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Jun 25 2024
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May 25 2024
Fixed in 1.2 - Can be closed.
Apr 9 2024
@reyhard Any news on this? Ty
Mar 26 2024
can combined with: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T179959
Mar 23 2024
TheBonBon — 17.03.2024 10:19
Same problem here and its using the vanilla ARTII_PIPMaterial but its when I look through the scope
Mar 15 2024
Mar 14 2024
@reyhard - Here is a test with a base Character - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8cvbG0HQ-0
@reyhard - Hey, the Character works well. I use them as Group Member of AiGroup. But it always spawns with the wrong Color Variant. So, the Shirt, Pants always using the Materials from the Model and not from the Override. i also tryed with a default Character by just changing the Cloth. Also here the Override is not working. If you like i can make a Video.
Mar 13 2024
@reyhard - Hi, please see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FVcheNLL50
Mar 11 2024
Hi, sorry, but its also not working well with the civillian stuff in 1.1. For example: https://enfusionengine.com/api/redirect?to=enfusion://ResourceManager/~ArmaReforger:Prefabs/Characters/Uniforms/Pants_Trousers_01/Pants_Trousers_01_base.et This is available in 4 different Variants. If i now equip one of this prefab to a group member with BaseLoadoutManagerComp, the charcater will also spawn with the base material which is assigned to the XOB/Mesh itself. So, also here the Material Override is not working.
Mar 10 2024
Jan 13 2024
Dec 25 2023
Dec 23 2023
Can be closed.. the EmessiveColor need to be Set as "White" in the Entitiy, otherweise you cant use all colors in Script.
Can be closed.. the EmessiveColor need to be Set as "White" in the Entitiy, otherweise you cant use all colors in Script.
Dec 21 2023
Dec 11 2023
Dec 7 2023
Edit: This Bug is strange... If you restart workbench an testing again, some times it works.. on the other day it will not work again :-(
Thank you
Dec 6 2023
Dec 1 2023
Update: can be done with manualy using "ParametricMaterialInstanceComponent" and its settings.
Nov 30 2023
May 10 2016
try to enable VSync ! I had the same issue that my GTX 980 TI is running with 90% Power in editor @ 1600 FPS - This sucks like hell. So enable Vsync to limit the FPS and GPU Power usage.
i never play any mission without stamina script running ! because the original fatigue sucks like hell.
3GB :D Why Arma cant use 8 GB ?
- NOT A BUG... AI NEED a lot of CPU power... If CPU is fully loaded, he cant send enought draw call to GPU.
the EH runns on all machines ? Clients and Server ?
I also got 5-10 less FPS from 1.48 to 1.50 RC in SP/Editor
if you run Singleplayer the game run stable ?
Then live with it or check wich MOD do the problem
Did you try this vanilla ? i only know this can happend by using MODs (dont know wich one it was...)
ok thanks KZ will try this.
You need to update your License first, install the Win 10 32Bit with windows update. Then your License is updated, after this you can download the 64Bit ISO, Burn it and make a new fresh installation.
Its for Free but you need to do a clean new installation. It will not work with Windows update
Tomorrow... going to bed now. (3:00 am German)
yes, this looks good. Do you have enought diskspace ? Already installed newest gpu drivers ? btw... you have 8GB Ram but running with 32Bit system ? So you cant use it..
i high recomment to install a 64Bit system.. Windows 10 is free, maybe you will give it a try
You can get 64Bit Windows 10 also if your using 32Bit Win 7 (Google for it). What you mean with: Whats your PC bit ?
set your page file handling to: system !
Please READ: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=24957
If you look into this issue, can you also fix the distance on dedicated servers for playSound3D ? Its broken, so wie can't use it.
Edit the Auiofile with Audacity and copy it to your mission dir. I dont have found another solution yet.
dont use this function ! its broken on dedicated servers (use say3D)
Update: Solved: New nvidia drivers and enabling page files on SSD fix the problem.
i enabled the page files handling now by system. Give it a try.
Short update: Since i enabled the page files for my SSD i got no error/crash today. But why we need this files ?
i uploaded the memory error screen. (German)
The warning tell me that my sytem is running out of RAM and i need to close Arma. but if i look into the task manager there are still 4 GB free.
Sure.. alredy tryed 3 different driver versions and runned Arma as Admin, but i still get a memory warning after a few min. If i ignore it, the game will crash.
Update: Looks like an NVIDIA Driver problem.
Mr. Downvote... pls tell us wich drivers you are using... and not downvote it without comment.
With the 1.46 roleback i got 10 - 15 more FPS in Singleplayer/ Editor test
Not only Multiplayer problem ! Also FPS drop in SP since 1.48
im running vanilla...
i also perceived FPS problems in Singleplayer and Coop. Im currently working on a new coop scenario and worked with the DEV builds last Weeks, in a village i had always 60 - 75 FPS (i always check the FPS to optimize my Scrips). So now since i switched to 1.48 Stable, i only get 50 - 60 FPS and the game feels not smooth.
GPU running at 46% and CPU1: 92%, CPU2: 5%, CPU3: 20%, CPU4: 31%
Sounds good.. +1
Ok thanks.. checked the Wiki: isKindOf "Civilian" will solve my problem.
1 Mag + 1 AT loaded in weapon ?
if(vest player == "") then {
player addItemToUniform "SmokeShellGreen";
} else {
player addItemToVest "SmokeShellGreen";
not working :-(
EXE rev. 131402 (game)
EXE rev. 131402 (launcher)
Size: ~153 MB
Fixed: Wrong smoke color for smokes thrown into the water (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=15875)
- BIS pls test your work before releasing it.
EDIT: Same problem with SmokeShellRed
Edit: Problem with Smoke Green: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=24672
Can be closed ! Works on current DEV build.
Please be more clear in the description this issue. I'm not sure what you're talking about.
- the description is like it is.... i have NO MORE VOICE ! No Regroup, NO Move 100M, Nothing...
So Adam...
i uploaded repo mission for you... hope you can reproduce it now...
you can her the voice up to 250m also in building and behind buildings.
The biggest problem is the distance ! It is complete unreal that you can hear people talking on 250m distance. This is also a problem if you whant to add some ambient sounds into the mission like a Radio... i placed a little radio into the center of town and you can hear it everywhere.
The best way to fix this: give us an MaxDistance option for say3D... please do not argue with playSound3D because its complete broken on dedicated servers since years ! So we cant use it.
some response here ?
its currently not possible to play a sound in a range of 20m... will be nice if BIS look into playsound3D or say3D.
this would be nice
NOT A BUG ?? Look at the Screenshots.... the complete text formation is broken. Where is the problem to handle linebrakes and BB-Codes ??
Structured Text: Workshop does not support it.. so if you load the description from the workshop then support it right or load the description from the description.ext without BB Code.
try to use the current developer-build.
open your steam client, change into the library, search for "Arma 3" , click the right mouse button and select "Properties", change to the tab "Betas" and choose "developer version".
still present in 1.50 RC
Pls take a look at this links:
CPU Count - Define number of CPUs/cores available
ExThreads - Option to define extra threads
File operations - use a dedicated thread for file operations (enabled when ExThreads is 1 or 3 or 5 or 7) Texture loading - use a dedicated thread for loading textures (enabled when ExThreads is 2 or 3 or 6 or 7) Geometry loading - use a dedicated thread for loading geometry data (enabled when ExThreads is greater than or equal to 4)
Enable Hyper-Threading - Enables the use of hyper-threading CPU cores which might slightly improve performance in certain scenarios
Malloc - Particular allocator to be used
MaxMem - Memory allocation limit to number (in MegaBytes)
MaxVRAM - Defines Video Memory allocation limit to number (in MegaBytes)
i dont know if this help you: Can you check if the page file handling from your windows is set to (System) ?
All Drives need to be handled, set to System/Automaticle
same here... after a track is finished playing, press ESC and the Track will repeat. Its the same if you press ALT-TAB and reopen the game, here the Track will also start again.
See also:
iS this normal that there is no Voice by AI-Commanding without Radio equiped ?
BIS releasing new terrain but not fixing major bugs. Slowly I lose the desire to play this game or building missions for it.