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- User Since
- Jun 12 2013, 11:41 AM (607 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
almost 400 votes up and only 3 down has got to tell all, that the current action menu is not well liked
i don't think they plan on fixing this either, we will continue to get ONLY small Changes. I imagine... I hope they increase their budget and amp up to "phase 3". cuzz this game could be 100 times better if they did.
The status of this is set to "reviewed"
I think "reviewed" means really more like... "We seen it but don't plan on making changes to it until after retail launch or maybe not even then either."
WE ALL HATE the scroll menu
this should rank near the top of the to do list since it affects most players gaming experience in a negative manner, including mine, i think it should be replaced with a more less clumsy idea
prefer the arma2 freelook myself, this is so annoying +1
i don't know why people would down vote a good idea like this when they would still be able to keep their crosshair style. I never been a hater, if i like mine then i want you to like yours too, add us an option thanks! 1
man i love this idea, and i wanted to point out that the sound of the arma 3 jets Are very good
the new setting to disable adaptive crosshairs is supposed to allow full control of crosshairs now but still snaps to ground.
this is the setting:
configure/game/general/adaptive crosshairs: Disabled
I want to say thank you to the Dev's for listening and taking action on this issue.
Just tested and confirmed on both maps too. It's only partially resolved as a couple people stated above me.
Crosshairs still move against my will and onto what appears to be vertices on the ground. If you are looking way across a field and there is a hill in the distance then it looks like crosshairs might be snapping to other objects but it's hard to tell.
WHen complete. I think this option should be off by default and only available in Recruit single player mode
i don't even know why this happens in muliplayer games to begin with, this is something that should only be available in recruit mode Single player
"People buy games to play games, not to have the game play for you."
i'm afraid they wont fix this at all, they seem to think is perfectly ok to aim for a player. Instead of letting the player aim for himself, they just move your aim for you without your consent and think it's ok. Well I have been telling them for over a month, that it's wrong to move players crosshairs without consent. This is extremely disgusting engine behavior beyond words and comprehension and i expect a lawsuit regarding it
just stop moving the crosshair man what are the developers problem this is pissing me off
quoteing a dev: "Please note that the crosshair now gives you an accurate representation of where you are aiming at, when you see the crosshair change it's position, it is actually showing you where it is actually pointing at, and where the bullet will hit."
that's exactly why i'm complaining about this let me decide if i want to move crosshairs, its the godam players choice, i have no fucking idea what you devs are thinking
it's wrong to move a fucking players crosshairs without consent!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what part of that dont you understand!!!!!!!!
the reason your fps drops in multiplayer primarily has to do with the Arma3 engine has to be rebuilt. The only solution they have been offering so far to reduce fps drops in multiplayer is degrade visual detail. Take for instance thew bullets decals when you shoot a wall. then walk up and look at your bullet holes. Looks pretty cheezey huh? that's arma 3 optimization for ya. Much more of that and we are gonna be left with 5 year old graphics. So thats why i say the engine needs rebuilt. It's true
I THINK THE CORRECT TERM FOR SOUND IS CHILDS PLAY. They should look AT BF3 for inspiration on all aspects including sound graphics and optimization
anyone know if the dev version has sound for falling over objects?
makes me wonder if the radio transmitter tower will even make noise if if falls, or better yet can it even fall?
they made night time even more worst by making it too dark in the last patch.
The sky is lacking shooting stars and ambient aircraft collision lights at a far distance
+1 slap the hand
even though this normally is not an available option for pilots in real life I voted up.
looks like maybe just a typo in "bis_fnc_respawnselectiventory_texts"
it might be missing the "n"
maybe should be "bis_fnc_respawnselectinventory_texts"
that's right copy paste. thanks for speaking my mind for me ur a life saver :P
Upvoted, but it has to be optional.
i believe this is a current work arround atleast for arma2.
check the arma3 config file
//-- author benny - auto dump flares on locked aircraft.
Private ["_flarecount","_missile","_vehicle"];
_vehicle = _this select 0;
_missile = _this select 1;
if (alive _vehicle && (getPos _vehicle) select 2 > 5) then {
_isActive = _vehicle getvariable "FlareActive";
_type = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _missile >> "AirLock");
if ((_type == 1) && (! _isActive)) then {
private ["_flarecount"]; _vehicle setVariable ["FlareActive", true]; if ((driver _vehicle) == player) then {_vehicle vehicleChat "WARNING: incomming missile!"}; _flarecount = _vehicle getVariable "FlareCount"; if (_flarecount > 0) then { _this Spawn CM_Spoofing; for [{_i=0}, {_i<8}, {_i=_i+1}] do { [_vehicle] Call CM_Flares; sleep 0.3; }; }; _vehicle setVariable ["FlareActive", false];
all example images posted i will add in the ticket
@Vulcanexius they are all fools and want there Dayz game most of them kids came from Dayz they don't know what a real Mil Sim is my question is why do modders have to code markers to begin with? by far this is the most incomplete lack of features of a game engine i have ever seen in my life
an interactable GPS is the most logical idea of course player markers comes with it
greefor fatigues look 1960's era too
X-35 was only one i seen too. I would love to tug that pretty thing out of the hanger hahaha
yea its been scripted in arma 2 before to tug jets etc. but take for instance the c130 gunship. Why do we have to code a fully working c130?
i believe the game should offer a fully working tug and c130 gunship etc. however not sure arma3 will have a c130 but i believe the Military said the c130 was gonna be in service 50 more years but i cant remember
hope its a toggle option cuzz most people are used to norm wheel up for zoom
fully support this 100 percent almost would beg for it haha
was really hoping u added the arma 3 log files. so the dev's can properly investigate this issue.
i think a better idea is for the Dev's to make a "arma2 classic map pack" purchasable on steam, since there is a ton of work involved to bring the maps to Arma3 standards and the dev's need to be compensated for this.
confirmed I tested the AI behavior today for about 2 hours at least.
The AI has a high rate of detecting without hearing or seeing you, then shooting you
was really hoping for these but it don't look like it's going to happen:(
military definitely uses flashbangs
M84_stun_grenade In service 1995 - present
haven't seen the flash bangs yet, anyone heard that they will be in the Official released version yet?
and a riot shield then too
im liking all this traction, if this wat it takes for them to remove the lame aim bot feature that if anything belongs in noob mode single player only. then i dont CARE so be it.
@jakeryan760 I may be arrogant but at least im not a full fledged retard with a "0" IQ
people hate that i am right about this issue and try t make excuses and fail arguments to combat my pure intelligent mind blowing intellect that proves a player should be in control of his crosshairs so yea im pretty upset about this shit. the point is im sick and tired of people denying the truth. read the full ticket if your still in denial. then simply keep your uneducated asses of my ticket
im sick of trolls like you that dont know wat ur talking about. so stay of the ticket u had your 2 seconds of fam
@ DrDeath, Despite if any one likes it or not, The truth is i don't care what people say and I am right. it's also true im frustrated with undereducated people trying to disagree. without having the facts. i've tested this thing for countless hours, and came to the conclusion long ago. this whole ticket is right. The Aim Feature they added results in a handycap and is uber pathetic and ruins fair play and takes away player control. People play a game to play it not so the game can aim for them.
he goes so more usless noob trash trying to argue with a god
i want my crosshairs to only be moved when i move them why don't anyone understand this am i too detailed or are you all trolls
i don't see how an option to turn it off is a problem, just make both parties happy. THose that want aiming assist simply turn it on, and those that don't like me, will simply turn it off. But don't ignore this issue
yea the only reason i did previously is because im super super frustrated with how they think it's ok to even move your crosshars for you. It's really mind boggling why they would even go that route to begin with instead of adding a gun crossed out image on the middle of the screen or something. Im just passionate about the way my game is played and the aim/crosshairs being moved really bothers me. And results in an aiming handycap. When i get energy i guess ill have to make another one and avoid pissing them all off lol. They really seemed to rage when i called it an aimbot, but theoretically that's exactly what it is
your right aimbots aim for you lol which is what this is doing for me
you should still be able to shoot with either option/tweak they choose.
Aimbot definition: is not aim assist in favor of "good" or "bad". An aimbot assists in moving your aim under auto pilot hence the word bot.
