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[Bug] Vehicle Smoke Countermeasure extra sounds
Feedback, NormalPublic


If you enter any server with at least 2 people in total with vehicle smokes enabled (Ifrit/Strider), firing the smoke countermeasure will cause the smoke canisters to play multiple more collision sounds than expected.

The extra sounds do NOT play when you are playing locally or on a server with only one player.

I assume this is causing more network traffic than normal, however I have nothing to backup that claim.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Join any server with no one online
  2. Get in an ifrit or strider with smoke countermeasures
  3. Launch countermeasures - Proper, single set of smoke jingles can be heard.
  4. Get someone to join server
  5. Launch countermeasures - Bug, multiple set of smoke jingles can be heard, and sometimes will stay far longer than they should.
Additional Information

This can be replicated on every Arma 3 server I have been able to test, including a base VR world I loaded onto my own server with loopback.

I did not test if it is creating multiple invisible smoke objects, but none are visible when this occurs.

I attempted to run the countermeasure code on my player, instead of executing from a vehicle, and it did not cause the sound bug.
It is present in servers and clients all running the latest 2.18 v8 profiling build as well as server/clients running 2.18 Stable

Event Timeline

Fraali created this task.Nov 14 2024, 6:06 AM

Bit of an update to this; Running Stable? Build 152405 (Will test with v12 prof later), with 30 people on the server and monitoring Outbound with #monitor 0.1 with client.

Tested 10 times
Normal and consistent values 700 to 1.9Kb/s, small spikes of 2.8Kb/s.
Spawning vehicles from server, no drop.
Hit ifrit countermeaure, outbound jumps to 20k-40k Kb/s when smokes land (physx calculation?).
Used these 4 times in quick succession, noticeable delay in return from #monitor, and outbound jumped to around 70k-100k Kb/s
Throw normal smoke grenades, no noticeable issue.
Shortly after, network returned to normal each time.

During testing, 10 more people joined, and the network per countermeasure seemed to increase by a noticeable margin.

Olsson added a subscriber: Olsson.Nov 24 2024, 6:57 PM

Revision: 152541

BIS_fnc_KK removed BIS_fnc_KK as the assignee of this task.Jan 1 2025, 9:20 PM
BIS_fnc_KK changed the task status from New to Feedback.
BIS_fnc_KK added a subscriber: BIS_fnc_KK.