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[BUG] "Ref to nonnetwork object" rpt entry should not be logged when not necessary
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private _dummy = createVehicleLocal ["#particlesource", _posStart, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
deleteVehicle _dummy;

creates a Ref to nonnetwork object 732634: <no shape> rpt entry

either it should not, or we need a deleteVehicleLocal?

Dedmen (ง •̀_•́)ง — 09/05/2024 10:28 AM

Quite alot of places are missing checks for local-only objects. Does not need separate command, we just need to find these places and add a check for it. All vehicle deletes are solved in 2.20



Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Additional Information

in Type: Public, Build: Profile, Version: 2.18.152293

Ref to nonnetwork object R Corsair 1-1
 ➥ Context: 	[] L1 ()

Ref to nonnetwork object 1487810: spe_shell.p3d SPE_76mm_M1_M42_HE

Ref to nonnetwork object 25aa39e4bc0# 1487883: spe_de_m43_2_op.p3d SPE_GER_rifleman
 ➥ Context: 	[] L60 (steamMPMission\__cur_mp.SPE_Normandy\eos\core\EOS_Core.sqf)
	[] L108 (steamMPMission\__cur_mp.SPE_Normandy\eos\core\EOS_Core.sqf)
	[] L115 (steamMPMission\__cur_mp.SPE_Normandy\eos\core\EOS_Core.sqf)
	[] L116 (steamMPMission\__cur_mp.SPE_Normandy\eos\core\EOS_Core.sqf)
	[] L25 ()
	[] L31 ()
	[] L33 ()

Ref to nonnetwork object 25aa9368a00# 1488083: spe_flieger_2.p3d SPE_GER_pilot
 ➥ Context: 	[] L1882 (WW2\SPE_Missions_p\UtilityFunctions_f\ifs\IFS_CAS_fnc.sqf)

Ref to nonnetwork object 1488457: spe_shell.p3d SPE_76mm_M1_M42_HE
 ➥ Context: 	[] L45 (WW2\SPE_Core_f\System_Sound_f\positionalRicochet\fnc_positionalRicochet.sqf)
	[] L45 (WW2\SPE_Core_f\System_Sound_f\positionalRicochet\fnc_positionalRicochet.sqf)

Ref to nonnetwork object 25b81c70080# 1488667: spe_virtualsound.p3d SPE_SoundSetSource_incoming_bomb

Ref to nonnetwork object 1500004: <no shape> #particlesource
 ➥ Context: 	[] L5 (/x/cba/addons/common/XEH_postInit.sqf)
	[] L56 (x\cba\addons\common\init_perFrameHandler.sqf)
	[] L51 (x\cba\addons\common\init_perFrameHandler.sqf)
	[] L44 (WW2\SPE_Core_f\System_Sound_f\simpleOpenBolt\fnc_simpleOpenBolt.sqf)

Event Timeline

kju-PvPscene edited Additional Information. (Show Details)

Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x0000025B6C51E0C0

is this with agent new? dont think i had this prior to 2.18/latest perf branch
(from local host session with just one player/only local host)

[AF] veteran29 — 10/23/2024 12:44 PM

It seems to be coming from ambient animals, deleteVehicle on local agent

18:39:02 Ref to nonnetwork object 1790554: shell.p3dSh_82mm_AMOS

John Jordan — 09/05/2024 7:41 PM

huh, I thought mortar shells were network objects

Leopard20 — 09/05/2024 7:55 PM

I think all non-controllable projectiles are local (except for mines I think)

Fhqwhgads — 08/27/2024 6:03 AM

Dedicated server had a couple of
Out of memory. Your swap file is too small, only 5 MB of free space left. Increase your swap file size or delete some files from your hard disk.

Hard drive was 95% full with ~60GB free when it first happened (it was full when I was managing mods, made room with that 60GB), then it happened again after I freed up more space to ~360 GB free. Maybe the page file didn't update because I didn't restart, but is there a memory leak happening, and could it be related to the 45 lines/sec of "Ref to nonnetwork object 1902be6eb00# 1822730: <no shape>SuppressTarget" since server start? Page file was system managed on that hard drive supposedly at 16MB min and ~24GB max. This never happened before but it's been 6+ months since last server start when the drive probably wasn't full.

Stoneworth — 08/14/2024 12:12 AM

Running the profiling branch of the arma server. Having an issue with a .rpt file reaching sizes of 50+GB within a few hours, bringing down the VPS with it.

By the looks of it the file is doing the
Ref to nonnetwork object... ... .p3d

THOUSANDS of times.

And by looking into the .rpt file, it seems like the file is in a loop with approx. the same amount of local only objects in the game as are referenced in the file.

None of them have any scripts hitting them or referencing them, some have names, yes. But are not used in a script.

For context, there are 8 game master modules and 2 HC modules too. We tried it with removing scripts from the map, removing parts of the map. But the only decent enough fix was to set everything to NOT be local only. Even spawning as 1 person and placing a helipad would cause that loop for the 1 helipad .p3d.

Stoneworth — 08/14/2024 12:41 AM

The way I place the items are that I place them down, disable sim, make simple object (if applicable) then local only, does simple object make it freak out? Just lost as fugg

Dedmen (ง •̀_•́)ง — 08/14/2024 10:24 AM

Probably some objects of these placed in the mission, set to local-only. While some script/mod uses them in network. Cannot send local-only objects over network

Icy — 08/11/2024 8:11 PM

Our .rpt file is generating tens of GB's of files full of this error:

18:21:16 Ref to nonnetwork object 2a5a75b7580# 1781137: cncbarriermedium4_f.p3d
18:21:16 Ref to nonnetwork object 2a5a5a29600# 1780692: hbarrier_5_f.p3d
18:21:16 Ref to nonnetwork object 2a5a5a28b80# 1780693: hbarrier_5_f.p3d

Any idea what this issue might be?
all full of .p3d files that it's missing.

Dedmen (ง •̀_•́)ง — 08/12/2024 12:30 PM

These will be local-only objects.

You can find them by that id number


You will have flagged an object as local-only, but then used it in a networking context.

For example slingloading a local-only object, or ViV loading such an object. Many other ways. Maybe some mod script passing it in a remoteExec, or trying to set a public variable on it.
Running the game on profiling branch with -debug might give you some extra info, most likely not though.
Best bet is probably to find that object and see where it is and what its doing

John Jordan — 08/12/2024 7:22 PM

Was wondering if the "local" option on editor objects could do this. Map objects are local-everywhere but can be network referenced. Mission objects that are local-everywhere, maybe not?
Given the object types that seems like a likely source.

Dedmen (ง •̀_•́)ง — 08/12/2024 7:43 PM

yes it can

Sa-Matra — 08/03/2024 3:51 PM

20:50:52 Ref to nonnetwork object 1780898: <no shape>
1000s of these lines on client
Wish it also showed a class name so its easier to see what it is
Maybe this?

kju — 08/03/2024 4:49 PM

can be FX/particles for example
-debug gives you somewhat of an idea usually where its coming from

dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.Nov 15 2024, 7:41 PM

deleteVehicle has received a local check and should be fixed.
If there is a repro, I need a repro to see whats happening

This comment was removed by Leopard20.

types from last week

Ref to nonnetwork object <No group>:0 (Logic)
Ref to nonnetwork object <No group>:0 (Curve_F)
Ref to nonnetwork object <No group>:0 (Key_F)
Ref to nonnetwork object <No group>:0 (Timeline_F)

Ref to nonnetwork object DDD: <no shape> #particlesource

Ref to nonnetwork object DDD: shell_tracer_red.p3d SPE_57mm_M86_APCBC
Ref to nonnetwork object DDD: spe_shell.p3d SPE_50mm_SprGr38_HE

Ref to nonnetwork object WWW# DDD: dummyweapon.p3d Item_U_SPE_US_HBT44_FrogSkin_Jungle

Ref to nonnetwork object WWW# DDD: spe_virtualsound.p3d SPE_SoundSetSource_ammoCookOff_hatchBurst

didnt have -debug on. more info to follow

Ref to nonnetwork object <No group>:0 (Curve_F)
 ➥ Context:     [] L53 (\A3\Functions_F\Animation\Timeline\fn_timeline_play.sqf)
    [] L51 (\A3\Functions_F\Animation\Timeline\fn_timeline_play.sqf)
    [] L148 (\A3\Functions_F\Animation\Timeline\fn_timeline_tick.sqf)
    [] L150 (\A3\Functions_F\Animation\Timeline\fn_timeline_tick.sqf)
    [] L28 (\A3\Functions_F\Animation\Timeline\fn_timeline_finish.sqf)
    [] L30 (\A3\Functions_F\Animation\Timeline\fn_timeline_finish.sqf)
    [] L59 (\A3\Functions_F\Misc\fn_callScriptedEventHandler.sqf)
    [] L49 (\A3\Functions_F\Misc\fn_callScriptedEventHandler.sqf)
    [] L51 (\A3\Functions_F\Misc\fn_callScriptedEventHandler.sqf)
    [] L54 (\A3\Functions_F\Misc\fn_callScriptedEventHandler.sqf)
    [] L140 (WW2\SPE_Missions_p\UtilityFunctions_f\map\fn_moveMarker_local.sqf)
    [] L87 (WW2\SPE_Missions_p\UtilityFunctions_f\map\fn_moveMarker_local.sqf)

Ref to nonnetwork object 1596671: <no shape> #particlesource
 ➥ Context:     [] L5 (/x/cba/addons/common/XEH_postInit.sqf)
    [] L56 (x\cba\addons\common\init_perFrameHandler.sqf)
    [] L51 (x\cba\addons\common\init_perFrameHandler.sqf)
    [] L44 (fnc_simpleOpenBolt.sqf)

This comment was removed by Leopard20.