yep, same with fires and light glows from any other light source been an issue for as long as i've owned the game, coming up on 3 years now. Very hard to understand how they haven't fixed this yet, along with the other myriad of long standing bugs and the new ones added every update
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Sep 9 2022
haha they've been randomly warping through doors/walls of all buildings ever since i've had the game. As do all the animals.
Aug 24 2022
only taken a month for someone to test and confirm this... doesn't bode well for a quick fix
Aug 22 2022
^^ same. Two of us in tents at south side of Tisy military. Bomb comes in and we both scarper out south. I get sick, he doesn't but we both had 2 cuts. I had blood bag previously collected but no transfusion kit. So we sprint down to the little med centre below Sinystok about 2km away, with me stopping to be sick all the way, in the hope of finding one. No joy, so i logged out while another friend bought one up. Logged back in on edge of death, dropped blood bag, he made the kit up and gave me transfusion and i was good as new in minutes.
Aug 19 2022
obviously you get out of the gas first, then bandage any cuts, then if/when you get sick do the transfusion
Aug 14 2022
Why would anyone expect antibiotics to stop blood loss?
Aug 9 2022
should be unlimited ammo stacks that automatically increase in weight and size when more is added... pointless to constrain unboxed ammo to single item slots when you can easily split and combine it anyway. All picked up ammo should automatically combine with like for like loose ammo already in inventory. If you only have single slots available in inventory then just fill to max in each slot letting you combine to a larger slot at your convenience.
yep, i can attest devs been aware of and ignoring this for years
if that's working as intended then you need to be able to put any and all items that already contain other items directly into other containers such as bags, crates, vehicles and barrels... as well as unpack a tent with a single button press leaving the contained items on the ground.
yeah right. NBC gear and raincoats have very little in game insulation already and to be honest require zero storage if they can just be donned over existing clothing, like in real life. Jackets replace vests. Trousers and shoes can be attachments to existing clothing. Gloves and hoods work as they already do.
Jul 20 2022
Game chat will not work when in Xbox party chat
Jul 7 2022
Working exactly as intended. You can't expect to be able to skip over to an empty server to continually resupply your guy staking out a specific position in the first server. Then imagine you didn't just skip between 2 servers, but a dozen, all at various loot spawns (mili, heli, plank etc.), and it wasn't just you, but a squad doing this. It'd kill the loot economy everywhere, it'd be worse than duping. Eventually entire geared squads could just teleport around together terrorising servers in rotation.
Jun 28 2022
Why can't we start party chat within game and switch between party/game chats within game?
Scheduled for a fix lol
Jun 26 2022
Entirely agree. It's disheartening to no longer play, let alone enjoy a game that you put so many hours into because of a run of buggy updates.
Jun 24 2022
Yeah it has a purpose, it shines and glints in the light and gives your position away ;)
^ tomorrow tomorrow i love ya tomorrow you're always a day away
- tougher and better occupant protection against environmental impacts (crashes), not bullets or explosives of course!
It's a simple fix, just make the cars tougher and the occupants better protected... that way at least we can live with the extremely poor programming and actually enjoy driving.
The correct and easiest solution would be to make the player respawn at the exact place they went underground. At least that wouldn't break or require any changes to other game mechanics. After all, the game is obviously aware of the exact coordinates of every player character at all times.
Jun 21 2022
Just turn them invisible inside vehicle, so simple...
Jun 20 2022
huh, i'd have thought building a base as unraidable as possible was the entire idea. Is it also cheating to move your character while someone else is trying to shoot you..?
It's damage, not dirt. Just because a rag has become a bit threadbare or torn should not have any impact at all on any other rags it is placed next to. Your bag doesn't become damaged just because you put a damaged gun in it.
Jun 16 2022
Seeing as the word gender no longer has any connection to biological sex, now being merely something you identify as in any particular moment, all the characters are any of the 75+ (and counting) genders you want them to be... i guess?
Jun 15 2022
Only just becoming unplayable? I haven't played since 1.16 dropped with all the issues it brought to the party. Have since been waiting on the fixes to come in 1.16 hotfix, then 1.17, then 1.17 hotfix, then 1.18 but all that BI seem to achieve is introducing new bugs on top of old with each update.
Jun 14 2022
that'll be the "fix" for this no doubt
Jun 8 2022
Does anyone at BI test anything before going live these days?
Jun 7 2022
Strange this has been assigned after the last poster pointing this bug out was told it was actually a feature only a couple of days ago!
May 31 2022
It's a good mechanic.
May 24 2022
Happens with and has always happened when zooming/scoping on any dynamic light source from distance. Don't expect a response on this one because it's been ignored for years already.
May 11 2022
garden plots are pretty much useless anyway... in terms of resources and time needed along with the rapid despawning of any harvest... better off running in circles around the same area picking up the fruit and shrooms that you spawn in
Making garden plots only diggable on the actual ground, and only in soil, should be easy... after all it used to work that way perfectly well until a certain update dropped, so obviously just a lack of oversight and testing from the developers and them now seemingly more worried about adding new unwanted content than fixing the bugs their prior unwanted content created
May 7 2022
Zombies don't one punch kill anyone and when they do attack they make a very distinctive sound, to the point you'd know it was a zombie even if server lag meant you couldn't see it. I'd safely assume if someone said 100% not a zombie then it isn't a zombie.
May 1 2022
Yeah they knew this before they even released the update, but they did it anyway. Then they released the update hotfix and still haven't fixed it... kinda have to wonder why they bother with experimental servers if they still go ahead and release the updates full of the same bugs that were pointed out to them during the experimental phase :(
Apr 22 2022
Apr 20 2022
adjustable deadzone is great for combatting analogue stick drift... it just needs to be implemented correctly, which unfortunately it doesn't seem to be here
Apr 14 2022
and expect to perform some public testing in the coming weeks
Apr 6 2022
Yeah i noticed this after playing on build anywhere server a few months ago, having used a lot of single level watchtowers in the build.
By the same reasoning you should be able to see the blood wearing any gloves... and get sick if you don't remove the gloves before you eat... but hey, it's a gameplay mechanic
Mar 28 2022
because every good fisherman knows you need to remove the hook from the line before you bait it
Mar 23 2022
It's the old lighting texture/rendering bug that has been bought to the developers attention multiple times yet they seem reluctant to do anything about it. You'll notice at the same time that your shadows are missing and the day seems really gloomy with dodgy contrast making it hard to see if you look above the horizon anywhere you can see sky. A friend could be playing with you, standing beside you and be experiencing a beautiful sunny day.
Nearly as lousy as forgetting your saved custom character every respawn despite choosing Respawn Custom
Mar 22 2022
is it possible that some official servers can have build anywhere enabled? Some different options among official would be nice, so many official servers mostly empty anyway. At least they were the last time i played before the latest update basically killed the game for me.
yep, had this for at least 9 months, only affects one of my PS profiles
should be very easy to differentiate between a single press, long press and quick double tap of triangle button
Does the same after you lean left while aiming a gun
Finally... only been an issue from at least 3 years and one that's been ignored when bought up before.
Mar 4 2022
I'm not saying YOU personally must remember the number. I'm saying the player avatar/game should remember the number once a lock has been set or unlocked for the first time, prompting an auto unlock option every time you want to open the lock from then on, making gate traversal quick and easy without need for fiddly controls each and every time ;)
It's not resolved at all. A directional button that used to work in all directions now only works in two directions. Obviously it wasn't a bug all these years because no one ever complained about a directional stick being able to navigate in all directions. Please stop making lame excuses and look into fixing it, back to as it always has worked.
Mar 3 2022
lmfao... they must be paying these update chaps in peanuts
Just make it so you can remember the damned number and open the lock in a single click. Realism be damned, this is a game and nothing in it is the slightest bit realistic.
Feb 24 2022
They should be open by default, as they always were
Needs to be the very next update, 1.16 should never have been released considering it was a known issue...
Feb 20 2022
only took 6 months
Feb 19 2022
I guess the zombies are just copying what the bears and wolves have always done lol
yep, yet another huge fail
Yep, been like this for years... all depends on the particular item (or item location) that the selection cursor is on when you try to close the inventory. If you move the cursor elsewhere you can close the inventory, or alternatively madly spam both the touchpad and the B button). I'm not 100% certain but it seems to happen most often if the cursor is on an inventory attachment slot (such as knife in boot or glowstick on bag etc.)
Feb 17 2022
probably the same issue as and
Nice idea. Especially as the battery indicator in the inventory always displays as full in the NVGs unless you take them off and into hand!
Feb 16 2022
i always use the analogue stick, my thumb is already on it, no reason to move it to the dpad
if this was intended as a 'feature' it will never work because a human hand cannot physically operate both the dpad and left analogue stick at the same time... lmfao!
Feb 15 2022
Brilliant and obvious suggestions. Hard to believe they were made 2 years ago and still not been implemented... the structure invisibility in menus when not holding anything that can interact with said structure is definitely long overdue
Scheduled for a fix? How about not releasing the update until it was fixed? Between this and the character movement using left stick you have broken the item menu navigation system entirely. Game practically unplayable now. Nice work guys /s
Screw the patch. Game should be rolled back and update only released again when the game breaking elements have been removed.
Game needs a rollback, not a restart
Agree. Until i grow a third hand on my right arm the game is unplayable. WTH were they thinking???
Affects all walls and watchtowers, gates, steps, floors and ceilings
Feb 6 2022
Yep the total lack of control customisation, leybinding/deadzones/ADS speed etc is shoddy
Much like the Respawn Custom option which merely respawns random character. Shocking.
Feb 3 2022
still no movement on this then???
Jan 24 2022
Just use the 'hatch' that the developers very thoughtfully added to the roof of the truck ;)
Jan 11 2022
Had a lot of trouble clearing weapon jams as well. Nothing works, have to dump weapon.
It's definitely not cholera because you can catch it from being in vicinity of other players who have it. It's very likely a bugged illness of some sort. If you eat/drink too much you will be sick so just eat/drink little portions regularly to keep food/hydration at least yellow to stop health dropping. Tetra might clear it initially but it comes back a few minutes later. Vitamins seem to do the job though.
Jan 8 2022
For such a great game it has so many problems that never seem to get addressed. But hey, you'll get a new gun or something equally banal next patch, that should keep you happy ;)
Probably for the best, vehicles only kill you anyway due to the awful physics coding ;)
Dec 29 2021
Yeah it's mad. And most of that time is spent blacking out.
Just a guess but sounds like you didn't have space in your inventory to put your gun away to take the other one out, should have dropped it?
Dec 15 2021
Yep. Totally broken. No idea why a vehicle doesn't act the same as a player model, only moving faster. When a player runs at full speed into a solid object they don't end up with a ruptured spleen, two broken legs and leaking artery so why does a car end up with a broken radiator, dead sparkplug and two busted wheels every time the inevitable glitch causes a crash at 5km/h?
Nov 27 2021
Nov 25 2021
You could always use the spare bottle you have left over from previously combining two bottles... oh wait, that magically disappears. Odd that doesn't work both ways
Nov 24 2021
agree, very frustrating
yes, an extremely annoying 'feature'
Makes about as much sense as armbands crafted from raincoats getting drenched in the rain...
have experienced many fence kits 'disappearing' (in plain view but inaccessible) when dropped on floor recently. Also some barn and factory floors can swallow items dropped on them.
This has happened to me in the past, not recently though, and a restart always fixed it. A similar thing always happens when switching PS accounts, where you get a permanent 'controller disconnected press x to reconnect' message overlaying the game.
At the very least add it to a few of the official, mostly empty or temporary servers, if only to test the water
Nov 7 2021
yep, everyone and the developers are fully aware of this along with al the other bugs that never get fixed... but hey, look... a new gun!
Oct 15 2021
How a spark plug is always damaged while the hulk of metal engine encasing it is fully operable is beyond me... as are both front tyres ripped to shreds due to the bumper touching a picket fence qt 5kmh. Radiators should be fully repairable with epoxy putty.
Hey devs how about toughening up the car parts so that when your game inevitably bugs out while driving it doesn't completely ruin a players day?
Now just make the vehicles less damage prone, with better occupant protection, so we can continue to drive them even after the inevitable crashes resulting solely from the game hanging while using them...
Seems to have done the trick. I've not encountered the issue since the hotfix. As mentioned above it seems to have fixed the really bad performance issues and reduced the slow texture loading and pop in. Nice work!
Oct 13 2021
Why even have a screen that only exists to tell you to click a button to go where you should initially be taken?
Oct 12 2021
Yep, it's the Missing environmental shadows/lighting bug that i raised here: