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- User Since
- Mar 10 2013, 11:47 PM (627 w, 5 d)
Sep 5 2023
Mar 12 2018
Hello Wulf, sorry I didn't do this sooner but I didn't have access to the game to try and reproduce the issue.
Mar 11 2018
Aug 24 2017
May 1 2017
Jul 6 2016
Seems fixed.
Jul 2 2016
Looks fixed
I much prefer the more discreet heat effect we have now but it's still going out from the wrong place. :p
Jun 29 2016
Could the latest command "subItems[] = {"item_class"};" help with that ?
Jun 21 2016
Jun 20 2016
@mickeymen the V44 can transport a Hunter, strider, an HEMTT tractor or any Zamak.
Jun 19 2016
Last dev mitigated the problem but personally I still find it a bit too loud.
Jun 17 2016
Issue has been fixed in latest dev branch, I have no idea how to close it though.
Jun 15 2016
Jun 14 2016
I'm closing my ticket for the same issue, have the picture attached to it.
I was about to make a ticket, have one more picture !
7 minutes after mine, but I'm glad to hear you tested it on other rifles, we complete each other ^^
May 10 2016
Alright I gave it another shot (after saving) and it didn't crash this time. I guess it was just a really unlucky first click.
Helicopter pods for exemple.
Are you using mods ? I have the same problem with online play...
The idle animations you described only appear in first person when a player is concerned.
True, the reload would be a problem. Then again, in 2035, an automated arm and a rack of ammo..
Technically, why not.. I mean it would have a lot of advantages in 2035, set an unmanned mortar in a remote position, it's directly usable by the concerned squad and if it's tracked down and discovered, no human loss.
The problem would be that it's an easy asset to capture...
This could be applied to the gunner seat in the self propelled artilleries aswell.
I'm all up for this, it's a great idea: upvote for you.
All those additions are from TOH fyi
I wish you could customise loadouts of vehicles, I'd LOVE to equip an AH-9 with TOW or similar AT missiles. TOH had some sort of helo arsenal, it would be great if they implemented this to A3
yup, would be happy to see the ammunitions getting loaded in the launchers (including grenade launchers)
I've always wondered why they removed the gun hitbox, I thought it was because of the tendency it had of flipping the tank.
doesn't it work if you make a unit from one side join the squad of the unit from an other side ?
assault gliders aren't used anymore, personal wing glider however...
inb4 potato canopy DLC for 0,49 bucks :D
if this gets modified to a more realistic value, I already can't wait for the first weeks of battle royales (even though I don't play it, the reports ought to be great fun)
also, the jet pilot visor has to have night vision capacity in it
You're right izaiak but I'm just going to add on that OFF topic that, maybe if ai pilots jump on one hit by a missile, we should to :p (also, instead of flames, restrict control of the aircraft to simulate damaged hydraulics etc.) which comes back to the fact that fixed wing need more damages modules/sections that could be damaged and destroyed.
ON topic now, helo should actually suffer from greater damages when hit (not necessarly fatal) but at least 3 or 4 "modules" of the aircraft being put on orange/red, an helicopter is very compact when you think about is, and even a concentrated explosion could damage multiple components.
I was thinking about the fixed wing no need to eject issue
maybe it should catch fire at a far higher health percentage than other vehicles, forcing players to eject (along with an alarm if possible)
helicopters are fragile machines you know
how can the options be real if our FPS aren't real ?
sorta [SPOILER]
well they certainly aren't that accurate when you're the one controlling them
mh, indeed, I thought that the gap between the two cannons was enough for it to avoid shooting the landing gear but seems that it's not
oh god when I read buzzard I instantly thought of the ah9 because of GTA V
anyway, I don't see how you would control the canons which are, after all, only a fixed gunpod. also what's that about the landing gear ?
still present
yup, forgot the xh 9s
the orca and ah 9 have the same armament, the ah 9 has double the rockets which is fine since the orca has missiles
to compare the roles:
ah 9 _ orca
mh 9 _ orca (black)
ghosthawk _ mi 48 kajman
blackfoot _ mi 48 kajman
the "advantages" of the blackfoot over the kajman are easily counterable by the big hunk of armor and armament that this aircraft can provide
and no, ka 56/58 wouldn't fill the missing category since this category is transport helicopter which is currently filled by the multi role attack helicopter that the mi 48 is
also this game isn't supposed to be balanced (which bis seems to have forgotten) so it's normal AND fine that the number, type and role of vehicles in each faction is different
what I get from this ticket is that you want to have the mi 56/58 in game in which case you should make a "feature request" ticket
BLUFOR has ghosthawk and blackfoot
OPFOR has orcas and kajman
GREENFOR has mohawk
and the kajman is far superior to the blackfoot as a ground attack helo
well, isn't that efficient AND quick, thanks guys, the jets will feel much more realistic without the rudder moving on its own :D
if you don't touch the pedals, the rudder shouldn't move AT ALL
I don't understand why it's like that in arma, it doesn't make sense and is unpractical
but he won't because he's not supposed to be close to targets that deserve a 155mm to the face
this is why he has a mounted turret on top
"might possibly perhaps maybe"
well, at least we're sure now :p
okay let's delete the whole bunch of useless back and forth comments and start over, aircraft compatible only fuel stations should be implemented in the airfields and strips
I'm going to bump this up because I had a game with the Comanche the other day and a direct hit with its 20 mm cannon DOES NOT kill/incapacitate infantry...
also the arrow keys are hardbounded :(
wait for arma 5 people, geez
if not 6 :p
I agree with AD2001
if you used your brain you'll understand why BIS can't do everything they or we want
issue still active in last game version
fair enough
but pilots and copilots shouldn't have access to the vehicle inventory since they're physically separated with it
I think everyone but the driver should be able to access inventory, since driver is kind of busy, same goes for the helos and gunners
because the upper rotor is wayyy higher, check it yourself, the double blade never stops being, there is only one though
shush, don't say the "L" forbidden name
"you" is it so hard to write "you" ?
Nice job guys, thanks !
UGV stompers don't currently allow you to turn lights off at night, they instantly turn them back on
yeah UAV are TOO independant at the moment, they take off without any order to do so and attack ennemy on sight without, again, any order