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- User Since
- Jun 15 2018, 3:26 PM (353 w, 19 h)
Oct 29 2024
@Geez Please remove spam - and acknowledge bug report while at it... ;)
Aug 16 2024
Finally someone actually dug deep into cfgweather and figured out why it behaves as it does, many thanks! @Geez - Please ask the guys in charge of internal testing to double check if there is any disparity between the published server config files and whatever config used internally, when trying to reproduce reported errors?
May 2 2024
{F3978601}Tried again tonight, with a normal torch this time - same behaviour, on a different (non-modded) server, so it is a consistent bug. Changing severity to major because it nearly got me killed when I ended up in pitch black darkness among zombies, and had to make a new hand drill in pitch darkness before I could light a new torch after it burned out...
May 1 2024
Nov 10 2023
Sorry to ping you @Geez but I just read through a depressing argument on twitter (sorry... "X") between two people I respect, where the suggested option in this ticket was mentioned.
Oct 28 2023
Still an issue with the Vaiga in 1.23 experimental, as seen in screenshots. Vanilla official exp:
Jul 31 2023
Still an issue a year and a half later, without acknowledgement. Cfgweather.json currently only serves to completely disable rain if you want to do that, if you try to use it to customise weather within reasonable limits - that is, you want storms and rain to happen, but perhaps less frequently than in vanilla config, or you want occasional thick fog - you're out of luck. The weather will constantly hover around the maximum allowed limits. Experimenting with my server now and it has been stuck on 100% overcast, rain, fog and wind for hours. And it has been like that since the file was implemented.
Still an issue yet another year later, makes me a little sad.
Jul 27 2023
Chiming in to 100% agree with this, the game would benefit from having more civilian alternatives with equal or even better attributes than the typical go-to military camos. Add carpenter's trousers - you know the kind where even the pockets have pockets - tool belts, worker's vest, worker's winter jackets (big, bright yellow but waterproof, very warm and with pockets from Harry Potter's wildest dreams). Also, it was fun in Legacy when different clothes also had different shapes to their inventory (biker jacket's horizontal pockets...), which would be less relevant now that we can rotate stuff, but it would still add some uniqueness to various clothes rather than everything being flat out 5x6 or 6x7.
Apr 21 2023
Feb 27 2023
Since 1.19 (I think...) the vehicle HUD will stay visible even if the HUD is otherwise disabled, with how big the vehicle HUD is - and the fact that in 1PP you have all the necessary information on the dashboard - it would be nice if this could be changed so that the vehicle HUD is hidden along with the rest of the things.
Feb 25 2023
Thank you @Geez solid information, you're a gem.
Feb 17 2023
Feb 10 2023
@Geez Any news to share about the launcher issues? There are major issues right now and many community servers have been invisible on the launcher for weeks - servers are dying because of this. As a server owner I have now had to start recommending the third party launcher after spending years telling players not to use it... This really should not be necessary.
Feb 3 2023
Whaoh there Shaun, Geez is not an admin, they handle bug reports and general feedback on this site, which is the feedback tracker meant for bug reports. There are no admins on public servers, and no employee on BI's end actually handles cheat reports - that's what they have Battleye for and they in turn never publish any kind of reports on progress. They ban in waves, and when that happens is usually indicated by a flood of "I was banned for no reason waa waa" posts on the forum or Steam.
Feb 2 2023
Did a recent purge of unused mods so it's not that bad. Together with Arma it freed up 800gb of disk space but sadly it had no noticeable effect on the launcher. But imo the launcher has been pretty fine until recently, but now it is practically useless. To find my favourites that disappeared I had to direct connect - and get booted because of mods - and then favourite it from the "Recent" tab.
Found this ticket when looking for new ones. There was an update to the launcher today (2023-02-02) but it has not improved things, the scan is slower than ever I think and the launcher simply will not find many established and popular servers such as Spaggies, DayOne, Zero and others. There is however a huge amount of shady Chinese servers displaying stats that makes me wonder if they are at all real. Along with fixing the above issues, improved filters to be able to exclude certain attributes would be a nice thing.
Thanks Geez, you're a gem!
No news about this, last touched by @Geez a year ago, it should be a fairly quick issue to resolve?
Yes please, I support this! Ideally they should simply be able to climb on top of these objects after a player (why can they jump tall fences but not get on top the hood of a car?!?) but since the navmesh completely avoids this kind of object it is probably easier to just give them a little more reach. That it is possible without breaking the game is proved by the PvZMod Customisable Zombies mod, I have been using that for years.
Nov 1 2022
Hello @Geez I know this was listed as resolved, I was just curious as to what purpose there are damage states for ammunition if it does not affect its functionality in any way? I would suggest simply having damaged ammo bring a risk of a cartridge malfunctioning - leading to a "click" and forcing the player to cycle the action (tap R) to clear the dud and continue firing. This would would be less punishing than actual jams but give the damage states some purpose and add an interesting element to gunplay.
Oct 6 2022
This issue is not resolved. The Longhorn sound effect still has not changed in 1.19 experimental. As is, the .45 acp DERRINGER is louder than the .308 Longhorn! Please @Geez I know this is a minor issue to most players, but could you see if someone just forgot to push the update? If the sound effect is intentionally low then I'll just mod it, but I'd prefer not to have to...
Aug 19 2022
This still happens way too frequently, nearly every time I play for a prolonged time. A relog usually but not always resets it.
Jul 21 2022
Jul 4 2022
Excuse the ping @Geez, but would it be possible to nudge the devs about this issue? I can't imagine it is an insurmountable issue compared to vehicle physics etc.. Using a mod as a workaround works for me, but for console or pc server owners who want to run without mods it is an issue. Also completing configuration of the eyewear slot on infected would allow some of the settings that have been in place in randompresets.xml and spawnabletypes.xml forever to finally see some use!
How come this issue is not even accknowledged yet? Happens on all servers, vanilla and modded. It came with the change to heat comfort from heat sources a couple of patches back.
Jun 23 2022
Awesome, than you for this @mdc !
Jun 22 2022
Well look at that, I took MDC's script above and applied it and it works flawlessly.
@mdc Legend!
Jun 21 2022
You'd think that yeah. They can obviously hide selected proxies depending on actions/conditions - or you wouldn't have invisible weapons etc when climbing ladders and, here's the twist, when sitting in cars. Expanding that to include back and shoulder slots should not be impossible.
Jun 20 2022
Okay, not the answer I was hoping for, but thanks for the feedback.
Awesome, can't wait to hear it!
Jun 18 2022
Please @Geez could you nudge the devs a bit on this issue? The ticket is more than two years old but the issue has been in since 0.63. The obvious band aid fix until a more logical system can be implemented is to hide the back and shoulder proxies on players when seated in a vehicle. It is done with anything held in hands, so it should be a piece of cake to do it with two more slots.
Jun 16 2022
Don't know about the situation on console, but for customised characters to apply the server needs to allow this, if the server enforces randomisation you'll get a random character whether you want it or not. And I wonder if your customised character somehow gets reset or overwritten when this happens. It's not very intuitive the way it is designed on PC either...
Jun 8 2022
I doubt the outhouse doors have any measurable impact on server performance - if so, filling the giant apartment complexes with working doors despite the buildings having zero loot spawns would make absolutely no sense... (There were no working doors in those in 0.62)
This issue has been known (the helmets are commented out from spawning on zeds in the economy files) a long, long time now and it would be nice if it was fixed at some point so heavy mil (and police) zombies can be appropriately intimidating. A 1960:s steel helmet just doesn't give the same impression that a ballistic or gorka helmet would do along with a plate carrier. I very much doubt this requires a lot of work, likely just a few points on either model that aren't weighted properly.
New placement and orientation in 1.18 is much better in most cases. However it looks very, very weird on character wearing low end clothes and no backpack. I realise that might be a necessary compromise, but it would be cool if the placement could be individually aligned for each weapon, and possibly conditioned depending on what other gear the player has equipped. Having actual calculated interactions & collisions between worn items is not something we'll see in this kind of game for a long, long time, but yeah that's the dream...
Still an issue in 1.18.
Jun 7 2022
Can confirm. Logically, there should be four options:
- Everything on
- Hotbar hidden
- HUD and hotbar disabled but with interaction popups active.
- HUD completely disabled.
May 31 2022
May 30 2022
This seems to go with any explosive device, grenades, M40 grenades, mines, etc. They are completely inert when damaged.
Yeah, shouldn't be a major undertaking to provide these optics with a couple of overlays to even the field.
May 25 2022
Yes, this happened to me just now and killed me. I had a field vest on with a flashbang and a hand grenade. Found an assault vest and swapped, then moved the grenades over from the field vest. First flashbang, then the hand grenade. Immediately after the flashbang went off - and while everything was white and ringing BOOM you are dead from the hand grenade.
May 24 2022
Other optics that also lack damage states:
May 20 2022
May 6 2022
I can confirm. It would be nice if this was actually tied to if you have a door by your seat, or if the windshield or door windows are broken. To make those things more than cosmetic.
Apr 22 2022
Apr 19 2022
Apr 17 2022
Mar 31 2022
Still an issue in 1.17 experimental.
Mar 29 2022
The personal radio actually weighs 750 grams in-game, but that is still too much - the real world model it is based on (IC-M7) weighs 310 grams with the depicted battery pack. So it still needs to be updated.
Mar 28 2022
Thanks Geez, you're a gem!
Mar 27 2022
Mar 25 2022
Yeah Wobo just confirmed the Longhorn cannot be heard further away from the shooter than just under 800 meters. I understand this is most likely an intentional design to make the Longhorn more of a "king pistol" than what it actually is - a freak weapon shooting rifle ammunition from a pistol sized frame. I plead with you to reconsider this - dig out the old Longhorn sound effect from Legacy and use that - and make the sound carry as far as any other rifle.
Mar 24 2022
Still an issue in 1.17 experimental. The launcher cannot connect with the workshop to subscribe to mods, nor can it locate subscribed mods on the computer's Steam installation. If a player wants to connect to a modded experimental server they need to manually add the mod as a "local" mod by navigating to it in the workshop folder.
Mar 1 2022
Sorry for pinging you @Geez but now that you guys are polishing so many things with the game it would be nice if this finally was looked at, it is a visual glitch that frustrates me every time I play... Some weapons look okay, but some look really bad.
Feb 16 2022
Hello @Geez , is there any information you can share about these issues? Zombies getting stuck in and dying to barbed wire was great feature and it would be awesome to see it come back.
Feb 12 2022
I can confirm the above, I have done the same testing on a 1.15 test server and had the same results.
Feb 10 2022
This is still not working properly. CleanupLifetime is not consistent with any value put into globals.xml, bodies very often disappear as soon as they are no longer within range of any player network bubbles. Sometimes they are gone in less than five minutes, sometimes they remain for the full lifetime. Something is provoking a premature cleanup.
Feb 5 2022
Hello, in the current 1.16 experimental it seems vehicles have taken a giant leap backwards. Twice I have crashed in low speeds (about 20 kmph) due to lag spikes and both times my car was nearly totalled. Both wheels ruined, radiator ruined, spark plug ruined. If I am to guess I think the server somehow - through desync or lag - gets a much higher velocity value than what is actually going on and calculates way more damage than it should.
Feb 4 2022
No news about this? It would be nice if the config option actually worked.
Feb 1 2022
Agreed. It should be possible to layer clothes, at least to some extent. It is not sensible that to wear a raincoat I have to throw my t-shirt on the ground, and if I am freezing to death I will not dump my hoodie if I find a jacket...
Jan 27 2022
Jan 18 2022
Hey guys, I made a new ticket to increase the chances of Geez noticing it.
Right, so I poked around a little more in this issue. Just enabling the "Eyewear" slot for infected will not work 100%. Zombies will wear the headtorches correctly and you can see the lamp on their head, but there will be no illumination from them. However, I made a tiny mod to re-enable the Headgear slot for headtorches - and it turns out that if zombies wear headtorches in that slot, they do work as intended.
Yeah I know you guys run vanilla or mostly vanilla. PvZMod is a nightmare to configure, but after much trial and error I have found a balance where zeds work mostly as in vanilla but with the nice little perks that the mod has - vehicles getting damaged when running them over, bashing in doors, reaching players on obstacles and so on. This thing with the headtorches was an unexpected boon :)
Ooooh wait I have PvZMod on my servers - it adds the glasses slot to zeds, that must be why it works. Didn't even think about that!
Are you sure it's not working? I still have infected running around with headtorches so I'm getting a bit confused...
Jan 15 2022
After trying to configure this file for a few weeks without seeing much difference to weather behaviour I have now decided to disable it for now. No matter what values I put in the file, if enabled the weather on the server will slide towards full overcast, fog and rain and then sit on a nearly permanent torrential downpour and thunderstorm. Occasionally it does decrease for a while, but soon goes back to hard rain. My guess is that whatever random function decides what to change when the weather state changes is heavily favouring going towards bad weather. I'd need to do some dedicated testing over time to get an approximation of the ratio, and I don't have the heart to expose the poor players on the servers to that.
Jan 11 2022
The above issues still stand. Either the vehicles don't have enough torque or gravity is simply too strong.
This has been implemented, task can be closed.
Still happening in 1.15 stable.
Holding F (or a similar command) to simply let go of the rungs and fall from the ladder should be a simple enough feature to implement. Is this something that could be forwarded to the team @Geez ?
Jan 3 2022
This is still a major issue in 1.15. Most if not all firearms sit too close to the player character's shoulder and are oriented straight forward, making them clip into the body, with parts even protruding through the character's chest. Some are worse than others, below a screenshot of the recently added Aug. Honestly this looks really bad, it should be a priority to make an effort to tweak every weapon individually if possible.
Dec 21 2021
Your problem is DZSA launcher, not DayZ. Delete everything in the !dzsal folder (located in the DayZ folder). Said third party launcher caches files and then can't update properly when a mod removes files in an update. In this case one or more mods has removed a pbo in an update, but your DayZ will still load that mod with those pbo:s because they are still saved in that folder.
Dec 18 2021
When looking around on the internet for answers I found out that the reset bool (whether or not the server should read weather data from storage when restarting) MUST be set to 1 (true) or the cfgweather.xml file will not be read. Just setting enable=1 is not enough. After I set both to 1 the weather behaves as expected from the settings in the file, before I did that it would slide to full extremes of everything (rain, fog and wind on 100%) and then never change. People were getting depressed on the server...
Dec 17 2021
Came looking for a ticket on this issue before posting one myself - did not expect to find one more than three years old. I realise this is not a high priority issue, but still.. Anyhow as of 1.15 in December 2021 the 360 degree head rotation in "locked" animations is still a thing. Here when drinking from a well: