Should be fixed in152450
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Arma 3 Activity
Nov 28 2024
Nov 27 2024
The code responsible for this, has been removed on performance/profiling branch, and will also be gone in 2.20. So the issue is already fixed, but won't make it to stable release until 2.20 next year
also no bullet sound so had to be very far away
I thought setParticleParams (and drop) would only take a p3d as input. I searched through many pbos but can't find a snow p3d or way of using the above "a3\data_f\snowflake4_ca.paa" texture in a particle script. Excuse me taking up your time.
Nov 26 2024
Thread of this in Discord Feedback tracker:
No I meant the performance branch of the game. Anyway the crash should've been fixed by now so if you're still getting the crash, wait for a dev to analyze your crash files and respond.
In T186575#2706623, @Leopard20 wrote:If you're using the perf branch, wait for the update or switch to stable.
Nov 25 2024
It should work with setParticleParams, why, it doesnt? or you mean 3d particle?
It is just a variable stored on player that the function returns, I will get rid of it
You need to confirm if PIP has been disabled
- place unit, exec player forceAddUniform 'U_B_CombatUniform_mcam'
- exec [player, "BI"] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia;
- exec player forceAddUniform 'U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest'
- exec [player] call BIS_fnc_getUnitInsignia;
result - insignia class name was return although no picture on clan selection
Yes I saw you updated the biki thanks a lot KK. Quick question - is there a particleshape equivalent to the texture "a3\data_f\snowflake4_ca.paa" that can be used in setParticleParams?
Nov 24 2024
Bit of an update to this; Running Stable? Build 152405 (Will test with v12 prof later), with 30 people on the server and monitoring Outbound with #monitor 0.1 with client.
Nov 23 2024
Переустановка игры не помогла, такая же ошибка.
repro please
Nov 22 2024
With lastest dev update insignia will not be lost after take off and putting on again for same uniform object.
But if unit put on new(other class name) uniform BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia will return false and no imagine will show
This change seems affect to issue T161323, can't reproduce on the latest dev update
Nov 21 2024
Ref to nonnetwork object 1596671: <no shape> #particlesource ➥ Context: [] L5 (/x/cba/addons/common/XEH_postInit.sqf) [] L56 (x\cba\addons\common\init_perFrameHandler.sqf) [] L51 (x\cba\addons\common\init_perFrameHandler.sqf) [] L44 (fnc_simpleOpenBolt.sqf)
Ref to nonnetwork object <No group>:0 (Curve_F) ➥ Context: [] L53 (\A3\Functions_F\Animation\Timeline\fn_timeline_play.sqf) [] L51 (\A3\Functions_F\Animation\Timeline\fn_timeline_play.sqf) [] L148 (\A3\Functions_F\Animation\Timeline\fn_timeline_tick.sqf) [] L150 (\A3\Functions_F\Animation\Timeline\fn_timeline_tick.sqf) [] L28 (\A3\Functions_F\Animation\Timeline\fn_timeline_finish.sqf) [] L30 (\A3\Functions_F\Animation\Timeline\fn_timeline_finish.sqf) [] L59 (\A3\Functions_F\Misc\fn_callScriptedEventHandler.sqf) [] L49 (\A3\Functions_F\Misc\fn_callScriptedEventHandler.sqf) [] L51 (\A3\Functions_F\Misc\fn_callScriptedEventHandler.sqf) [] L54 (\A3\Functions_F\Misc\fn_callScriptedEventHandler.sqf) [] L140 (WW2\SPE_Missions_p\UtilityFunctions_f\map\fn_moveMarker_local.sqf) [] L87 (WW2\SPE_Missions_p\UtilityFunctions_f\map\fn_moveMarker_local.sqf)
input validation is more strict now. would need some != "" checks now
Nov 20 2024
If you're using the perf branch, wait for the update or switch to stable.
Nov 19 2024
I've just noticed a new graphics driver 566.14 from 12NOV. I have 566.03. Maybe that is the cause of the issues ??
Fixed 2.20
So sad, still an unusable control with script controls...
Official Arma Discord, #perf_prof_branch channel:
Nov 18 2024
In T185482#2701071, @kju-PvPscene wrote:You may want to ask on the arma discord as reminder if your update was missed
types from last week
F13, F14, and F15 now work, F16~F24 still work as keybinds, but display as "UNEXPECTED_KEY_ID"
Found that this is almost certainly related to missing DIK keycodes
These I believe are the missing DIK code and scancode lines, from "\a3\ui_f\hpp\"
Reference I found for DIK codes:
agreed. especially for large terrains is seriously hampers the ability to navigate or plan as you have to zoom in a lot.
Nov 17 2024
rev 152421
Sorry for the ambiguous repro steps and wrong code, I believe my intention was originally to use _this instead of this but I didn't catch the error because it currently doesn't work either way.
Will this ever be a possibility? Recently went into the Editor and was reminded of this difference. It would make the in-game map look substantially better than it does currently.
Nov 16 2024
Aren't both 1st and 3rd person views not using the same models? (Or maybe, does a model file contain both a 1st/3rd person models?)