even tho they never even looked at the problem.
Yes, the tank and other vehicles armor system in ArmA really could use an rework, a more realistic system instead of the "hitpoints" system that has been around since OFP. However i think there's already a ticket up for this.
This is working as intended, the devs made it this way to show the shooter what is blocking the barrel of his weapon.
Sadly i don't think there's any reload animations on the other GL's either.
I think this was intended in the initial stages of the game, but it would be hell trying to implement it so it was cut from the game.
As much as i think it looks pretty good, i think it might be problematic on this engine for a vehicle to transition between a land vehicle driving model to a boat driving model on the fly. I could be wrong. Anyways i'm holding my vote.
I can reproduce this as well, it happens with every weapon with a grenade launcher when you equip them with an MRCO. It has been happening since these scopes were introduced, and there was a ticket about it already, but so far it has not been resolved.
If they have fragmentation rounds or something designed to fire at infantry, they should keep engaging infantry with AT. However if their only munitions are armor piercing they should save them for vehicles.
ArmA really could use an improvement in this area, however at this stage of development i think its unlikelly to have this implemented. I hope i'm wrong.
Pointless, /downvoted.
Murphy's law.
The buildings in ArmA really could do with this implementation, however i think it might be too late in development to put this into the game. Upvoted anyway.
The M-16 is more powerfull than the M-4 because it has a longer barrel? Where exactly did you.get this information, call of duty or battlefield?
This really should be fixed, if they have a close threat to them they should have some initiative to get out by themselves, and to get back to what they were doing once the threat was neutralized.
I suggest reading machineabuse's note again. This has nothing to do with balancing and it's realistic.
/upvoted, this will completelly eliminate the use of the night vision optics that (hopefully) are going to be introduced in the future.
We tried parachutes on our server, with both land and water landings, the server kept running fine. Maybe it's something to do with the mission?
I remember seeing some screenshots of an Osprey a while back, and if look in the water near the airbase's runway in Stratis there's a crashed one. I am curious to see what they will implement for the iranians and the green army.
Makes sense, upvoted. Another way to resolve this would be the better implementation of 3D scopes, where only the scope has magnification and the area outside has none. But there is a tivket for this already.
I agree with Laqueesha as well, remove the seats, have them all sit on the ground, it would look really cool too. Besides on the livestream when we first saw the Ghosthawk they said it was inspired on Zero Dark Thirty, and in the movie the helicopters had no seats.
Why am i not surprised to see the name of the reporter?
True, however if you test them both against other helicopters equipped with radar, these supposed stealth helicopters get detected, regardless of range, speed or altitude. So while it would be a real life issue or if stealth was modeled at all into the game, as it is, it doesn't break anything.
Shouldn't be hard to implement as airplanes in ArmA 2 had this feature.
This was reported on june last year, only gets assigned today, with no priority aparently. Well done BIS, i'm sure DICE and EA would be proud of you *claps*
How this isn't assigned or even reviewed puzzles me.
I can reproduce this as well, seems to be happening to weapons with a GL attached.
Would it be possible to have visible or not changeable in each player's profile editor?
Ah, thanks for the clarification :)
It is happening with every weapon that has a grenade launcher from what i tested. Also it seems to only happen with the MRCO, i tried with the RCO and it seems to be working fine.
I'm experiencing the same problem.
No one here is simply "hating", we're simply making an argument of why we are downvoting this feature. You call this feature realistic but you have yet to contribute with anything that shows the realism of this feature.
Yes we are in the future, but keep in mind that every piece of hardware, weapon or vehicle in arma 3 is either based on a developing prototype, canceled prototype, or equipment in development with plausible near future military application. What you are proposing isn't even a plausible convept for military use at this point, actually if you look it up, while both wing-suits and hand gliders might be an interesting stealthy concept in theory, the materials existing today and in the forseable future severely limit its capabilities.
The only application of military use of a wing-suits was in Transformers...
I looked around and the only relation between the military and wing suits was that a soldier has set the wing-suit record, as you can read here:
Yes, i know that civilians use both wing-suits and hand gliders, and while it would be a nice gimmick to have in the game, the focus should be kept at what this game is all about, military simulation, and neither of those tools are used by any military.
Arma is a realistic military simulation, can you show a real life situation in which a hand glider has ever been used in an actual military operation?
Civilians do, this is a military simulation. Plus, in your arguments in why this should be implemented you mentioned it would not be affected by AA or locking and you mentioned how it would be stealthy. While this is all true, it is not a tool that has ever been employed by any military, and not even projected for future use.
Co-op was an interesting feature in theory, but i remember that it was extremely problematic, buggy, complicated to implement, and if i'm not mistaken it has not been resolved even to this day. As nice as it might be, the time and trouble to implement it by the devs, in my opinion, might be better spent working on other features.
No, the AI doesn't need to pursue the enemy blindly, they need to do what they do now, looking for superior firing positions, cover, and flanking (maybe nerf their accuracy at long range a bit). AI charging at players should be left where it fits in, like DayZ.
We had the same thing happen on our server on friday.
Something like this exists in real life, it's called Blue Force Tracking:
Tried it, couldn't reproduce it.
Use NVG's like the ones the SEALs used in Zero Dark Thirty for BLUEFOR. If they were used in 2011 i think it's sage to assume that they would be widespread (if not completely phased out) in 2035. Besides we will have the ghost hawk from that movie as well in the beta.
Regarding the OPFOR, their helmets look so futuristic and advanced that i'd assume they have nught vision capabilities built into those eye piece things.
Agreed, this effect is already implemented when putting on NVG's, when you get tunnel vision.
Upvoted, this would be a very interesting feature.
I can see it as Arma 3 beta.
I agree, we should have a slot for every rail available on a weapon, some weapons have less, others have more, and having an aimpoint/eotech + magnifier in diferent sight slots would be a good addition.
That is kind of a different issue to what is being discussed here.
This would be awesome, the minor island could be used as a base and staging point for attacks on the main island.
/upvoted, both the community and BIS will benefit a lot if this is implemented.
I just experienced the same problem.
The point i was trying to get across when i opened this issue is to make the airplanes more realistic, not because it's overpowered or underpowered.
Watching the live stream, the airplanes are pretty much unchanged, no systems, the only thing on there is the hull, predating to OFP, which functions like just a health bar. Is this even being worked on or it's another "we're cutting it until ArmA 4"?