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Add option to prevent players from changing clothes in game
Assigned, WishlistPublic


While the new inventory and clothing system is great, I think that it's crucial to maintain the possibility to not to let the players to change their clothes. It's very crucial to some missions, because players changing their clothes can be extremely confusing to different instances in some situations and it can spoil the design of many missions.


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For example, roleplay missions and mods would benefit from this option a lot. It's very hard for eg. cops to track and keep their tabs on the civilians, if they can change their clothes at any time. The permanent ability to change your clothes in the game at any time makes the missions hard to design and very hard to balance. Thus adding the option to disable the ability to change the clothes in MP is necessary.

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Ezcoo edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 5 2013, 11:59 PM
Ezcoo edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Ezcoo set Category to Multiplayer.
Ezcoo set Reproducibility to N/A.
Ezcoo set Severity to None.
Ezcoo set Resolution to Open.
Ezcoo set Legacy ID to 4248661750.May 7 2016, 3:51 PM
qbt added a subscriber: qbt.May 7 2016, 3:51 PM
qbt added a comment.Aug 6 2013, 12:12 AM

We definitely need this functionality.

Yep! would be also good to add some option to disable changing clothes to the specific side only clothes, so lets say blufor can't change clothes to opfor, but they would still be able to change their own side clothes.
Just a option of "Rules of engagement"

Ezcoo added a subscriber: Ezcoo.May 7 2016, 3:51 PM
Ezcoo added a comment.Aug 6 2013, 12:26 AM

@Redjevel: I'd still absolutely prefer the option to disable all changing of clothes, also from clothes of the side of the player. But after this would have been implemented, your suggestion would be nice to have as well.

TL;DR, we really need the option to disable the ability to change the clothes of character completely.

AD2001 added a subscriber: AD2001.May 7 2016, 3:51 PM
AD2001 added a comment.Aug 6 2013, 2:31 PM

Upvoted, but it has to be optional.

Upvoted, but it has to be optional.

AD2001 added a comment.Aug 6 2013, 3:09 PM

What the...?

that's right copy paste. thanks for speaking my mind for me ur a life saver :P

That makes NO logical sense. Quote-=-

"For example, roleplay missions and mods would benefit from this option a lot. It's very hard for eg. cops to track and keep their tabs on the civilians, if they can change their clothes at any time. The permanent ability to change your clothes in the game at any time makes the missions hard to design and very hard to balance. Thus adding the option to disable the ability to change the clothes in MP is necessary."

Isn't that the point in life mod? It is supposed to be dynamic. The reason for changes cloths in the first place is to not get found. Some play it smart, but then you have those that run around with their heads cut off. Cloths changing is very important, and especially in role play. Also, if you cant keep tabs on someone when their name clearly pops up when your 10 feet away from them... well... wow. But as for that, im forced to down vote, as in role play, you don't want to be in the same cloths for ever. Civilians change cloths every day.

AD2001 added a comment.Oct 4 2013, 8:41 PM

" Add option"


It's optional.

ok guys. so any suggestions how this feature should work? Something like [disableClothesSwitching player] to prevent player from dragging in/out containers like vest, uniforms, backpacks through Inventory display or even through scripting commands like [removeAllContainers player]?

How about a command that uses a boolean?
unit enableClothesSwitch true;
unit enableClothesSwitch false;

StJimmy added a subscriber: StJimmy.May 7 2016, 3:51 PM

This sounds good because in PvP there's always a chance that someone takes other sides clothes and it can ruin the game then.

player disableChanging [uniform, vest, backpack]


player disableChanging [false, false, false]

disable uniform removing/changing

player disableChanging [true, false, false]

disable uniform and backpack removing/changing [true, false, true]

Why this format? Flexible, you can expand it to other items if you need to:

player disableChanging [uniform, vest, backpack, primaryweapon?]

My suggestion would be "<unit> disableInventorySlotChange <array of slots>"

So you could do:

player disableInventorySlotChange ["ALL"] - Prevent changing of any slot
player disableInventorySlotChange ["CONTAINERS"] - Prevent changing of containers (uniform, backpack, vest)
player disableInventorySlotChange ["WEAPONS"] - Prevent changing of weapons
player disableInventorySlotChange ["PRIMARY_WEAPON"] - Prevent changing of primary weapon
player disableInventorySlotChange ["UNIFORM"] - Prevent changing of uniform only
player disableInventorySlotChange ["BACKPACK"] - Prevent changing of backpack only
player disableInventorySlotChange ["UNIFORM", "VEST"] - Prevent changing of uniform and vest only


ofcourse, this would need an "<unit> enableInventorySlotChange <array of slots>" so you can reenable it when necessary.

This way, you could disable everything or just some specific slots, depending on your mission requirements.

ok ok.. now I'm going to implement this and right after I will try to do something with this task

I have just assigned this task to our Sandbox design director.. he is the right guy to say If I will implement it or won't

What if the clothing thing stayed and when in multiplayer if u kill a guy and his cloth is bloody why not sett up when u dress up uniform that you have blood on you and than the enemy (in same uniform) will recognize you or you will be suspicious for them?

Just like disableUserInput or enableSaving - disableClothSwapping or something that will do it globally in a simple fashion with a command that just needs to run once per mission. Additionally, a per-unit command can be added as well.

Right now I have to use an ugly script to instantly re-add the correct uniform if the player tries to switch them.

This shouldn't just prevent switching, but also disable just dumping your existing uniform and running around in underwear.

Of course, this shouldn't disable scripted uniform switching in any way.

I know I am digging up old bones here but this would be an AWESOME feature to the game and would be something that was advertised in the beginning as possible with Arma 3.