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Suggestion: Items over another item, like shirt, jackets, rainjacket.
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Suggestion, make NBC clothing, rain jacket and other clothing like it able to be put on over the regular jacket or shirt the players wares, in that case the player would be able to put on a rain jacket then it starts raining. or then going in to a gas zone use the NBC items over the regular day to day clothing.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Feature Request
Steps To Reproduce

Suggestion, make NBC clothing, rain jacket and other clothing like it able to be put on over the regular jacket or shirt the players wares, in that case the player would be able to put on a rain jacket then it starts raining. or then going in to a gas zone use the NBC items over the regular day to day clothing.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Aug 8 2022, 10:25 PM
lemmac added a subscriber: lemmac.Aug 9 2022, 3:18 PM

yeah right. NBC gear and raincoats have very little in game insulation already and to be honest require zero storage if they can just be donned over existing clothing, like in real life. Jackets replace vests. Trousers and shoes can be attachments to existing clothing. Gloves and hoods work as they already do.

To keep them from being too overkill, limit what clothes they can go over. can't be wearing a giant puffy jacket under it. NBC that is. Rain coats should go over everything though larger clothes could be nerfed as you require to keep the front unbuttoned because you're now too big.. - Personal experience..