Fixed in Dev build 151835.
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Arma 3 Activity
May 24 2024
May 23 2024
Look through the console.log and you'll find many loading errors of assets and all kinds of things.
This fuction do some setHitPointDamage commands, can execution forceHitPointsDamageSync in module code be useful for MP work safety, maybe worth to add?
May 22 2024
May 21 2024
With 2.18 the kick/ban commands support quotes and whitespace inside it.
if not using quotes, it will split at whitespace
#kick "user name" ban reason text #kick "user name" "ban reason text" #exec ban """user name""" ban reason text" // Its SQF script, so quotes need to be escaped by double quoting #exec ban """user name""" ""ban reason text"""
2.18 ban also displays the message
I love archeology.
Kick already has a reason. Its just not documented on wiki.
May 20 2024
Fixed in Dev build 151825.
Sorry for the delay of my answer,
In T82591#2605667, @Wulf wrote:Fixed in Dev build 151825.
In T168103#2518935, @Vestarr wrote:It would save me a lot of trouble with my project, and it's kinda holding me back with my mod. I currently have to attach a custom Draw3D handler to render that IR laser without a dot using drawLaser command under specific conditions just for that one case. I wish I could just tell it that beamThickness must be 0 and dotSize must be 0.15 and have the same results as we have with colored laser attachments, except in IR.
BIS please respond!
May 19 2024
May 18 2024
Seems to be fixed in profiling, but is not currently on live - If this will be going to live, this report can be closed, thank you :)
In T181080#2606304, @dedmen wrote: be used to mute players.
Don't know if it corresponds with the actual mute button
As actionKeysEx was added, imo this is resolved (it does the job well for me).
Still an issue in 2.17.151825.
The tweak described in this ticket was done in the latest dev update
Can be closed, works good, thanks
Fixed: Any surface impact for grenades was using the ground impact sound
Lastest dev branch update fixed impact sounds for walls and objects but not for surfaces where players can move
See this picture, this is full metal object, after rev. 151825 the green part of object will sucsess play metal impact sound, but red part still will use the ground impact sound
In T181219#2607653, @Schatten wrote:And? I wrote "at least" since I'm sure about the situation with dedicated servers. The same is likely for locally hosted servers, since from my experience I also couldn't change view distance on such servers.
Have you watched the video? Have you tried the same thing as me? I didn't have this problem before. The view distance was the same for single-player and multiplayer missions. I could change it as much as I wanted. I don't know why it suddenly became like this.
May 17 2024
And? I wrote "at least" since I'm sure about the situation with dedicated servers. The same is likely for locally hosted servers, since from my experience I also couldn't change view distance on such servers.
In T181219#2607463, @Schatten wrote:AFAIK, in MP missions (at least those hosted on dedicated servers) view distance is always locked. The only way to change it is to use third party solutions, for instance:
AFAIK, in MP missions (at least those hosted on dedicated servers) view distance is always locked. The only way to change it is to use third party solutions, for instance:
In T181219#2607264, @kju-PvPscene wrote:in MP the server or mission can force the viewdistance - so depends on the mission/game mode (or server side mods)
for reference
in MP the server or mission can force the viewdistance - so depends on the mission/game mode (or server side mods)
Are there any news on this? I.e. is it being investigated and/or do other players experience this too?
May 16 2024
Good morning
setMissionOptions thing
Need steps to reproduce
See difference in second return index
The code that crashed there, doesn't run on profiling branch. It failed trying to copy a script variable, that it doesn't need to copy.
Can't see why it failed
Definitely a bug in our code.
We have a possible fix for next profiling branch update. But I don't know if that will solve this.
You said reproducibility always, but you only included one crashdump.
Crash at game end. Known but we don't know what causes it.
Fixed in Dev build 2.17.151825.
Fixed in Dev build 151825.
Fixed in Dev build 151825.
Fixed in Dev build 151825.
Fixed in Dev build 151825.
May 15 2024
Fixed in Dev build 151825.
Fixed in Dev build 151825.
Fixed in Dev build 151825.
Fixed in Dev build 151825.
Fixed in Dev build 151825.
Fixed in Dev build 151825.
Fixed in Dev build 151825.
Fixed in Dev build 151825.
Fixed in Dev build 151825.
Fixed in Dev build 151825.
Fixed in Dev build 151825.
Fixed in Dev build 151825.
You don't switch to the countermeasures weapon. If you mean changing the CM firing mode. Don't know, test it and report back :harold:
I noticed it didn't work right with vehicles and removeMagazinesTurret.
I fixed that now. But I don't have time to properly fix all possible ways of removing magazines.
And also not sure if it might not double trigger the EH in some case.
Fixed since Update 2.16