They are known by communities to be scripted hacks that normally head shot enemies with autoaim (no user control) just trigger, but the true definition is above
it's not your typical classic beneficial aimbot but it's an aimbot never the less
This should be a higher priority in my opinion since it results in an unfair advantage since your crosshairs move against your will.
I'm not asking for it to be removed i just want an option added so players can turn off the feature that makes your crosshairs move.
Please add it :)
can you make it:P
i want you to stop making false assumptions on my ticket. i expect to aim at anything but not shoot thru anything blocking or obstructing.
For the non-believers refer to my detailed explanation titled "Lesson 1"
your wrong please stop wasting your time on this ticket now. im right your wrong just quit
i don't care what you say, what i stated in my last comment is true. u cant aim properly as stated above, because the game happily moves your crosshairs for you
Lesson 1. The case for shooting AI on the other bridge:
(if you pay attention the crosshairs will snap to the distant bridge rails etc as your crossharis are grazzing the enemies heads ) as your trying to headshot the running AI
it appears to me that this feature is a handy cap for those who dare use 3rd person view with crosshairs
roflmao, true the aim assist is not really an assistant of a better aim on a target, it only assists your aim off an obstructing object. Im using the term to mock the whole thing, because i think it's redundant. but i fully respect the idea and programmers who coded it. i think it's cool never the less. but i do not want the feature. all i want is to be able to turn it off
I prefer crosshairs, but it's not a usless ticket but your comments simply are, i and many others want to use Cross hairs in 3rd person view for instance, without the crosshairs moving against my will.
Try this example. load your player in the town of Agia Marina go to the bridge and imagine trying to shoot 2 running ai on the other bridge. Your crosshairs will start flipflopping and studdering to objects against your will. happy aiming. I'm sorry were you trying to shoot straight? you can't. was something blocking your barrel? the answer is no.
ok so remove my crosshair. now the argument becomes this: i don't need special ed aiming assistance
i dont want my aim moved for me, crosshairs or not, if you like the it fine then opt in and enable the option no big deal, dont hate some of us prefer not to use the stupid feature
@arziben. the point here is.
"I don't like my cross hairs moving against my will, and i sure don't need aiming assistance. It's pure common sense if something is obstructing a players weapon barrel etc." lets not forget
Well if u like the special ED aiming help fine. I don't, and i know other players don't either. I'm simply asking for an option to turn it off. Real life troops don't get this special ED aiming Help. and to me it's redundant
@GeneralScott, yes if something is obstructing a players weapon barrel, a players crosshairs move to the object supposedly obstructing the weapon barrel etc
im not doing no harm cut down on ur salty behavior are u power happy?
I have not harrased no one, nor threatened, or has there been any name calling
I don't want this noob special ED aimbot fake-assistance, where is the option to turn it off?
happens when nothing is obstructed as well
btw. it's common sense if something is blocking a players barrel we don't need a clumsy aimbot to move our dam crosshairs away from the intended target
this has got to be a total embarrassment
it's so shameful that their way of "optimization" is beating the hell out of the graphics.
or bubbles coming from scuba divers...
Voted up. yea i noticed this yesterday, glad it's posted, def needs fixed.
+1 i tested this yesterday and Markers created on server, is not synced to players that connect after marker was created.
i never down vote based on what feature or fix is a priority and you people shouldn't either, that's for the Dev's to decide, voting is for what you believe is justified and correct for the game. This is the problem with open betas, we have uneducated noobs running around prancing like girls and down voting shit. Voted up
why is this set to need more info, what info are they looking for ideas? there are many, how about climbing over a 6 foot wall animation, an actual falling and diving animation, cmon alrdy
how about being able to climb over a 6 hoot wall, that's realistic. we can only leg swing everything.
+1 same concept happens i believe if your in the water looking at the clouds
i hope this don't cause planes to crash if the wheel hits the little light. because that is so annoying to save your cash for an hour then to have ur plane explode. not that bad pilots are all over the place but in under distress urgent situations people move quickly and make mistakes
i think it would spam the units list available in the editor at best, i would rather script the payloads as normally, unless a better idea is discovered
well needed feature
almost 400 votes up and only 3 down has got to tell all, that the current action menu is not well liked